React Native - changing graphic of an animation whilst animating - react-native

My developer is running into a problem, that he says is impossible to do in React Native and I just don't believe him. Can this be done:
I have an animation of a ball moving along a linear scale
As this ball moves along the scale, when it passes certain values, the image of the ball is meant to change (ie from values 1-4 = Image1, 5-7 Image2 etc)
The change in the image should not affect the "flow" of the moving graphic
Is this possible?
What my developer has done is to calculate the length of time it takes the ball to reach each "change" value (5 in the above example) and change the image at these times, using a TimeOut to load the new image. The result is almost OK, but has a "jittery" effect and therefore doesn't look how I want it to look.
Are there any other possibilities with React Native?
Best regards,


Unity2d; How to raise(lift) camera during game mode at a fixed y axis minimum

I may be making this harder than what it really is, but I am also pretty new to developing games. Currently I am making a practice scene to get back used to the unity engine as I have not had time to use it since last summer. My issue is that I can not figure out how to lift the camera in game mode. Notice my photo below, and how much of the "underground" is showing. I want to raise the camera to keep it at the very least a specific y axis value, so that I can make less of the ground visible, and more of the background visible. If I am over complicating this, please also let me know. Thank you
If main camera is still then just lift the camera in scene view you can see changes in game view.
Or if camera moves with respect to player then you have to use a script and attach it to camera and get a reference of player transform in the script and according to the player position change position of the camera. Add an offset value in y component of the camera.

How can I scale each and every screen to the browser resolution In a Expression Blend Sketchflow project?

I've been looking all over the place to find the solution to this but haven't had success. I have a Sketchflow project and I want to scale every Screen to the browser resolution on running, as in scaling every element of the current Layout to fit the screen.
Do you want the objects themselves to get bigger to fill the screen or to spread out? For objects to get bigger you can wrap the whole thing in a ViewBox.

windows 8 metro app designing for multiple Resolution

I am designing a simple music app where the user gets to play instruments i.e. Drums, and the problem that I am facing is with resolutions.
The drums are images, which I have converted them into buttons. Everything looks great at the state that I have designed it.
However, when I switch to other resolution states, the button(image) are distorted, e.g. skewed, scaled, and looks nasty.
I have tried designing or arranging them via selecting 'Enable state Recording', but the specific designs for that state are not being saved.
Have you tried the approaches discussed here? For the actual button sizes, make sure you are not fixing the width/height with pixel values. Use * weighted rows and columns to layout your grids and have the buttons autosize to fill a given cell in the grid. Then match with the appropriate image resource per the article.
Grids are great for dividing up available space but they can't account for changes in aspect ratios. If your items are still set to Stretch (or Fill) then they can end up out of aspect ratio. Another option is to design the entire layout at a fixed size (let's say 1024 x 768 or 1366 x 768) and wrap the entire thing in a ViewBox. ViewBox will scale all elements equally and maintain the aspect ratio, adding letterboxing (or empty space) on the sides / top & bottom if necessary. This might be a better approach for a drum kit.
Hope that helps.
Redid the whole project of designing again.
This time, I put the image inside a specific grid and that made things lot better. :)

ipad frame max size is not enough

I'm developing an ipad application about 2d drawing.
I need a UIView.frame size of 4000x4000. But if I set a frame with size 4000x4000 the application
crash since i get memory warning.
Right night I'm using 1600*1000 frame size and the user can add new object (rectangle) on frame. User can also translate fram along x and y axis using pan gesture in order to see or add new object.
Have you got some suggestion? how can I tackle this problem?
Well, I would suggest what is used in video games for a long time - creating a tiled LOD mechanism, where only when you zoom in toward specific tiles, they are rendered at an increasing resolution, while when zoomed out, you only render lower resolution.
If the drawing in based on shapes (rectangles, points, lines, or anything can be represented by simple vector data) there is no reason to create a UIView for the entire size of the drawing. You just redraw the currently visible view as the user pans across the drawing using the stored vector data. There is no persistent bitmapped representation of the drawing.
If using bitmap data for drawing (i.e. a Photoshop type of app) then you'll likely need to use a mechanism that caches off-screen data into secondary storage and loads it back onto the screen as the user pans across it. In either case, the UIView only needs to be as big as the physical screen size.
Sorry I don't have any iOS code examples for any of this - take this as a high-level abstraction and work from there.
Sounds like you want to be using UIScrollView.

Get size of an expanding circle in a CABasicAnimation at any point in time

I would like to know how I can get the diameter (or radius) of an expanding circle animation at a at any point in time during the animation. I will end up stoping the animation right after I get the size as well, but figure I couldn't stop and remove it form the layer until I get the size of the circle.
For an example of how the expanding circle animation is implemented, it is a variation on the implementation shown in the addGrowingCircleAtPoint:(CGPoint)point method in the answer in the iPhone Quartz2D render expanding circle question.
I have tried to check various values on the layers, animation, etc but can't seem to find anything. I figure worse case I can attempt to make a best guess by taking the current time it is into its animation and use that to figure where it "should" be at based on its to and from size states. This seems like overkill for what I would assume is a value that is incrementing someplace I can just get easily.
I have tried several properties on the Presentation Layer including the Transform which never seems to change all the values are always the same regardless of what size the circle is at the time checked.
Okay here is how you get the current state of the an animation while it is animating.
While Rob was close he left out two pieces of key information.
First from the layer.presentationLayer.subLayers you have to get the layer you are animating on, which for me is the only sub layer available.
Second, from this sub layer you cannot just access the transform directly you have to do it by valueForKeyPath to get transform.scale.x. I used x because its a circle and x and y are the same.
I then use this to calculate the size of the circle at the time of the based on the values used to create the Arc.
I assume what you're trying to get to is the current CATransform3D, and that from that, you can get to your circle size.
What you want is the layer.presentationLayer.transform. See the CALayer docs for details on the presentationLayer. Also see the Core Animation Rendering Architecture.