Select single row with DataFrame.loc[] without index - pandas

Assuming I have a DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([["house", "red"], ["car", "blue"]], columns=["item", "colour"])
What is the idiomatic way to return a single row, or raise an exception if exactly one row is not found, using DataFrame.loc:
match = df.loc[df["colour"] == "red"]]
# I know there is exactly one row in the resulting DataFrame
# TODO: How to make match to return a single row as pd.Series
This would be similar to SQLAlchemy's

You can squeeze and assert that the output is a Series (or use a test if you don't want to raise an exception):
match = df.loc[df["colour"] == "red"].squeeze()
assert isinstance(match, pd.Series)
alternative to assert:
if isinstance(match, pd.Series):
# do something
# do something else


Use DataFrame row.index as input to lambda function result

I have a large dataframe, df_vol.
It has about 20 columns and 500k rows.
In the column named "FTID" three of the values are "###". Other than those three instances every other value in the "FTID" column is unique.
I want to search for and change each instance of "###" to be unique.
Either of these two options would be acceptable:
"###1", "###2", "###3", or
"###" + str(row_index) for each i.e. concatenate "###" with the row index
The code I have tried is:
df_vol["FTID"] = df_vol["FTID"].apply(lambda x: "###" if x == "###" else None)
I know the above code doesn't actually change anything, but I don't know how to make it pull only the row index or use an incremental number. I have tried so many different things but I'm a noob, and I'm stabbing in the dark.
It seems to me it should look like:
df_vol["FTID"] = df_vol["FTID"].apply(lambda x: "###" + df_vol.index.astype(str) if x == "###" else None)
but what little success I have had just returns something like this for the new values:
Int64Index([ 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430,
Going to go collect up all my hair now and see if I can glue it back to my head ;)
You can access the index with I think you need something like:
df_vol["FTID"] = df_vol["FTID"].apply(lambda x: f"###{}" if x == "###" else x)
(I didn't get why you would otherwise set the value to None since other values are unique... I think it should be unchanged when not equal to ###)
Edit: apply works slightly differently when use on Series and Dataframes.
In your case it would be best to create a function and apply it on your whole dataframe:
def myfunc(row):
if row['FTID']=="###":
row['FTID'] = f"###{}"
return row
df_vol = df_vol.apply(myfunc, axis=1)

Why pandas does not want to subset given columns in a list

I'm trying to remove certain values with that code, however pandas does not give me to, instead outputs
ValueError: Unable to coerce to Series, length must be 10: given 2
Here is my code:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("/Volumes/SSD/IT/DataSets/Automobile_data.csv")
columns_df = ['index', 'company', 'body-style', 'wheel-base', 'length', 'engine-type',
'num-of-cylinders', 'horsepower', 'average-mileage', 'price']
prohibited_symbols = ['?','Nan''n.a']
df = df[df[columns_df] != prohibited_symbols]
df = df[~df[columns_df].str.contains('|'.join(prohibited_symbols))]
The regex operator '|' helps remove records that contain any of your prohibited symbols.
Because what you are trying is not doing what you imagine it should.
df = df[df[columns_df] != prohibited_symbols]
Above line will always return False values for everything. You can't iterate over a list of prohibited symbols like that. != will do only a simple inequality check and none of your cells will be equal to the list of prohibited symbols probably. Also using that syntax will not delete those values from your cells.
You'll have to use a for loop and clean every column like this.
for column in columns_df:
df[column] = df[column].str.replace('|'.join(prohibited_symbols), '', regex=True)
You can as well specify the values you consider as null with the na_values argument when reading the data and then use dropna from pandas.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("/Volumes/SSD/IT/DataSets/Automobile_data.csv", na_values=['?','Nan''n.a'])
df = df.dropna()

Pandas rewriting function without calling apply

I need to create a derived field in a pandas dataframe based on the value in another field of the same dataframe. Like so:
def newfield(row):
If row.col1 == ‘x’
return ‘value is x’
Elif row.col1 == ‘y’
Return ‘value is y’
Then i call it:
df.newfield = df.apply(lambda row:newfield(row),axis=1)
Is there a way to do it without’apply’? Also would like to make it less verbose. Np.where only allows 2 conditions, but i have more than 2.
Yes, you can use
df['newfield'] =[df['col1'] == 'x', df['col1'=='y'],
['value is x', 'value is y'],

Create and Merge Pandas Dataframes in loop

I need to read in bunch of i/p dataframes based on some conditions and then merge them and finally create dataframes as 'merge_m0', 'merge_m1', 'merge_m2' and so on.
In the actual code, I need to read about 20 dataframes. But, for simplicity and ease of understanding, I'm creating 3 dataframes and using a for loop to read them and merge.
#INPUT: Sample input dataframes df0, df1 &df2
To do this, I'm using globals() to create dataframes in loop and to merge them but it's not working and throwing " 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'globals'" error.
def comb_mths(x,y):
globals()[f"m{x}"] = globals()[f'df{x}'][globals()[f'df{x}'].globals()[f'm{x}_val_mthd'].isin([1,25])]
globals()[f"m{y}"] = globals()[f'df{y}'][(globals()[f'df{y}'].globals()[f'm{y}_val_mthd'].isin([8,10,11,12])) & (globals()[f'df{y}'].globals()[f'm{y}_orig_val_mthd'].isin([2,3,4,5]))]
globals()[f"merge_m{x}"]=pd.merge(globals()[f"m{x}"],globals()[f"m{y}"], how='inner',on=['id'])
for i in range(0,3):
comb_mths(i, i+1)
I've tried as below as well in place of the 1st line in the above function
#globals()[f"m{x}"] = globals()[f'df{x}'][globals()[f'df{x}'].m{x}_val_mthd.isin([1,25])]
#globals()[f"m{x}"] = globals()[f'df{x}']["[f'm{x}_val_mthd']"].isin([1,25])
I think there must be some better and easy alternative to do this and appreciate if anyone can help. Thanks!
my updated post:
for i in range(0,3):
df_list.append(globals()[f'df{i}']) #I'm appending all the i/p dataframes which are created already by other step in the code and hope this works
def comb_mths(i):
dfa = df_list[i]
dfb = df_list[i+1]
dfma = dfa[dfa.iloc[:, 1].isin([1,25])]
dfmb = dfb[(dfb.iloc[:, 1].isin([8,10,11,12])) & (dfb.iloc[:, 3].isin([2,3,4,5]))]
globals()[f"merge_m{i}"] = dfma.merge(dfmb, how='inner', on=['id'])
return globals()[f"merge_m{i}"]
for i in range(0,2):
in the above function after creating "merge_m{i}" dataframe, I need to check one more 'if-else' condition and calculate a variable say 'mths'.
**The logic goes like this:
when i=0, I need to check for "m1_orig_val_mthd", when i=1, I need to check for "m2_orig_val_mthd", when i=2, I need to check for "m3_orig_val_mthd" and so on**
and that if-else condition pseudo code is like below. Can you please show me how do I add this below condition also in the above function?
when i=0 1st iteration
if m1_orig_val_mthd isin (2,4,6):
diff = (mydate - m1_appr_rcvd_dt)//(np.timedelta64(1,'M'))
mths = diff - (i-1)
elif m1_orig_val_mthd isin (1,3,5):
diff = (mydate - m1_bpo_rcvd_dt)//(np.timedelta64(1,'M'))
mths = diff - (i-1)
when i=1 2nd iteration
if m2_orig_val_mthd isin (2,4,6):
diff = (mydate - m2_appr_rcvd_dt)//(np.timedelta64(1,'M'))
mths = diff - (i-1)
elif m2_orig_val_mthd isin (1,3,5):
diff = (mydate - m2_bpo_rcvd_dt)//(np.timedelta64(1,'M'))
mths = diff - (i-1)
and so on...
I took a different approach assuming you can create all the input dataframes first. If you can create your dataframes and put them in a list, it makes handling them easier and code easier to read.
# add your inputs to the list
df_list = [df0, df1, df2]
# only pass in i, then call dfa, dfb by position in the list
def comb_mths(i):
dfa = df_list[i]
dfb = df_list[i+1]
# print(dfa)
# print(dfb)
# print('\n'*3)
# I wasn't exactly sure what you wanted here, but I think the original issue was you were calling your new dataframe before it was created.
dfma = dfa[dfa.iloc[:, 1].isin([1,25])] # as long as columns are in the same position, you don't need to call them by name, just position
dfmb = dfb[(dfb.iloc[:, 1].isin([8,10,11,12])) & (dfb.iloc[:, 3].isin([2,3,4,5]))]
#creating new merged datframes. cleaned this up too
globals()[f"merge_m{i}"] = dfma.merge(dfmb, how='inner', on=['id'])
return globals()[f"merge_m{i}"] #added return statement
for i in range(0,2): # watch range end or you'll get an error
Additional code:
# to populate the df_list, do this
# you aren't actually naming them, I only did that in example above due to your Example
# when you call them, you are calling the position in the list
df_list = []
for i in range(0,20):
df = 'do your code here'
# print the df to verify they are created
for df in df_list:

Empty cells when using an apply function

So I am trying to calculate a value from one column or another based based on which one has data available into a new column. This is the code I have right now. It doesn't seem to notice when there is no data present and always goes to the "else" statement. My dataframe is an imported excel file. Thanks for any advice!
def create_sulfide_col(row):
if row["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"] is None:
val = row["Total-S_%S"] - row["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"]
val = ["Total-S_%S"]- df["Sulphate-S_%S"]
return val
df["Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S"] = df.apply(lambda row: create_sulfide_col(row), axis='columns')
This is can be done by using numpy.where
Import numpy as np
df['newcol'] = np.where(df["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"].isna(),df["Total-S_%S"]- df["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"],df["Total-S_%S"]- df["Sulphate-S_%S"])