How do I fix the bug in codeblocks - ide

Every time when I try to open up the Codeblocks it shows the thing which is below mentioned in image.enter image description here. How should I fix this error?


File Uploaded Successfully Bug

I am a Quality Analyst in a Proofreading service. I got an error always that File Uploaded successfully in red color but no file is uploaded.This happening from so many days. And the bug comes randomly, there is not any fixed scenario. I couldn't able to find the the cause of this bug and what I can do to fix this issue ? Can any one help for thisenter image description here?

Plot Viewer is not working anymore - how to fix?

I am currently working with VS Code and the Jupyter Extension. Until today the GUI of the Extension looked like this: old gui
But today this GUI changed to something like this: new gui
Problem is: If I now plot something I cannot open it in the Plot Viewer (before: double-clicking on the image would open it in a new file) but only save it in very low quality:
old version
new version
The 'Expand Image' Button is gone and now there is only a 'Save As' Button.
The GUI only changes to the newer version if I reopen the files. As long as a file is open in VS Code the old GUI remains and I can still open the images.
I already tried out to use older version of the Jupyter Extension, but it did not help.
If you need more in order to help, please write it and I will provide it.
The problem is probably very trivial but at this point, I am just very confused.
Thanks in advance and have a great day.
So I've found out that the Plot Viewer is no longer supported but will be added again soon.
Until then, if you want to use the Plot Viewer you need to do the following:
Install an older version of the Yupiter Extension (2021.2.0 worked for me).
this version does not work with the newest version of vs code
Install older Version of VS Code ( worked for me).
After VS Code is installed you can open it and disable the auto update inside the VS Code settings.
Now you should be able to work with the old Jupyter Extension that includes the Plot Viewer.
If you update the Jupyter Extension you will need to do the above steps again.
Maybe this can help some lost souls searching for the old Plot Viewer.

Why is Texmaker not refreshing the pdf?

I am changing a LaTeX document in Texmaker and apparently the pdf does not get updated and I don't know why. I have as quick Build pdflatex + view pdf.
I am using Texmaker version 4.4.1 in Windows 7.
Before I was using the same tex file in another version of Texmaker and it worked, but know that I am trying to change things in the new version it doesn't.
It doesn't matter what I change in the latex file, it won't show any errors or anything while compiling, and when finished there is no change in the pdf at all.
Do you know what could be the cause for this issue?
Thank you very much to everyone!

Latex error with simplest possible lyx document

I've used lyx successfully to publish two books. But now, starting a new project after Ubuntu upgrade to 14.04. it is giving me grief.
My plan is to use memoir. Speced it in Document Settings Document Class. When I went to view my input in PDF I got an error:
LaTex Error: Command\footruleskip already defined.
So... I closed lyx, opened a fresh new instance, and entered the simplest possible document I could imagine:
The quick brown fox
..then selected View [PDF ...] and got the same error:
LaTex Error: Command\footruleskip already defined.
Note that this is with 100% default settings. I looked in LaTex source, but could not see the command referenced.
Can anyone tell me what I, or my lyx installation, are doing wrong and how to fix it?

Can't paste fontawesome icons into photoshop

Not sure why, but some of the icons on the fontawesome cheatsheet can't be pasted into photoshop for use in mock-ups. I've installed the otf font.
cheatsheet is here
I can't paste this icon fa-plus-square-o #xf196;
I have a screenshot of what it looks like in photoshop but I can't post it because I don't have enough reputation on this site...
It won't let me change the font from Myriad to fontawesome, very strange because it works for other icons and I've been using it for a while and never had this problem...
I don't know why it's not working for you... I tried to copy and it works perfectly. Maybe you have an old version of the font. Try to reinstall it, and then copy the icon.
I'm a German user and had the same problem from one day to the other. In the past everything worked fine.
After a long searching in the web I went to settings => text. Here I unchecked "Show names in English language". Now it works. Maybe an installation of a Photoshop Elements action could have caused the problem. I dont'n know.
Before I found this solution I installed the most recent icon font file and started windows again. This did not help.
My suggestion: Play with the settings.
Bit late... but just in case it helps anyone else who runs into the same issues.
I ran into the issue earlier and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working as expected. Similar to one of the other answers, I think it was due to me having an older version that didn't include the icons I was trying to use. I downloaded the latest file, updated it, rebooted Photoshop and that's done the trick for me.