Virtualbox even with guest addition only allows me odd resolutions. will it be flagged as VM? - virtual-machine

so i need to trick a browser extension so it will not know that I am using a virtual machine, in my opinion i did pretty well with all the other stuff, spoof MAC adress, go into the registry editor and change some names for camera, have realistic number of cores,ram, rom etc. etc.
now i installed guest additions so im not stuck with an unrealistic small res. and when i full screen my vm, the max res i can get is 2560x1335 while my monitor is 2560x1440. i turned it down to 1920x1440 and all the other options are also odd.
i cant get a normal res, will this be flagged as a virtual machine now?


How to change the MAC address of a Xiamoi Redmi Note 11?

I've been looking to change the MAC address of my phone (Xiamoi Redmi Note 11) so that I can stay secure and private when joining publix networks. However, articles online suggest that it isn't possible on my current phone.
I have tried installing Terminal Emulator but it is an outdated app and does not work without a Mediatech chip, I believe. I tried using Termux instead but the instructions from before did not work. I got an error saying that ip link show command did not exist, and that I did not have permission to use ip link set.
I looked into gaining root access to my phone, but it doesn't seem possible, using conventional methods anyways. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to do these things on my own and so I've come here. So either I need a solution that fixes my problems before, or a brand new one. Preferably no rooting. I cant do that well.

How to set up a PDF network printer that will keep the PDF file

I would like to find a way to have a Windows computer share a virtual PDF printer with other local computers (that first part is easy!). However, I would like the PDF to be saved on the print server and not on the computer from which the print out is initiated. Any idea how to do that?
This is going to depend on your skill at resolving other driver problems.
I was able after several false starts to get a 32bit Win 7 peer user (admin) to print on My Win 10 restricted user Virtual printer. But the output result is not great so would need to dig deeper, than I need, just to find out why.
I used a GhostScript Virtual Printer since It allows remote users on network to download its drivers for ARM x64 and x32
It is hosted on a 64bit Win 10 restricted account so I had to jump through hoops to get it seen and accessible on the network, and then had to dig into it share settings to see 32bit/Arm clients need an extra check box on.
It took some challenges to get the 32bit client to see printer was available but it ran from there with the above test page output in the 64bit printme folder, Whilst monitoring that file visually real-time a print from the client was transmitted and instantly appeared on the host screen without noticeable corruption unlike the test print!!.
So an issue you could have is how to stop clients from overwriting the file whilst they are post processed (renamed like in a port redirection monitor) since my GS virtual printer uses a single named NoPromptPort.pdf
Your question should in effect be answered, However My Question is why go this route? It would be so much simpler efficient and reliable for each client to MSPrint to NoPromptPort.PDF then simply copy their renamed.PDF to a server folder.

Synergy cannot reset on Mac

A really simple but dragged me many days that I cannot figure out how:
I've setup synergy on my Mac as a client, using Ubuntu as the server.
But now I wanted to switch to use Mac as server and Ubuntu as client.
The question now I'm facing is that synergy settings page never show up, each time I try to open it, it just appears in less than 0.1 second, then it disappeared.
Because I've set it up already and I don't need the reconfigure the Ip addresses etc.
This is convenient.
But now I wanted to switch server/client roles, I need to reconfigure it, however the settings page of synergy never shows up to let me configure it, does anyone have the same issue?
I tried to uninstall synergy on my Mac, but when I reinstall it back, it automatically configures itself again and quickly disappears and runs in the background.
It's been a pain for me.
You can't start the Server on Yosemite, because you need to grant access to the process (Synergy) to control your computer:
doing that with Synergy should work.

How do I figure out how a given malware works?

I need to see the working of a malware (stuxnet) as a course reading assignment. I have its source code in C, but I don't know how to see its working. I though of running it in a virtual machine in Ubuntu but I am not sure if it will infect my computer or not.
How should I run, rather, test it?
Too see how it works, you don't need to be an expert in C, but it will help if you are familiar with the language.
To test the file, compile it to a windows or linux binary and then run it from inside a virtual machine (VM). Malware can break out of the VM and infect the host machine, so backing up your data or using a separate computer might be a good idea.
If I recall correctly, stuxnet had a very specific start routine and wouldn't start unless a number of hardwareIDs existed.

Distribute windows virtual machine images

We use some virtual machines at work for testing. For example, if someone reports some weird bug that only happens on a specific OS we can just fire up the machine and debug it. Problem is that we may be outsourcing part of our testing workflow and we were discussing if it is legal or not to have Windows VM images available for third party download.
I would think that if we just set them and then remove the Key it is fine, but I cannot find somewhere were this is written explicitly. Has anybody had any problem like this before?