How can get ckeditor to paste the image instead of embeding the url - file-upload

Drupal 9.4.5 (latest)
using module ckeditor upload image 8.x-2.0
installed CKEditor version : 4.18
installed libraries
uploadimage 4.18
uploadwidget 4.18
notificationaggregator 4.18
filetools 4.18
notification 4.18
This is my first attempt to change ckeditor from its defaults so i'm not sure exactly how to attack this problem.
when I right click and copy image on an image in on a web page and then paste it into ckeditor instead of pasting the image it embeds the url I would like it to paste the image instead.
my workaround for this is to paste the image into paint, then copy the image from paint and past it into ckeditor and then it uploads the image. While this does work, it does take more time.
any insight on how I can change this behavior would be really helpful.
this sounds like a ckeditor config question ( hence i a posting here ) but I also posted on the drupal forum to cover my bases.
thanks for your time,


TinyMCE 5 - large images pasted via Safari do not render correctly

We are running TinyMCE version 5.4.1 with various options including:
paste_data_images: true
powerpaste_allow_local_image: true
When we drag & drop (or paste) in smaller images (400px X 400px) everything seems to work fine. The Base64 encoding is saved to the database and the image is rendered from all browsers, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
However, when we paste in a larger image (1920px x 1081px) the image is only saved and rendered correctly in Chrome and Firefox. In Safari the Base64 encoding is saved with all lowercase characters. Therefore it doesn't render when attempting to view it. Has anyone else experienced this?
I have searched here as well as on the TinyMCE website but don't see anything mentioning this behavior. We will eventually attempt to move away from this Base64 implementation as it's no longer recommended but it's what we have for the time being so I'm just trying to address this issue.
When the page loads, its' elements can do so in parallel. But when the browser sees the base64 image, it blocks the page from loading until this image is rendered. Thus, inserting large images into the page as base64 is certainly not a good practice - it may slow down page loads and worsen the UX.
To fix this problem and maybe several other issues, utilizing the automatic_uploads option is highly recommended. It will upload pasted images on the server instead of converting them to base64. Here is the example of the PHP upload handler that will upload images and give their URLs back to TinyMCE.
Concerning the issue with Safari, some minimal reproducible example would be very useful.
I should also mention that PowerPaste is a premium feature that will not work with TinyMCE opensource. If you are using the paid version of TinyMCE, you can create a support ticket.

bootstrap 3 to 4 modal lightbox broke

I'm very new to Bootstrap. I've literally written the code and put the links where instructed. I haven't downloaded any plugins or any other support files as I don't understand it.
Anyway, I've been told (after writing my website) that I should've used Bootstrap 4 not 3. So I'm currently re-writing it. Which is going OK until I got to my image galleries with popup lightbox using modals. I changed the link in the header to the Bootstrap 4.1 version but it's made my lightbox modal popup go wrong in the image gallery. The arrows are in the wrong place to flow forward and back throught the images and the images are now vertical not horizontal in the modal gallery.
This is my Bootstrap 3 version:
And this is my Boostrap 4 version:
People keep telling me that Bootstrap is the way to go as it's easier but tbh I'm finding it tricky! Perhaps the more I use it the better it will be? Or am I missing something??
I can't paste all the coding as it's too long, but all I'm using is in the source files for these two pages.
Can anyone tell me what's gone wrong?

How to save all images from website using webscraping or macro

In my job of e-commerce i have to save images from MFG. sites to upload them to my client webpage, sometimes when product came like apple i6 there are hundreds of images in product description
so i want to save all images from mfg url with one click
For example:
it have 7 images, so i wanna get all images downloaded in single click
image links:
Maybe this way?
Image Picker Plugin for Firefox
Seems it does the same job without any installation (but plugin installation).
Not sure if it is, what you are looking for. But I tryed it and found an easy option for you.
Use the tool: jdownloader2
Copy the link of your desired URL and paste it into the link collector. It gathers automatically all the pictures on that page and downloads it for you. All images with a single click...

Colorbox image effects not showing

I am new to drupal and just wanted to work on a image gallery. For this I downloaded colorbox module and installed it. Created a new content type Gallery with Field Type image and Format colorbox in Manage Display section. Basically I am following this tutorial :
Create gallery in D7
I added content to content type Gallery. But when I click on the images, it does not show any effects, instead a normal image view , ie image in a new window ! Whats wrong I am doing?
Do you install module Libraries API?
Download plugin and unpack to sites/all/libraries/colorbox

Screen Scraping with HTTP Headers Issue - I Think

I've been trying to figure this one out for about a week now and just
can't come up with a good solution. So, I figured I would see if anyone could help me out. Here's one of the links that I'm trying to scrape:
I right-clicked to copy image location.
This is the link that is copied:
(Can't paste this as a link because I'm new)
http:// content (dot) lib (dot) washington (dot) edu/cgi-bin/getimage.exe?CISOROOT=/alaskawcanada&CISOPTR=491&DMSCALE=100.00000&DMWIDTH=802&DMHEIGHT=657.890625&DMX=0&DMY=0&DMTEXT=%20NA3050%20%09AWC0644%20AWC0388%20AWC0074%20AWC0575&REC=4&DMTHUMB=0&DMROTATE=0
There is no clear image URL being displayed. Obviously that's
because the image is hidden behind some type of script. Through trial and
error I found that I can put ".jpg" after the "CISOPTR=491" and then the link becomes an Image URL. The problem is that this is not the high-resolution version of the image. To get to the
high-resolution version I have to change the URL even more. I found a lot of articles to mention trying to build a script using curl and PHP, I have even tried a few of them with no luck. "491" is the image number and I can change that number to find other images in the same directory. So, scraping a sequence of numbers should be pretty easy. But I'm still a noob at scraping and this one is kicking my butt. Here's what I've tried.
Get remote image using cURL then resample
also tried this.
I also have Outwit Hub, and Site Sucker, but they don't recognize the URL as an image file and fo they just pass right ove it. I used SiteSucker overnight and it download 40,000 files and only 60 were jpegs, none of which were the ones I wanted.
The other thing I keep running into, is the files I have been able to download manually, the filename is always either getfile.exe or showfile.exe and then if I manually add ".jpg" as the extension I can view the image locally.
How can I reached the original high-res image file, and automate the download process so that I can scrape a couple hundred of these images?
I right-clicked to copy image location. This is the link that is
You noticed the title has ".exe" in there. Look at the stuff in the query string:
Strongly implies the original source of this image is in a database or something and it is being passed thru a server-side filter (not sure if that is what you meant by "some kind of script"). Ie, this is dynamically generated content, not static, and the same caveats apply as would to dynamic text content: you have to figure out what instructions to provide the server to get it to cough up what you want. Which you pretty much have in front of you...if SiteSucker or whatever won't deal with it properly, scrape the address yourself using an HTML parser.