Correlate my database profile with cognito ID - amazon-cognito

I use AWS cognito for my users to sign up and log in. I would like to store a profile for each user on my database so that I can store additional information about the user and let then save settings, etc.
I was looking for a unique ID for cognito that I could use to correlate within my database. However, whenever a user logs in to my site, what I get back from cognito has no ID. These are the properties on the object that is returned:
Should I just use the username or is there an ID buried in one of those properties?


Cognito save user data in cognito

I'm trying to save related user's data in Cognito, things like details about the user, such as about section, age, status, and I want other users to see this information, can I store this data on Cognito, or maybe I need to save this in DynamoDB and relate it to the user in Cognito

Is there a way to save data from users without registration in Flutter?

I am currently building a Flutter app which lets users do personality tests, and until now I planned to do it without forcing users to register an account via Firebase (as this is annoying for many users).
Problem I am facing now is that I need the results from the tests from the users, so that I can tell the users in the result section how these results are compared to the average of all people who have done the test.
If a user would now register, the test results would be saved locally on the device. Will it then still be possible to save the test results in a online database?
If you don't want to force users to sign in but still need to differentiate between them, you can use Firebase Anonymous Authentication which will create a user account in Firebase and return a UID similar to any other auth method. A new anonymous authentication can be created by using signInAnonymously() method:
UserCredential userCredential = await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInAnonymously();
As you get a unique UID for each user, you can then store data in database itself instead of storing locally. If the user proceeds with registration, you can convert this anonymous account to a permanent account using linkWithCredential method. The UID of user remains the same.
Do note that if the user logs out of the anonymous account, then there is no way to retrieve that same anonymous account back.

How to handle logged in state of user authenticated via 3rd party OAuth1.0a?

I am building a website using Node.JS/Express.JS that will allow a user to log in using a 3rd party provider (Discogs via OAuth1.0a).
I have successfully implemented the authentication process so that a user grants access to their Discogs account and I am returned an Access Token for future API calls. The Access Token does not expire. The user is classed by Discogs as an "authenticated application".
At the moment I am storing the Access Token in a session, which persists even when the user restarts the browser, or my server is restarted, so the user stays logged in. Great.
However, when I log the user out by destroying their session and they repeat the authentication process, the 3rd party provider treats the user as a newly authorised application, leaving the old authorised app behind. How can I get around this? Is it better to not destroy the user's session on log out and instead store the logged in state of the user? Discogs do not provide a method for de-authentication.
Also, there is some config to be set against a user once they are logged in. Should I created a dedicated DB table or equivalent for this, or would storing this in the session suffice? It seems like a dedicated user table may be superfluous as I am relying on the user's session id to identify them.
Generally, you will probably want to save some info about your users permanently on your own servers, so probably in a database.
In your specific case, that database should probably save some kind of unique user ID that you get from Discogs (do not save the access token itself for security reasons), which you can use on subsequent logins to identify which access tokens belong to the same user.
Your flow would probably be something like this:
User logs in via Discogs for the first time, you get an access token, put that in session
You figure out a unique user id somehow, you save that to your DB along with any other user info you might need
You put that ID in the session as well
User logs out, you destroy the session, but keep the info in your DB
User logs in via Discogs again, you get a different access token, put that in session
You figure out the unique user id, which matches the ID in your DB, so you write that ID into your session - now you can treat the user as the same user, just with a different access token
The unique user ID can be anything that is, you guessed it, unique. Might be an actual ID, a username or email address - I'm not familiar with Discogs but I'm sure you can figure something out and how to obtain it.

How to associate data with a user that has been authenticated with Google oauth?

So I am having some trouble figuring out how to implement a sign-in for my app using google oauth. Every example I see shows how to authentication the user, get their permissions and then start using the Google APIs.
I do not care about permission or using Google APIs. All I want to do is have the user sign-in to my app using google oauth instead of having to implement my own authentication system with user and passwords in the database.
After the user authenticates with their google account, then they can change settings associated with their account for my app. What is the flow i need to implement to achieve this?
How would I associated a google user with certain data defined in my own app's database? I have successfully implemented the authentication part but then what would I need to store in my DB to associate them with their actions and data. Would I need to use sessions? and then retrieve their Google+ ID, save it in the database and then use that to identify them in the database for later when they log in again?
any help is appreciated
Once the the server validates the access token, a user account can be created in the database, saving the Google ID along other user details (ID, email, name etc).
If your application also supports normal registration, and an account is already present for that user (matching email), then you can just fill in the (nullable) Google ID column in order to link the account(s).

Creating user with no password in Meteor

I have a unique user creation flow which is as follows:
User comes to my site for the first time and they click a button.
I create a User in the DB for them and set a localStorage key with the UID.
Use goes about creating data and I save the data in the DB and associate it with the UID.
User comes back, and if they have UID set in localStorage, I show them the data they previously created.
User can click Register to create a "real" account from which point they will have to login with username and password or another service (e.g. Facebook).
So, how would I accomplish this with Meteor Accounts and the User model?
In a nutshell:
I need to create User mongo document with no information (about the user).
I need to authenticate a user by just having a UID (acting as a "password").
Register onCreateUser to add an "anonymous" field ({anonymous:1})
when a random password is used, maybe generated with Meteor.uuid().
Add a timestamp field
({created:new Date()}) to clean out old, anonymous accounts.
Perform old anonymous user maintenance, like deleting anonymous users more
than one hour old:
{Meteor.users.find({anonymous:1,$where:"new Date() - this.created >
360000"}).forEach(function (user) {
On the client:
Always prompt
for a "nickname." This will become the official username, or will
sit in the system forever used.
Check if client is logged in. If
not, create a user with nickname and a "magic number" password,
which logs you in. When they click register, write "Register" at the
top, but actually just change their password and $set:{anonymous:0}
Don't use localStorage, and don't use UIDs. The session cookie IS your UID.
I don't know how to help with the authentication, but as for creating a blank User object, I've successfully done the following on the server-side (with a different name...):
Meteor.users.insert({profile: {name: 'Oompa Loompa'}, foo: 'bar'});