How to get all plugin dependencies from Gradle? - kotlin

I'm trying to make a Gradle plugin that will list all dependencies used to build the project. For simple compile and buildscript dependencies, that's fairly easy:
val dependencies = project.allprojects.asSequence().flatMap { project ->
(project.buildscript.configurations + project.configurations).asSequence()
.filter { it.isCanBeResolved }
.flatMap {
val resolved = it.resolvedConfiguration
resolved.firstLevelModuleDependencies.flatMap { dep -> dep.allModuleArtifacts }
(then use as ModuleComponentIdentifier to get to group, module and version, and it.type and it.classifier for those properties)
However, this misses jars used only by plugins. For example, when I apply the Kotlin plugin:
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.6.10"
the list will not include everything. Specifically, it'll include org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin and some siblings, but it doesn't include the pom dependency on org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm:org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm.gradle.plugin which is needed as well.
Can I get those dependencies out of the Gradle model as well?


How can I apply a plugin to itself using Kotlin DSL?

We have an existing plugin project which configures various things (including static analysis), where we want to apply the plugin to the project itself.
The way this currently works for plugins written in Java is, you add the Java src dir to the buildSrc project, and then classes built there can be used in the main project. So I'm trying to get the same thing working for plugins written as Kotlin scripts.
But when I try to build it, compiling buildSrc fails with:
e: C:\Users\Trejkaz\Documents\test\self-applying-gradle-plugin\src\main\kotlin\example.common.gradle.kts: (1, 1): Unresolved reference: allprojects
> Task :buildSrc:compileKotlin FAILED
What's missing in order to make this work?
Further investigation:
If I put a copy of the files in buildSrc/src/main/kotlin, that works.
If I put a copy of the files in buildSrc/src/main/kotlin2 and use srcDirs to set that directory, that fails too. So it really looks like something isn't letting me relocate sources at all.
I pushed a repo to play with this here but what follows is the contents of the build scripts in case it's ever deleted.
The main build.gradle.kts:
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
plugins {
// Matching version in Gradle
kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.31"
apply(from = "common-build.gradle.kts")
apply(plugin = "example.common") // 👈 trying to apply the compiled plugin here
group = "org.example"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "11"
In buildSrc/build.gradle.kts, we have this - note that it adds a source dir for the sources in the main directory:
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
plugins {
// Matching version in Gradle
kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.31"
apply(from = "../common-build.gradle.kts")
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "11"
kotlin {
common-build.gradle.kts has everything common to both build scripts which we've figured out how to move to a common location (notably, the KotlinCompile isn't there, later I'll figure out why I can't move that as well):
repositories {
dependencies {
// Needed to compile Kotlin stuff but not added by the plugin for some reason
The plugin script, src/main/kotlin/example.common.gradle.kts, contains:
allprojects {
// Configure something
This turns out to be a bug in Gradle's kotlin-dsl plugin.
The workaround is to add the source dirs before applying the plugin.
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
plugins {
`kotlin-dsl` apply false
// Matching version in Gradle
kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.31"
apply(from = "../common-build.gradle.kts")
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "11"
kotlin {
// Workaround for -
// apply kotlin-dsl plugin last, because it erroneously fetches source dirs eagerly.
apply(plugin = "org.gradle.kotlin.kotlin-dsl")

Specify kotlin version in buildSrc kotlin convention plugin

I am developing a Kotlin project with multiple subprojects as explained here
Building Kotlin Applications with libraries Sample (
Is it correct to specify the kotlin version as as shown below?
file: buildSrc/build.gradle.kts
dependencies {
Also, is it possible to move this kotlin version to a central location for declaring project-wide dependency version (for example or buildSrc/**/Dependencies.kt or versions catalog)? None of the approaches mentioned seems to be supported in buildSrc/build.gradle.kts.
There are many approaches to specify the kotlin version (or versions of any dependency) at a centralized location in a Gradle Multimodule Project.
versions catalog
However, if you are defining a Kotlin Convention Plugin in buildSrc, the kotlin version is not available in buildSrc/build.gradle.kts using any of the methods mentioned above so as to pick the right kotlin-gradle-plugin.
For a workaround solution, use the following.
# file:<root>/
// file:<root>/buildSrc/build.gradle.kts
import java.util.*
// read programmatically
val props = Properties()
FileInputStream(file("../")).use {
plugins {
repositories {
dependencies {
val kotlinVersion = props.getProperty("kotlinVersion")
In all other <root>/**/<subproject>/build.gradle.kts files access the kotlinVersion like
val kotlinVersion =["kotlinVersion"]
In settings.gradle.kts, access the kotlinVersion like
val kotlinVersion:String by settings
If anyone from the Gradle team reading this, please provide an API to access consistently across any of the build script files.
in app gradle
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlin_version"
and project gradle
ext.kotlin_version = "1.6.0"
I have solved this issue by specifying kotlinVersion in file as below.
Keep file at outermost project level.
You can access kotlinVersion in any submodules and project as
//top level declaration
val kotlinVersion by extra("kotlinVersion"))
//usage in dependency block
To verify whether you are able to read it, you can specify following
This should print kotlin version as
> Configure project :
build.gradle.kts file
val kotlinVersion by extra("kotlinVersion"))
group = ""
version = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
java.sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
repositories {
maven { url = uri("") }
maven { url = uri("") }
dependencies {
} file

Apply local jar-plugin without using maven

I'd like to load my custom plugin from a local jar. The jar file compiles fine and when I check it, the manifest and the plugin class are there.
gradlePlugin {
plugins {
create("asdf") { // <-- I really call it "asdf" in the kts script
id = "asdf"
implementationClass = "pluginTest.TestPlugin"
version = "1.4.0"
The plugin doesn't do anything useful yet as it should be a proof-of-concept to make sure it actually works at all:
class TestPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
println("Hallo TestPlugin!")
I then try to use it like this in another project:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
plugins {
id("asdf") version "1.4.0"
but it keeps telling me that:
Plugin [id: 'asdf', version: '1.4.0'] was not found in any of the following sources:
What am I missing here? I use Gradle v6.5.
When you have the plugin jar on the classpath, you can't have a version number in the plugin application. I guess this is because you can't have multiple jars with different versions on the classpath in the first place, so specifying a version here doesn't make any sense (except perhaps to validate that you are using the correct one). This won't fix the problem, but it is a start.
To be honest, I don't know why your approach still won't work. The buildscript block is supposed to set up dependencies for that particular script, and that should make the plugin visible to it. It doesn't for some reason.
Perhaps this is a bug or perhaps this is just an undocumented limitation on the use of the plugin {} block. Maybe you could ask over at the Gradle forums or create an issue for it. However, there are workarounds that don't involve publishing to a (local) Maven repository, which I agree can be a bit annoying.
If you use "apply from" instead of "plugins {}", it works. For some reason, the former can see the buildscript classpath whereas the latter can't:
// build.gradle (Groovy DSL)
buildscript {
dependencies {
apply from: "asdf"
Alternatively, move the buildscript plugin from the build.gradle file to the settings.gradle file. This makes is available to the entire build classpath and will make it work with the plugin block:
// settings.gradle (Groovy DSL):
buildscript {
dependencies {
// build.gradle (Groovy DSL)
plugins {
Lastly, just in case you haven't considered it already, you may be able to add the plugin as a composite build. This will create a source dependency to the plugin and has the advantage that transitive dependencies will be carried over (the ones you put in the plugin's own dependency block) and that it will be built automatically if not up-to-date. I use this approach for integration testing my plugins and also sometimes to apply them to my other real projects to test them in a bigger setting before publishing new versions.
Do that with either:
// settings.gradle (Groovy DSL):
// build.gradle (Groovy DSL):
plugins {
Or without hard-coding it in the build (so you can dynamically switch between local and published versions):
// build.gradle (Groovy DSL):
plugins {
id("asdf") version "1.4.0" // Version is optional (will be ignored when the command line switch below)
// Run with:
./gradlew --include-build "..\\..\\path\\to\\plugin" build
With #BjørnVester's answer I figured it out!
You need to put the buildscript in settings.gradle.kts as it doesn't get executed in the build.gradle.kts even when placed before plugins.
buildscript {
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs("..\\reusable-kotlin\\build\\libs") // <-- folder with jars
dependencies {
But there's a catch! You must use the file-name of the jar in the classpath's name identifier that goes like this:
The file gradle will look for will be file-name-version.jar or file-name.jar which you'll see in the error message if you make a mistake (I added the _ on purpose to trigger the error):
Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration 'classpath'.
Could not find com.hedev.kotlin:reusable-kotlin_:1.4.0. Searched in the following locations:
- file:/C:/some/path/reusable-kotlin/build/libs/reusable-kotlin_-1.4.0.jar
- file:/C:/some/path/reusable-kotlin/build/libs/reusable-kotlin_.jar
In order for this to work I also had to add the group property to the plugin itself:
gradlePlugin {
plugins {
create("asdf") {
id = "asdf"
implementationClass = "com.hedev.kotlin.gradle.TestPlugin"
version = "1.4.0"
group = "com.hedev.kotlin"
Finally you can apply it in build.gradle.kts with (no version here):
plugins {

Applying org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm within custom Gradle plugin not working

I'm writing a custom Gradle plugin using Kotlin. The goal is to apply and configure certain plugins within this custom plugin. Consumers should only need to apply the custom plugin and be all set.
The problem:
I want to apply these two kotlin plugins (and other plugins) in the custom plugin (which can be applied like this normally in a Gradle build script):
kotlin("jvm") version "1.4.10"
kotlin("plugin.spring") version "1.4.10"
But when applying them from within my own plugin a couple of things goes wrong.
The jar task is not found. I get this complaint in the project consuming my plugin.
The contents of the dependencies section, e.g api, implementation etc are also causing errors, like if Gradle doesn't understand what they are.
I can, in the consuming project however, simply add the line below to the build script to get the jar task back, and make dependencies work again:
kotlin("jvm") version "1.4.10"
I also wrote a sort of debug function in the consuming Gradle build, just to see what plugins are applied. They all print true when I apply only my own plugin (or add kotlin-jvm to the script manually). Which seems to me like my own plugin is doing its job.
open class GreetingTask : DefaultTask() {
fun greet() {
println("hello from GreetingTask")
My apply method so far in my plugin:
override fun apply(project: Project) {
And for setting up Kotlin:
private fun configureKotlin(project: Project) {
project.tasks.withType( { task ->
task.kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs = listOf("-Xjsr305=strict")
task.kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "11"
All the other configureXYZ seems to work out fine.
I solved it. The problem was how I applied the plugin.
This does NOT work:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
apply(plugin = "com.praqma.demo.DemoPlugin")
This does work:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
plugins {
id("gradle.demoPlugin") version "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Create fat jar from kotlin multiplatform project

I recently switched from old 1.2 multiplatform into 1.3. Difference is, there's one one build.gradle file per multiplatform module (I got 5 of them) so a lot less configuration.
However I can't seem to be able to configure creating runnable fat jar with all dependencies from jvm platform.
I used to use standard "application" plugin in my jvm project and jar task, but that does not work anymore. I found there's "jvmJar" task and I modified it (set Main-class), but created jar doesn't contain dependencies and crashes on ClassNotFoundException. How do I do it?
This is what I have now:
jvm() {
jvmJar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'eu.xx.Runner'
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
I did hit that bump and used this work around.
1. Restructure your project
Lets call your project Project.
create another submodule say subA, which will have the gradle notation Project:subA
now, subA has your multiplatform code in it (It is the gradle project with apply :kotlin-multiplafrom) in its build.gradle
2. Add Another submodule
create another submodule which targets only jvm say subB, which will have the gradle notation Project:subB
So, subB will have plugins: 'application' and 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm'
3. Add your module as a gradle dependency (see my build.gradle)
plugins {
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' version '1.3.31'
id "application"
apply plugin: "kotlinx-serialization"
group 'tz.or.self'
version '0.0.0'
mainClassName = "com.example.MainKt"
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
compileKotlin {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
dependencies {
implementation project(':subA')
you can proceed and build subB as you would a regular java project or even use the existing plugins, it will work
Got it working with the multiplatform plugin in kotlin 1.3.61:
The following works for a main file in src/jvmMain/kotlin/com/example/Hello.kt
Hello.kt must also specify its package as package com.example
I configured my jvm target in this way:
kotlin {
targets {
configure([jvm]) {
jvmJar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.example.HelloKt'
from { configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
Got it to work with a slightly modified version of what luca992 did:
kotlin {
jvm() {
jvmJar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'sample.MainKt'
from { configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
The only way to get gradle/multiplatform working appears to be endless trial and error; It's a nightmare, it's not being built as a "build" system so much as a "build system"; to put it another way, these two tools (together or in isolation) are a means of implementing only a single software development life cycle that the plugin maker intended, however, if you've engineered a desired software lifecycle and CI/CD system and now your trying to implement that engineering, it will be MUCH harder to do it with these tools than it would be to do it with scripts, code or maven. There are a number of reasons for this:
Massive changing in coding convention due to the plugin makers only exposing bar minimum configurability, probably only giving access to the things they need for their own personal project.
Very poor documentation updates; Kotlin, gradle and plugins are changing so rapidly I have begun to seriously question the usefulness of these tools.
Thus, at the time of writing this seems to be the correct syntax to use when using kotlin 1.3.72, multiplatform 1.3.72, ktor 1.3.2 and gradle 6.2.2 (using the kts format).
Note the fatJar seems to assemble correctly but won't run, it can't find the class, so I included the second runLocally task I've been using in the mean time.
This isn't a complete solution so I hate posting it on here, but from what I can tell... it is the most complete and up to date solution I can find documented anywhere.
//Import variables from
val environment: String by project
val kotlinVersion: String by project
val ktorVersion: String by project
val kotlinExposedVersion: String by project
val mySqlConnectorVersion: String by project
val logbackVersion: String by project
val romeToolsVersion: String by project
val klaxonVersion: String by project
val kotlinLoggingVersion: String by project
val skrapeItVersion: String by project
val jsoupVersion: String by project
val devWebApiServer: String by project
val devWebApiServerVersion: String by project
//Build File Configuration
plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.3.72"
group = ""
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
repositories {
jcenter {
url = uri("")
maven {
url = uri("")
//Multiplatform Configuration
kotlin {
jvm {
compilations {
val main = getByName("main")
tasks {
register<Jar>("buildFatJar") {
group = "application"
manifest {
attributes["Implementation-Title"] = "Gradle Jar File Example"
attributes["Implementation-Version"] = archiveVersion
attributes["Main-Class"] = ""
from(main.output.classesDirs, main.compileDependencyFiles)
with(jar.get() as CopySpec)
register<JavaExec>("runLocally") {
group = "application"
classpath = main.output.classesDirs
classpath += main.compileDependencyFiles
js {