Callback in for query sanity checks -

Is it possible to register a C# callback function in, so that it is called before each query is sent to the Oracle database?
The purpose is to run sanity checks on the query (SQL injections) and block it if we find risks.
Google only tells me about change notification callbacks, which are completely different.


Trying to figure why NewID function stopped working on Oracle

I have used SELECT NEWID() FROM DUAL to generate new (random) guids in the past.
However, today when tried I am getting the below Error:
ORA-00904: "NEWID": invalid identifier
I am not able to find this Particular Error by googling. So I guessed the case must be any of the two:
Either this has been somehow blocked by my System Admin or somehow the instance of Oracle is unable to find the Function due to some installation/ version update issues.
Oracle has stopped support for NEWID() and wants us to only use SYS_GUID() for Guid generation.
(if yes, then I'll have to implement a REGEXP_REPLACE as GUIDs in my system are '-' -separated.
Also - I'll have to update all existing codes that use NEWID()).
Any suggestion will be helpful. Thx.
Oracle has never had a built-in newID function. That is a function that exists in SQL Server so it is entirely possible that someone had previously created a custom newID function that you were accustomed to calling. Whether that function was just calling sys_guid under the covers or whether it was replicating the format of the GUIDs in SQL Server like this implementation is something you'd have to determine. Frequently, tools that help you migrate code from one database engine to another will install a library of functions that emulate the built-in functions of the source database engine in the target database in order to make migrations easier. So it is possible that the function you're accustomed to calling was installed by some migration tool.
Since you talk about "version/ installation issues" my guess is that you are connected to a new/ different database that doesn't have the function you are accustomed to. If so, you can probably just go to the previous database where the code worked and copy the code for the custom function to the new database. If you are connected to the same database with the same user where this previously worked, that would imply that someone has revoked your user's access to the function or dropped the function entirely in which case you'd need to talk to your DBA/ DevOps team to see what changed and why.

Is it possible to call a web service from SQL Server?

Is it somehow possible to call a web service from SQL Server without using CLR and get response immediatly back(not powershell, etc..)?
SQL Server provide a lot of different options to execute external scripts or connect to other devices. SQLCLR is one of the best but not the only option
From SQL 2016 you can use R or you can use Python, which let basically do what ever you want if you have permission.
You can use xp_cmdshell to execute commands
You can use OLE Automation objects (here is a nice sample).
You can use auditing tools (not recommended for most of these cases since these run in the background and not only when you need them), which allow you to execute external scripts on event
You can use simple QUEUE in the server side. In the Sp you can simply add message to the QUEUE and using external service app you can execute anything that you want once a new message get to the QUEUE. This option can be very useful since the execution is done asynchronous.
I can probably think about a lot more options... but let's start with these :-)

Unique SPID for each stored procedure execution

I am building an angularjs .net application with WebApi2 and SQL Server 2008.When page loads, it sends multiple ajax calls to WebApi. WebApi then in turn passes on these calls to Sql server, but when I look into sql profiler, all calls to db are executed with same SPID,which I believe is a sequential execution rather than parallel execution of stored procs.
Even after having looking at the network monitor tab on firefox browser, all these calls return one after another and not at the same time.This might create bottleneck in the system , as angular sends parallel request to webapi but sql server is executing each request sequentially rather than parallel.
I have used Data Access Application Block v6.0 and have put Connection and Command objects under "Using" scope. Still it fires all my storedproc with same SPID. Is there anything which I am doing wrong here?

Running ObjectScript programs against Intersystems Cache to provide data with SQL Server

The main application where I work is based heavily on the MUMPS-esque Caché database engine from InterSystems. Everything is stored in global arrays. Getting data out of the system for external reporting ranges from simply being a pain to being egregiously slow and painful.
Caché provides an ODBC driver for the database but unless the global arrays involved happen to be keyed by the selection criteria, it resorts to scans and a simple query will take hours to run. For scale, the entire Caché production namespace is about 100GB. I can write ObjectScript (Intersystems' dialect of MUMPS) programs that pull data much faster than the ODBC driver in these cases.
Part of the problem I think is that the application vendor doesn't use Caché's object persistence support but instead has the SQL tables defined as a façade over the global arrays, and it often doesn't work well for batch requests.
I built a reporting database in MS SQL Server that pulls the most common data (2.5GB worth) and even if it has to scan every table, all results are returned within 3 seconds. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to refresh the data so I can only do a full refresh once a week and an active refresh once a day. This is good enough for most needs, but I want to do better.
I'm on Caché 2007, SQL Server 2008 R2, VS2010 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Scope of question
I need a way to integrate live data from the source Caché database with other data on SQL Server. I want to be able to integrate views or table valued functions into a SQL query and have it pull live data from the source db.
The live data must be available within SQL Server for processing. Doing it with a secondary application would be a huge pain and wouldn't work with reporting tools that just expect to push a query over ODBC and get a final dataset in the right format.
I understand that there are ways to get data into SQL Server or accomplish the same general things I want to do. That's not what this question is about.
The data needs to come from ObjectScript programs run on Caché since not all the data I need is exposed through the SQL defined tables and I get the control I need to make the performance usable with ObjectScript.
I am looking for advice on any new options or how I can improve one of the options I've tried or considered or other pros or cons for those approaches.
What I've tried so far
This project has been an exercise in frustration where each promising avenue I've looked into is either terrible or doesn't work for some reason. Often the reason is some unnecessary restriction on SQLCLR assemblies.
Pulling everything through InterSystem's Caché ODBC driver via a linked server. SQL Server often resorts to scans if it can't push conditions to the remote server or has to perform a join locally. A scan of any nontrivial table takes many hours and is unacceptable. Also, the length of many columns is incorrectly defined by the SQL table definitions in Caché; SQL Server doesn't like that and aborts the query. See this SO question. I can't change the table defs and the vendor doesn't think it's a problem because it works with MS Access.
Using OPENQUERY on demand. This works to some extent but I can still have the column length problem from the previous item and there's no way to parameterize OPENQUERY queries so that makes it pretty useless to pull contextual data.
Using SQLCLR to call the ODBC data provider through CLR table valued functions. This takes care of the parameterization and data length issues, although it does require me to define or modify a function each time I need a new piece of data. Unfortunately, not all the data elements I'm interested in are available through SQL. For some things, I need to access the global arrays directly.
Intersystems provides an ActiveX control that lets you run ObjectScript programs over TCP on the server and get the results. This works great in a stand-alone C# app but as soon as I try to make a connection from a SQLCLR assembly I get a ridiculous URI error:
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "GetActiveAccounts":
System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The URI is empty.
at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.RuntimeLicenseContext.GetLocalPath(String fileName)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.RuntimeLicenseContext.GetSavedLicenseKey(Type type, Assembly resourceAssembly)
at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.LicenseInteropHelper.GetCurrentContextInfo(Int32& fDesignTime, IntPtr& bstrKey, RuntimeTypeHandle rth)
at FacsAccess.GetActiveAccounts.Client.connect()
at FacsAccess.GetActiveAccounts.Client..ctor()
at FacsAccess.GetActiveAccounts.E1.GetEnumerator()
See this unanswered SO question. There are other postings about it on the net but no one seems to have a clue. This is an extremely simple COM wrapper over a C++ DLL; it's not doing anything with licensing and has no reason to be in the managed licensing libraries. I wonder if this is some kind of boilerplate that's trying to get the name for an assembly that doesn't have a name because it's been loaded into the SQL database.
Intersystems also provides a more direct unmanaged interface but those interfaces are all C++, which I can't use through P/Invoke and I can't load a C++/CLI mixed mode impure assembly in SQLCLR.
Options I've considered but seem kind of terrible
I've considered trying the ActiveX control through SQL Server's COM support but that's terribly slow and really cumbersome.
I could create an out of process service to proxy the traffic but I can't use .NET remoting from SQLCLR and you're not supposed to use WCF and it would be really heavy weight for a such a simple interface anyway. I'd sooner roll my own IPC interface.
I could write some kind of extra unmanaged wrapper with a C style interface for the VisM or CacheDirect interfaces and access THAT through P/Invoke.
It doesn't seem like this should be so hard but it's really driving me up the wall and I need some perspective.
I think you can use ODBC via a linked server accessing stored procedures on the Cache database that are visible to the ODBC driver and that return result sets, but are not implemented using SQL.
I am 100% certain you can create such stored procedures and access them via ODBC, but I have never tried accessing them from SQL server as a linked server. Even if the linked server doesn't work, it seems like it would be preferable to access via the Intersystem's ODBC driver rather than the Active X control or CacheDirect.
I have an example of such a procedure for this question.
In case that link dies, here is the code:
Query OneGlobal(GlobalName As %String) As %Query(ROWSPEC = "NodeValue:%String,Sub1:%String,Sub2:%String,Sub3:%String,Sub4:%String,Sub5:%String,Sub6:%String,Sub7:%String,Sub8:%String,Sub9:%String") [SqlProc]
ClassMethod OneGlobalExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, GlobalName As %String) As %Status
S qHandle="^"_GlobalName
Quit $$$OK
ClassMethod OneGlobalClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) As %Status [ PlaceAfter = OneGlobalExecute ]
Quit $$$OK
ClassMethod OneGlobalFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) As %Status [ PlaceAfter = OneGlobalExecute ]
S Q=qHandle
S Q=$Q(#Q) b
I Q="" S Row="",AtEnd=1 Q $$$OK
S Depth=$QL(Q)
S $LI(Row,1)=$G(#Q)
F I=1:1:Depth S $LI(Row,I+1)=$QS(Q,I)
F I=Depth+1:1:9 S $LI(Row,I+1)=""
S AtEnd=0
S qHandle=Q
Quit $$$OK
FYI, that is not an example to use in production, since it exposes all the data from all the globals.
However, it sounded like you were prepared to write Cache Object Script to directly get the data anyway - this is a template for doing so. The main thing to understand is that qHandle will be passed back by the ODBC driver on each call, so you can use it to store state. If there is a lot of state, make qHandle be an integer index into a temporary global holding the "real" state, and clean that up in the close method.
Since you are concerned about performance, you may want to also implement a
MyQueryFetchRows (ByRef qHandle As %Binary, FetchCount As %Integer = 0, ByRef RowSet As %List, ByRef ReturnCount As %Integer, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) As %Status
method - see the documentation for %Library.Query for more details.
If you really need this to appear to ODBC as a (read-only) table rather than a stored procedure I think it might be possible - but I've never before tried to see if an arbitrary stored procedure can be exposed as a read-only table and I'm not sure how easy it is, or if it's actually always possible.

How to know the exact statement fired in Data app block?

We are using "Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block" to access SQL Server database. In DataAccess layer, we are calling application block's API. Internally it must be resolving the command and parameters into SQL statement.
How can I know what SQL query goes to database?
One way:
Run profiler on SQL Server, start a trace and add even SQL:Batchstarting. In the trace data look at the TextData column
see image below of what it looks like