Comma 2022.07 Complete Edition not loading environment - raku

When I try to run bin commands in a project with the Complete Edition, comma isn't understanding the #!/usr/bin/env raku line and the commands are failing
I've run into this problem before. See
Except I can't fix it this time per suggestion in the link above because there is no "Full Disk Access" setting for Comma anymore.
What's weird is if I use the CT edition of Comma, I can run the scripts just fine.
Any fix for the Complete Edition?

In the process of closing and re-opening CT/CP versions of Comma several times to try to troubleshoot this issue, the problem magically disappeared. I didn't change any settings. Keeping an eye on this.


How to troubleshoot React Native build error?

Below you can see the output I get when I try to run npx react-native run-android. It suggests some options to try in order to further pinpoint the problem, however they don't work with the aforementioned command so I assume that they are related to a gradle (just an educated guess).
I know ZERO about gradle; I have just seen the name here and there and in the output shown below. So please keep that in mind when you answer. If I need to learn how to run some gradle command(s) directly, please be as verbose as possible in your answer.
The project was working fine just a bit ago, but I wanted the ability to force portrait mode for certain screens but without configuring my entire app to always have to stick to portrait mode. So I found what looked to be a solution in the react-native-orientation-locker module. I installed it with yarn and then proceeded to update files as directed:
After updating the appropriate files, I got an error that suggested axios was the problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled axios. After that didn't work, I proceeded to undo all the file changes I had just made. Then I uninstalled the react-native-orientation-locker module.
To my knowledge, I have undone everything I did between the time the project worked and stopped working.
Sadly, I had not put this into source control yet (a mistake I won't make again), so I can't revert.
Where to go from here?
Problems like this are hard to pin point. What you can do is open the android project in android studio and see the logs as the project is being assembled. I assume you do not have much knowledge about android either so you might need some senior resource to help you.
What I usually do in this case is open android studio and if I am lucky enough, it tells me which file has an issue and I go to the file and do what android studio suggests me. Some times it fixes the problem and sometimes it doesn't.
Another thing I would like to mention is that the documentation of the package you are using is important to follow. I assume you did that already but I would suggest to review it narrowly and closely.
Another guess I can tell you is try to go to your-project/android/build.gradle and over there, you'll see something like this in the start. The package you are using mentions something about target SDK 27. I think you should check that out too. May be it helps
Lastly I would say always use source control while working with react native. It can easily blow up at any time so you should always have a safety net to fallback to :)

Intellij 2018.2 stops working and exits on MacOs. What might be a problem?

As an daily IntelliJ user you usually concentrate on the projects you are working on and IntelliJ is just a tool. You are not willing to dig into tool's problem itself. But this is what is forced on you by default after IntelliJ installation on MacOS and opening relatively big project(most of the projects nowadays are huge and have thousands of files and use numbers of IntelliJ 3rd party plugins).
Here is a minimal list of actions. IntelliJ must have set MORE RAM to be used by default.
Read: .
From IntelliJ open Help / Show log in Finder and open idea.log file with; In press "Reload" and "Now" buttons to track "live" what IntelliJ is doing.
If in logs of IntelliJ you find that some of the plugins exit with fatal error, you just uninstall those plugins. For me the one that failed to the moment of this answer was "BashSupport" as example.
Start ; Run command: open -a TextEdit /Applications/IntelliJ\ ; Change options in idea.vmoptions file to:
-Xmx2048m ; Read to see how you can tune IntelliJ for your project. This step is handy when your IntelliJ app doesn't start at all and you want to change properties in a global way.
From IntelliJ open Help / Edit Custom Properties.... Here you can set same properties that will override global and will work only for current OS user.
Also there is also a possibility of underlying OS to do it voodoo magic so the IntelliJ won't work as it should like here -
Make sure your project build output for *.class files is set. Read: . In my case when IntelliJ started project build it terminated without warnings shortly after.
Finally in my case none of 6 steps above solved the issue so I found this read: . Basically try reinstall IntelliJ from original distribution again.
I know that you must read every time you install a new version of IntelliJ, but why not to add some consistency into configuration process of the main java process that runs IntelliJ itself? You can ask how much ram to use during installation of IntelliJ and explain why it is so. Then Help digging won't be necessary in the first place for devs who fed up with changing those default settings that will be always more than 700MB. I think for most devs out there it is at least 10x of that. I bet what makes most devs mad about this is not the fact that you need to do some options changing, but where those options are depending on OS plus the fact that you simply forget why IntelliJ app just exits while you are doing a debugging of your own app. I bet this problem makes us mad since first java based IDEs appeared. User-friendly is the key here and explicit reminders within the app itself would help.

WiX Toolset - Handling the case of running the installer again after it's been installed

I have a custom bootstrapper (C# WPF) and it works well enough. If the installer gets run from the command line after it was installed, it brings up a window allowing the user to select if they want to modify, repair or uninstall. So far so good. Modify mode starts the UI which ends up calling Bootstrapper.Plan(LaunchAction.Modify). The problem is that if I call it from the launcher UI it immediately complains that a prior install requires a reboot.
I have not found any good examples on what this should do. Even the WiX mailing list came up blank.
Any ideas?
It would be helpful with the screenshot for that reboot message - just to get a feel for where it might be coming from and to get a literal string to search for. Did you have a look in the WiX source code yourself btw? (WiX 3.111 branch)
I started writing a lot of stuff about reboots. Not good. Maybe just some questions instead:
Does this happen every time you invoke modify and is it reproducible on more than one computer? Or maybe it is just Windows Update acting up on a problem computer?
I assume you have rebooted the computer where you see the problem and you see the problem again when you re-launch the bundle?
Do you schedule any reboots inside your MSI files during the initial installation?
Either using the ScheduleReboot action or a custom action which schedules a reboot with a call to MsiSetMode (for example)?
There is a long explanation here why such reboot-constructs cause problems, but that may be besides the point. Essentially badly configured reboot-constructs can trigger spontaneous, unexpected reboots without warning when packages are run in silent mode (plus other problems).
Could you try to run the test VBScript found in this answer: WiX behaving badly on XP machine with windows update issues in order to check if the script reports a reboot being necessary?
Other than that I guess you could try to run Burn yourself in debug mode (not sure how much plumbing that would be to get running) or perhaps first try a ProcMon.exe session to see if you can see something obvious. The latter should be quick to do?
There are some registry locations you can hunt down to see if you can figure out what triggered the reboot warning. Get-PendingReboot-Query. And a similar PowerShell script.
So in the end it was user error. :-( O well. I did learn a lot about how to figure out how Windows checks for the need to reboot etc.
The issue was simple in the end. During the modify run it was uninstalling, then reinstalling a number of services. The problem is that when it runs (seeing as you have to set it to repair to get it to work) it copies all the files again and the services were still running at the start of the install. The fix was to uninstall anything that might lock a file before the actual file copy starts and that solved the issue for me.
Thanks for your help guys, all the info helped me look in different directions until I found the issue. Awesome community as always!

Aptana Crashes on me Twice a Day

I love Aptana, but sadly it crashes on me almost every day. I'm stubbornly sticking with the editor, but if I can find and fix the instability, I will have no major complaints with it.
I'm running Aptana Studio 3, build: but the crashing has been ongoing ever since I installed Aptana 3 many months and many version upgrades ago. Following the most recent crash I checked the Aptana .log but there was nothing valuable in there. There was however quite a bit of info in the OS-X "view details" notification following the crash:
Sometimes it crashes following SVN actions, but also, as most recently, it will crash when it's just sitting there.
I'd appreciate any suggestions on how I can address this issue. I believe that I previously
had tried a reinstall which didn't fix the issue, but if no one has anything else to try, I guess I may give that a try again.
---- UPDATE ---
Ingo, Thanks for the response. That thread on definitely describes the errors I was seeing.
Following your advice, I upgraded to the Aptana nightlies (now on version 3.1.0) and have not seen a crash in 2 full days. Hopefully any future crashes will now be few and far between and no longer a daily occurence.
Thanks so much for the response.
Thank you very much for your information. We've been tracking this issue, but honestly, it's been a bear to diagnose and reproduce, since most of the references don't point to any code of Studio--only the underlying versions:
Please follow along on the linked ticket for more information. You might try the latest nightly (3.1 version) at which is built on top of Eclipse 3.7.
I had this same issue - and then I could not even open Aptana. Right click on the program -> click Properties -> Compatibility (Windows 7) > and tick "Run this program as an administrator"
This worked for me temporarily - the real fix is to delete or rename the .log file in your workspace.

Compile error in VS.NET 2008 (VB.NET) that I can't get rid of!

I can't shake this error when compiling my Visual Studio.NET 2008 solution. The project that's generating the error is a VB.NET Web Application in a 12 project solution (mixed types and languages).
I've tried all the tricks I can find on google, and the obvious of removing the directoy and folder manually.
I'm running Vista Business 32 with VS.NET 2008 SP1. This just started happening out of the blue today and I've rebooted a bunch and even re-applied SP1 for VS.NET.
Any ideas or has anybody seen this?
vbc : error BC31019: Unable to write to output file 'G:\Projects\TCA.NET\TcaNet\WebUI\obj\Debug\TcaNet.WebUI.pdb': Unspecified error
After thinking about this and not finding any solutions from answers or via the Internet, I went ahead and moved my entire solution to my C:\ drive vs. my G:\ drive (both are local). Doing this fixed my compile problem for some reason.
I had the same error a few weeks ago when I was compiling on my server from my laptop. Turns out that if G: is a network drive, this could fail. Microsoft have said that fixing this is not a priority, and that there's much better ways of doing things (such as source control). For a one-man project though, it's a pain.
Restart IIS on local.
If that's not the issue then, install Unlocker and try to delete that pdb file when you get the error, Unlocker will tell you which process is holding an open handle to that file.
I have found a list of thing to try to fix your problem :
Zen-turkey Fix list
Hope this help!
maybe it is a dependency problem. check the build order of all the projects..
sysinternals tools should be of help here. using process explorer, are you able to find out if any process is locking this file? another useful tool is process monitor. after applying a filter for the pdb file, capture a trace of all file access activity..
It's probably bug in VB.NET compiler. The error message is incorrect, the real problem is missing file referenced from the project file. For example .vb file.
In my case, I found the missing file and added it, then devenv compiled fine again.
Someone reported that to MS here
Although it is very old thread, but I got this error today and the following link solved it. Hope it help someone reading this.
VB.NET .pdb fix
After thinking about this and not finding any solutions from answers or via the Internet, I went ahead and moved my entire solution to my C:\ drive vs. my G:\ drive (both are local). Doing this fixed my compile problem for some reason.
I had this in Visual Studio 2005 except it was Error 1. I restarted my machine and it fixed the problem.