Redirect URL embedded signing issue - embedded

I am using embedded signing...
After signing, the Signer is redirected to Return URL.I am having an issue with Redirect URL - it's been cutoff to the base and ignores the path...
The redirect URL I am submitting is
When document signed, I am always getting response with no "docusign_return" like https:/
I am using a developer account...
Thank you for your help

Try to change from:
I suspect the /? confuses the logic to append parameters which DocuSign has to do.
(also note you have a missing slash after https:)


Why isn't this web site substitution rule not working?

I have an agent that sends out a url to a file. In order to hide the specifics of where that file exists, so I thought I'd create a Web Site substitution rule. So instead of the full url to this file, I decided to send out the following url in an email:
https://< website >/Terms/n=< file name >
I created a Web Site Rule that would map this url to the full url containing the location of the file. The rule is as follows:
RULE: Substitution
INCOMING URL: /Terms/n=*
REPLACEMENT: /db.nsf/< view unid >/< document unid >/$FILE/*
I'm getting a 404, File not found or unable to read file. The full url is good -- I know that because I displayed in the agent log and checked it. Any ideas why this is not working?
Thanks Per for trying it out and determining that it SHOULD work. I looked at everything in detail and found that in my Rule had a typo. I actually had double-quotes instead of an asterisk! So I had /Terms/n=" instead of /Terms/n=*. Can't believe I missed that.

URL to use for Authorised redirect URLs

What is the URL to use for Authorised redirect URLs in Google's OAuth2 API? I've tried many variations, but they all come back with: Error: redirect_uri_mismatch.
The error mentions the following URL not configured:
In the API console, I have configured these URLs at one point:
Do I have to configure the whole URL, even the querystring? Or, perhaps this is a result of my website not accepting what Google is sending?
Edit #1
I get further now that I added the entire URL:
The configured redirect URL and the requested redirect URL must be a character-for-character match. I've never seen a URL with a query string before. Maybe it works, or maybe that's the problem. If you need to pass state through the dance, look at the state= parameter.

Url scheme in Facebook feed dialog

So I finally got a link in my facebook post using the properties parameters. I thought I could put my url scheme in there. But unfortunately it says it isn't a valid url, which makes sense. So I searched again for another solution. But everyone seems to be talking about fb:// and not their own app url scheme.
So I created this thread, hope somebody can help me.
Try using (or some other URL shortener).
The last time I tried, accepted any URI schema and just did a redirect. I've successfully used this in the past to work around inputs that expected either an HTTP or HTTPS schema.
Additionally, similar logic could be done on your own server if you prefer. Simply share a link to your own server on Facebook, and have your server side script do a 301 to whatever App specific URI you have.

Simple modrewrite, how does a link appear?

When you use modrewrite to rewrite your urls, when does the rewrite occur. Will the user be able to see the url before rewrite, when hovering over the link? When they hover over a link will their browser display the rewritten url or the url before it was modified with modrewrite?
The rewrite is done in the server so the user will never know,
PHP also doesn't know what link its pointing to only the script file
mod_rewrite acts on the server side, meaning that apache rewrites incoming URLs before responding to the request. Any HTML links you add to a page will point to the URL you entered, as mod_rewrite doesn't modify any outgoing data.
The rewrite occurs when Apache has parsed the request - before the PHP interpreter has been started.

Double slash at beginning of javascript include

I have been looking at the html5 boilerplate and noticed that the jquery include url starts with a double slash. The url is //
Why is the http: missing?
I hate answering with a link but this explains it -
Using a protocol relative URL like "//mydomain/myresource" will ensure that the content will be served via the same scheme as the hosting page. It can make testing a bit more awkward if you ever use FILE:// and then some remote locations as they will obviously resolve back to FILE. Never the less it does resolve the mixed insecure/secure content messages you can cause by not using it.
So that if the .html is accessed via HTTPS; the page will not have any unsecured script.