How to combine polygons within one shapefile that are within a certain distance - arcgis

I have a shapefile containing many suitable lands in a country. In the associated attribute table each row (one land) has an area size (square meter) entry. I want to combine the lands that are within 100 meters (can be centurion or boundary) into one single entry in the table, with total area for the combined land (sum up all). If select the entire row in the attribute table, the combined land (one feature with separated polygons) would be shown. Is it possible to do that?


How can I have multiple tables on one SSRS page that represents one value in SQL?

I have developed a one page report that has 4 tables on it. I am happy with this result:
This is shown for one district. (district = '002') The dataset only has the one district selected. I want to select multiple districts (a SQL field) in the dataset and have multiple pages representing one district per page. So, to state in a different way, there are about 10 districts so I want to have 10 pages just like this one with one district per page. It seems like there should be some sort of grouping option so I can show this page for each district. I'm new to SSRS so I'm probably missing something obvious. Thanks!
This set of tables can be repeated for each selected district with one set on each page. To achieve this, you can take advantage of nested tables.
Create a new table with one row and one column.
Set it to be grouped on district.
Set the group to page break after each instance. And optionally set the page name to be the district. This way, if you export to Excel, the sheets will be properly named.
Insert all the other tables into a Rectangle. This is a way of keeping the formatting of the other tables in tact and handle them all together.
Drag the rectangle into the new one-cell table.
Now the small table will repeat the entire contents of the rectangle for each district and you get copies of the entire report on separate pages.

How to convert a panel bar chart to multi-line chart in tableau

I am trying to create multi-line subplots such that each subplot represents a rating factor on which firms are rated, and each line represents a firm's change in rating over time. Note that I don't have the date field. I have a string field that says which quarter of the year the Mean of ratings belong to.
I'm new to tableau and I created something like this:
I want to create multiple subplots: one subplot for each of the 8 rating features in the above diagram, and the subplot has multiple lines representing the variation over time for each company. I have 10 companies.
Please guide me on how to achieve this?
A rough sketch of how I Imagine the plot to look like is below:
This will teach you how to make a panel chart in Tableau:
It shouldn't to too complex for what you're attempting (fingers crossed!).
Building the panel chart is a little tricky in Tableau. Not terribly hard once you understand table calcs. I suggest starting simpler by moving Measure Names from the Rows shelf to the Pages shelf, then creating the line charts you want - 1 per page. Then learn about table calc partitions and addressing, including “At the Level” to have the info needed to define the panels
To make a colored line chart,
You need one field on columns that you set to display as continuous, making it green. If it is a date field, right click on the field and choose from the second set of groups, like month or quarter.
You need a continuous field on the Rows shelf, use Measure Values in your case
Use a discrete field on color to determine the number of lines, say Shortname
Set the Mark Type to either Automatic or line

ArcGIS Online Webmap: Summarize values of overlapping polygons in quantitative symbology

I am attempting to create a dynamic webmap to display varying values across a grid of polygons. Within each grid cell there are multiple overlapping polygons (grid cells) each with a unique value. I would like aggregate these values to give a total value for each grid cell which relates to the sum of each of the overlapping values. These would then be displayed using a quantitative color gradient.
I would dissolve this layer and sum each overlapping polygon's value and display it as a flat single feature per cell, however I have also added the ability for users to filter specific values out relating to a descriptive attribute within the table.
The approach I have tried was to
Create a flat empty grid with single cells.
Took the centroid of the each overlapping polygon.
This left me with a point layer of overlapping features (value) and a polygon layer of a grid with only an ID code.
Within the WebMap builder I have set the symbology of the grid using the Arcade expression:
var centroid = FeatureSetByName($map,"centroid_values")
IIf(Contains($feature, centroid), Sum(value), 0)
This aims to sum the "value" of the each point contained within the single empty grid cell and display it. This would mean if the user was to filter the points based off an attribute the symbology would be dynamic.
However, I am running into the error:
Parse Error:featuresetbyname is not available
Is it possible to incorporate a separate featureset from the map into the symbology expression for a layer?
The featureset functions appear to be greyed out an labelled 'Not Available' within the function list.
Any other approaches to overcome the problem outlined above would be greatly appreciated. I have experimented with joins however the number of records means it is extremely slow to process and is not dynamic when the user filters out records.

Spotfire calculated column based on filter

I want to create a calculated column that is equal to the percent of the total of the previous column, but only for the rows that are selected.
For example, the two columns below show rows where I've filtered for only the rows of interest. The sum is accurate, but I want the percent of the total to be only out of sum of the currently selected rows rather than the absolute total (which is how it's currently being calculated). I want the percent of the total to dynamically change depending on what is filtered in the data table. Is this possible?
Image of my 2 columns:
I know spotfire somehow calculates this becuase when I insert a bar graph using % of Total(SumofComponents) the ratio is only out of the current total.
Image of my bar chart:
much like in programming, Spotfire has a rough concept of scope. and unfortunately, calculated columns are above filters in terms of scope; they have no concept of what is and is not filtered.
visualizations themselves, however, do*!
what you can do in this case is to put your expression on the Y axis (it looks like you've done this), and it will respect your selected filters*.
*caveats: there are a few ways that filtering can be negated on a given visualization:
Properties>>Appearance>>Show shadows indicating the unfiltered data. this option shows a grey bar that represents the data hidden by whatever filter selection was made
Properties>>Data>>Limit data using filterings. these options allow the viz to use separate filtering sets ("Filter Schemes" as they're called in Spotfire) or none at all (to ignore filters completely)
Properties>>Subsets. by default there are three subsets: "All Data" which ignores filters, "Not in current filtering" which inverts the filter selection (e.g., if you filter a boolean column to show only TRUE, this chart would show only FALSE), and "Current filtering" which is the default behavior. you can check the online help for additional subsets that you can add.

how to display parent record and children from multiple tables

I have three tables, 1 parent with 2 child table 1-to-many relationships.
table 1: People
table 2: Phone numbers (any number of records)
table 3: email adresses (any number of records)
I would like a report looking like this:
I would very much like to do this using reporting services.
Edit: I know how to link all tables with left joins, I don't have a concept as how to get this done.
OK, here's a sort of summary of how you need to approach it. I can't give you a step-by-step because it would be impossibly long, but this should get you started. (Also note that I'm doing this from memory):
You will need three datasets, one each for people, phone numbers, and email addresses. I am going to assume that the phone numbers and email addresses have some kind of ID field in common, some way to tie people to phones and to email addresses. You will need that field in your datasets.
You don't need to do any joins in your SQL: the linking between the three datasets will be done within the report.
Put a Matrix on your report. Have it draw from the People dataset. Put the first and last name in the detail row of the Matrix.
Add a new detail row to your Matrix, under your first and last name.
Merge the cells in your new detail row so that you have one very wide cell.
Embed (drag and drop) a new Matrix in the single wide cell in your new detail row.
Link your matrix to the Phones dataset. Set up a record filter in the matrix to limit the records to those that match the ID field in the parent matrix.
Set up the Phones as you want in the embedded child Matrix.
Repeat steps 3-7 with the Email Addresses dataset.
You don't actually need to do any grouping (unless you want to include subtotals of some kind), because you're not actually grouping anything: you're just displaying a list with embedded sub-lists.