Blazor WASM Http call is not hitting some API endpoints. Receiving index.html instead -

I have a Blazor WASM page that need to make a call to get some data from an API. The Blazor app is ASPNetCore hosted, and the hosting app contains the API.
Some of my endpoints work, but some calls throw a Json serialization exception.
Unhandled exception rendering component: '<' is an invalid start of a value. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
If I look at the actual response from the server, it looks like it returns the content of index.html from my WASM app.
Example Controller
public class CompanyController : ControllerBase
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
public CompanyController(ApplicationDbContext context)
_context = context;
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(long id)
Company? company = await _context.Companies.FindAsync(id);
if (company == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(company);
Example Blazor Page
#page "/companies/{id:long}"
#attribute [Authorize]
#inject HttpClient Http
#inject NavigationManager Nav
#if (company != null)
<div>Loading Company...</div>
#code {
private Company? company;
public long Id { get; set; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
company = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<Company>($"/api/company/{Id}");
catch (AccessTokenNotAvailableException exception)
In the example above, everything works as expected. But if I make the following two changes, I'll get the Json Exception mentioned above.
Create an identical controller named WorkOrderController. Everything else is identical including pulling the Company data from the database. Only the name of the controller is different.
Change the Http request to company = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<Company>($"/api/workOrder/{Id}"); in the Blazor page.
Why would some endpoints work, and some wouldn't?

So, the requestUri passed to GetFromJsonAsync must be lowercase. My request was failing because I had a capital "O" in "workOrder".
I am not sure why this is a requirement of the request parameter, but alas, making the path lowercase fixed the issue.


How do you handle failure to authenticate user in a custom AuthenticationHandler?

I have a scenario where an app needs to authenticate a user by calling an API and sending a user token to verify user identity. I started working on a custom authentication handler based on the following tutorials:
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
I have a very basic example which right now simply fails the authentication just to make sure it works:
public class SoleAuthenticationHandler : AuthenticationHandler<SoleAuthenticationOptions>
private readonly ISoleApiService _soleApiService;
public SoleAuthenticationHandler(
IOptionsMonitor<SoleAuthenticationOptions> options,
ILoggerFactory logger,
UrlEncoder encoder,
ISystemClock clock, ISoleApiService soleApiService)
: base(options, logger, encoder, clock)
_soleApiService = soleApiService;
protected override Task<AuthenticateResult> HandleAuthenticateAsync()
return Task.FromResult(AuthenticateResult.Fail("You are not authorized to access this resource."));
This works as intended, controller actions decorated with [Authorize] attribute are intercepted and 401 is thrown. My questions are the following:
How am I supposed to handle the 401 once it happens? For example let's say I want to redirect a user to a friendly page that says "you're not authorized please login". Is that something done in the handler or elsewhere? What is the proper process here? Looking at Microsoft docs for the AuthenticationHandler there is a method called BuildRedirectUri but providing that method with a uri does not really change anything - the page still returns a 401.
As it stands now in order for this to work I need to decorate controllers/actions with [Authorize] attribute. Is there a way to do this globally so that I don't have to specifically authorize each controller and/or action?
We had/have the customErrors pages in ASP.NET web forms and MVC 5.x to redirect users automatically to the specified error pages when a certain statusCode is issued:
<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="error">
<error statusCode="404" redirect="error/notfound" />
<error statusCode="403" redirect="error/forbidden" />
Here in ASP.NET Core we can simulate these pages this way:
First add a new ErrorController to handle specific statusCodes (id's here) and then return custom views for different conditions:
public class ErrorController : Controller
private readonly ILogger<ErrorController> _logger;
public ErrorController(ILogger<ErrorController> logger)
_logger = logger;
public IActionResult Index(int? id)
var logBuilder = new StringBuilder();
var statusCodeReExecuteFeature = HttpContext.Features.Get<IStatusCodeReExecuteFeature>();
logBuilder.AppendLine($"Error {id} for {Request.Method} {statusCodeReExecuteFeature?.OriginalPath ?? Request.Path.Value}{Request.QueryString.Value}\n");
var exceptionHandlerFeature = this.HttpContext.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
if (exceptionHandlerFeature?.Error != null)
var exception = exceptionHandlerFeature.Error;
logBuilder.AppendLine($"<h1>Exception: {exception.Message}</h1>{exception.StackTrace}");
foreach (var header in Request.Headers)
var headerValues = string.Join(",", value: header.Value);
logBuilder.AppendLine($"{header.Key}: {headerValues}");
if (id == null)
return View("Error");
switch (id.Value)
case 401:
case 403:
return View("AccessDenied");
case 404:
return View("NotFound");
return View("Error");
Now it's time to connect this controller to the built-in error handling middlewares of ASP.NET Core:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
About your second question, just define your filter/Authorize attribute globally.

Get RedirectToPage Generated URL ASP.NET Core

You are able to redirect to other actions using built-in methods like:
RedirectToPage("./Index", new { StatusMessage = "Everything was processed successfully"" });
This will redirect to another PageModel that's in same directory and it's Index action. Is it possible to "extract" this functionality so that you get redirect location by just passing ./Index to some util function/method?
public class IndexModel : PageModel
public void OnGet()
string privacyPageUrl = Url.Page("./Privacy");

Custom error code pages with message

I am trying to create a custom error code page that displays a message I pass to it in my .NET Core MVC 1.1 application. I setup custom error code pages support in the Startup.cs class file and then created a simple view in a controller that does public IActionResult Example1 => NotFound("Some custom error message"). I expected this message to be pushed to the controller however this is not the case. Calling NotFound() without any parameters hits the error controller but as soon as I pass a message through, the controller is never used and a simple text message is displayed.
I could have sworn I used to do this in the past with classic .NET MVC but it has been awhile.
How can I have custom error code pages that display the proper error. I also need the ability in a controller to return the standard text or JSON response during the error for cases when I expect a JSON response (API actions and such). I am assuming there is a way to do this with a attribute but I have yet to find a way to do either of these tasks.
What you could do is something similar to how the StatusCodePages middleware works. That middleware allows a pipeline re-execution model, to allow handling status code errors through the normal MVC pipeline. So when you return a non-successful status code from MVC, the middleware detects that and then re-executes the whole pipeline for a status code error route. That way, you are able to fully design status code errors. But as Chris Pratt already mentioned, those status codes are typically limited to just their code. There is not really a way to add additional details to it.
But what we could do is create our own error handling implementation on top of that re-execution model. For that, we create a CustomErrorResponseMiddleware which basically checks for CustomErrorResponseException exceptions and then re-executes the middleware pipeline for our error handler.
// Custom exceptions that can be thrown within the middleware
public class CustomErrorResponseException : Exception
public int StatusCode { get; set; }
public CustomErrorResponseException(string message, int statusCode)
: base(message)
StatusCode = statusCode;
public class NotFoundResponseException : CustomErrorResponseException
public NotFoundResponseException(string message)
: base(message, 404)
{ }
// Custom context feature, to store information from the exception
public interface ICustomErrorResponseFeature
int StatusCode { get; set; }
string StatusMessage { get; set; }
public class CustomErrorResponseFeature : ICustomErrorResponseFeature
public int StatusCode { get; set; }
public string StatusMessage { get; set; }
// Middleware implementation
public class CustomErrorResponseMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
private readonly string _requestPath;
public CustomErrorResponseMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, string requestPath)
_next = next;
_requestPath = requestPath;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
// run the pipeline normally
await _next(context);
catch (CustomErrorResponseException ex)
// store error information to be retrieved in the custom handler
context.Features.Set<ICustomErrorResponseFeature>(new CustomErrorResponseFeature
StatusCode = ex.StatusCode,
StatusMessage = ex.Message,
// backup original request data
var originalPath = context.Request.Path;
var originalQueryString = context.Request.QueryString;
// set new request data for re-execution
context.Request.Path = _requestPath;
context.Request.QueryString = QueryString.Empty;
// re-execute middleware pipeline
await _next(context);
// restore original request data
context.Request.Path = originalPath;
context.Request.QueryString = originalQueryString;
Now, all we need to do is hook that up. So we add the middleware within our Startup.Configure, somewhere near the beginning:
The /custom-error-response is the route that we are re-executing when a custom response is being requested. This can be a normal MVC controller action:
public IActionResult CustomErrorResponse()
var customErrorResponseFeature = HttpContext.Features.Get<ICustomErrorResponseFeature>();
var view = View(customErrorResponseFeature);
view.StatusCode = customErrorResponseFeature.StatusCode;
return view;
Since this uses MVC, this also needs a view:
#model ICustomErrorResponseFeature
ViewData["Title"] = "Error";
<p>There was an error with your request:</p>
And that’s basically all. Now, we can just throw our custom error response exceptions from our MVC actions to trigger this:
// generate a 404
throw new NotFoundResponseException("This item could not be found");
// or completely custom
throw new CustomErrorResponseException("This did not work", 400);
Of course, we could also expand this further, but that should be the basic idea.
If you are already using the StatusCodePages middleware, you might think whether all this custom re-execution is really necessary, when you already have exactly that in the StatusCodePages middleware. And well, it is not. We can also just expand on that directly.
For that, we will just add the context features, which we can set at any point during the normal execution. Then, we just return a status code, and let the StatusCodePages middleware run. Inside its handler, we can then look for our feature and use the information there to expand the status code error page:
// Custom context feature
public interface IStatusCodePagesInfoFeature
string StatusMessage { get; set; }
public class StatusCodePagesInfoFeature : IStatusCodePagesInfoFeature
public string StatusMessage { get; set; }
// registration of the StatusCodePages middleware inside Startup.Configure
// and the MVC action for that URL
public IActionResult StatusCode(int code)
var statusCodePagesInfoFeature = HttpContext.Features.Get<IStatusCodePagesInfoFeature>();
return View(model: statusCodePagesInfoFeature?.StatusMessage);
Inside of the normal controller actions, we can set that feature before returning a status code:
HttpContext.Features.Set<IStatusCodePagesInfoFeature>(new StatusCodePagesInfoFeature
StatusMessage = "This item could not be found"
return NotFound();
It is too bad you cannot intercept NotFound, Unauthorized, etc. responses in a middleware class.
Okay, option three! You can totally intercept those responses, just not inside of middleware, since these are MVC results and will not leave the MVC pipeline. So you have to intercept them within the MVC filter pipeline. But we could absolutely run a filter, for example a result filter, that modifies the result.
The problem is that we still need a way to pass the information on. We could use a context feature again, but we can also use the MVC object results. So the idea is that we can just do the following in the MVC actions:
return NotFound("The item was not found");
So usually, that string would be the plain text response. But before the result is being executed and the response is being generated, we can run a result filter to modify this and return a view result instead.
public class StatusCodeResultFilter : IAsyncResultFilter
public async Task OnResultExecutionAsync(ResultExecutingContext context, ResultExecutionDelegate next)
// retrieve a typed controller, so we can reuse its data
if (context.Controller is Controller controller)
// intercept the NotFoundObjectResult
if (context.Result is NotFoundObjectResult notFoundResult)
// set the model, or other view data
controller.ViewData.Model = notFoundResult.Value;
// replace the result by a view result
context.Result = new ViewResult()
StatusCode = 404,
ViewName = "Views/Errors/NotFound.cshtml",
ViewData = controller.ViewData,
TempData = controller.TempData,
// intercept other results here…
await next();
All you need is a view at Views/Errors/NotFound.cshtml now and everything will magically work once you have the filter registered.
You can either register the filter by adding a [TypeFilter(typeof(StatusCodeResultFilter))] attribute to the controller or individual actions, or you can register it globally.
What you want is not possible. When you do something like return NotFound with a message, that message will be included in the response body only if it's left unmolested. When you do something like enable status code pages, the NotFound is simply caught by the middleware, and the request will simply be handed off to your error handling action to ultimately obtain the response. Importantly, that means your original NotFoundResult along with any custom message has been round-filed.

Web API 2 Post 404s, but Get works

I'm confused... I have a very simple Web API and controller, which works fine if I have a GET request, but 404's if I have a POST request.
public class LoginTelemetryController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult RecordLogin(string appKey) {
using (var context = new Core.Data.CoreContext()) {
context.ActivityLogItems.Add(new Domain.Logging.ActivityLogItem()
ActivityType = "Trial.Login",
DateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
Key = new Guid(appKey)
return Ok();
When I post against this in postman, I get:
"message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:47275/api/telemetry/trial/login'.",
"messageDetail": "No action was found on the controller 'LoginTelemetry' that matches the request."
If I change it to a [HttpGet] and put the appKey as a querystring, all is fine.
My app startup is very simple:
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
HttpConfiguration httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
httpConfig.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(); // <------ HERE
Can anyone spot why POST requests aren't being found? Thanks
If I take string parameter out and replace it with a request object, it works...
Instead of: public IHttpActionResult RecordLogin(string appKey)
I create a request model class:
public class PostLoginTelemetryRequest{
public string appKey {get;set;}
Then alter the signature:
public IHttpActionResult RecordLogin(PostLoginTelemetryRequest request)
Everything works fine (why it can't take a regular string like MVC5 web dev, I don't know, but anyway...)
(also note that I had tried this in every format from the client with the string method: form-url-encode, raw body, etc, so I'm fairly certain it wasn't a calling format issue).

Cannot post JSON to an ASP.NET Core RazorPage handler

I'm working with an ASP.NET Core RazorPage as an alternative to an MVC controller, and I want to be able to submit the client side form via XMLHttpRequest. I've already figured out the XSRF token bits so that passes the muster, but the RazorPages framework doesn't seem to process the inbound JSON payload and bind it to the property as expected.
Some code:
The page's model (.cshtml.cs):
public class IndexModel : PageModel
private Database database;
private ILogger logger;
public AddRequestModel MyRequest { get; set; }
public IndexModel(Database database, ILogger<IndexModel> logger)
this.database = database;
this.logger = logger;
public void OnGet() {}
public IActionResult OnPostValidate()
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// ...
return new BadRequestObjectResult(ModelState);
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPutConfirmAsync()
// ...
And the client side post:
const url = "?handler=validate";
const data = { MyRequest: this.fields };
await, data);
I have verified the data is being submitted correctly:
That X-XSRF-TOKEN header is being added by axios before the request is submitted. The fact that the server responds with a list of errors indicates that it's not the XSRF token causing the problem:
Note the MyRequest object does not contain the values from the request payload - it was not bound as expected (FirstName would not return a required error otherwise). How can I tell RazorPages to accept the JSON request and bind it to my property?
I was able to get the Binding works by adding FromBody similar to how it worked for ASP.NET Web API 2.
[BindProperty, FromBody]
public BroadcastMessageEditingViewModel BindingInfo { get; set; }
Use urlsearchparams with formdata.
In this post you can find more information How do I post form data with fetch api?
You would be better off posting your data to an API endpoint instead of a page controller. Create a class from ControllerBase and it will handle your JSON post correctly.