Is there a way to speed up transactions sent with send_raw_transaction() method in web3py? - web3py

I am trying to mint from multiple wallet addresses and private keys, so I made use of send_raw_transaction() method. Now if I had sent too low gas, how would I drop and replace this? replace_transaction() and modify_transaction() only seem to work if you sent your transaction with the send_transaction() method

Related scheduler sends just first value and doesn't update it, How fix it

I can't find the answer to an interesting moment.
in I have the scheduler. It will work in actor which are sort out a number.
here a simple implementation
_statusScheduler = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable(
new ProgressReport(requestId, _testedQuantity),
_shedulerInterval - 5-second interval,
_testedQuantity - quantity of tested number all time updated.
and after 5 seconds it is sent 0; always, not a changed number. And here is a question: is it possible to send updated quantity?
I can't send the message to the updating quantity from Recieve<> methods, because my actor is handled the counting message and it is counted the quantity all the time and updated it(when it finished it will receive next message). But all five seconds I should generate a report by a scheduler. Is it possible to fix it?
I think now I need to send all logic because it works fine, and the stone of my problem is scheduler behavior.
The issue you have here is that the message you pass into the scheduler, new ProgressReport(requestId, _testedQuantity), is what is going to be sent each time. Since you're passing in those integer values by value, the object is going to have the original values for those fields at the time you created the message and therefore the message will never update.
If you want to be able to change the content that is sent in the recurring scheduler, do this instead:
var self = Self; // need a closure here, since ActorContext won't be available
_statusScheduler = Context.System.Scheduler.Advanced.ScheduleRepeatedlyCancelable(interval, interval, () => {
_reporterActor.Tell(new ProgressReport(requestId, _testedQuantity), self);
This usage of the scheduler will generate a new message each time when it invokes the lambda function and thus you'll be able to include the updated integer values inside your object.

UDP - is it possible to receive multiple messages in one receive call?

1. Is it possible to receive multiple messages in one receive call?
Sender pseudo-code:
target = ("", 1234)
sender = new_udp_socket()
sender.send("Hello", target)
sender.send("World", target)
Receiver pseudo-code:
receiver = new_udp_socket()
receiver.bind("", 1234)
while true
data = receiver.recvfrom(512)
Is it possible that the receiver will receive "HelloWorld" in one receive call instead of "Hello" and "World" separately?
I have been told that it is possible, but I'd like to make sure.
2. If it is possible to receive multiple messages in one receive call, how do I ensure that my code processes both messages separately?
I've been thinking about this but couldn't come up with any solution.
My first idea was that I would add a byte at the beginning of the send call stating the length of the message.
I don't believe this would be reliable either because if too much data is in the receivers buffer then the beginning (the message length) may be cut off and therefore my program would fail.
Thanks for any help!
After much research I have found an answer to my question.
One recvfrom call will only ever receive one sendto call.

how redis ensure all request data can be readed into buffer by only one 'read' function call?

I read redis source code recently, and I'm now studying the networking codes.
Redis use nonblock mode and epoll(or something simliar) for networking data read/write. When read data event arrived,"readQueryFromClient" function will be called, and in this function request data will be readed into buffer.
In "readQueryFromClient" function, if there are really data arrived, data will be readed into buffer through one 'read' function, and then the request will be handled.
nread = read(fd, c->querybuf+qblen, readlen); // **one read function**
//... some other codes to check read function retuen value
processInputBuffer(c);// **request will be handled in this function**
My question is: how redis ensure all request data can be readed into buffer by only one 'read' function call, maybe all data will be gotten by more 'read' function call?
processInputBuffer(c);// request will be handled in this function
That part is not true. Redis protocol is designed to include length of every chunk of data passed around. So the server always knows how much data it has to read to make a complete request out of it. Inside processInputBuffer if neither processInlineBuffer nor processMultibulkBuffer returns REDIS_OK (i.e. request terminator was not found in the buffer/not enough arguments), control simply falls out of the function. All that processInputBuffer did in this case was filling up a chunk of the client buffer and updating the parsing state. Then, on the next iteration of event loop, in the call to aeProcessEvents, if there is unread data remaining in the socket buffer, readQueryFromClient callback will be triggered again to parse the remaining data.

How Can I Tell If Another Message Is Pending In A TCP Connection

I have a sending application that uses TCP to send files. Sometimes these files contain one message, and other times the file may contain multiple messages. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the Sending application's code.
I am working on editing legacy code to receive these messages. I have managed to get the legacy application to accept a file when there is a single message sent. However, since I disconnect the socket after receiving a single message, the Sender gives a disconnect error.
I wrote a small process to help determine whether there was another message. If it worked, I was going to incorporate it into the code, but I had mixed results:
Dim check(1) As Byte
If (handler.Receive(check, SocketFlags.Peek) > 0) Then
Dim bytesRec As Integer
ReDim bytes(1024)
bytesRec = handler.Receive(bytes)
End If
If there is another message being sent, this will detect it. However, if the file only has a single message, it locks up on Receive until I send another file, and then it is accepted.
Is there a way to tell if there is another message pending that will not lock up if the stream is empty?
I won't post all of the code for accepting the message, as it is a legacy rat's nest, but the general idea is below:
s2 = CType(ar.AsyncState, Socket)
handler = s2.EndAccept(ar)
bytes = New Byte(1024) {}
Dim bytesRec As Integer = handler.Receive(bytes)
' Send Ack/Nak.
numAckBytesSent = handler.Send(myByte)
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
Socket.Select can be used as a quick way of polling a socket for readability. Pass in a timeout of 0 seconds, and the socket in question in the readability list, and it will simply check and report back immediately.
Two other options might be to set Socket.ReceiveTimeout on your socket, or make the socket non-blocking using Socket.Blocking, so that you can find out (as part of the Receive call) whether there is incoming data. These look a bit inconvenient to do in .NET, though, as they throw exceptions rather than simply returning a value, which might make the code a little longer.
Just keep reading. If there is nothing left you will get an end-of-stream indication of some kind, depending on your API.

How does ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy work? What does queueBrowserPrefetch mean?

I'm trying to use ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy but cannot quite understand how to use it.
I'm using queue, there are 3 params that I can define for PrefetchPolicy:
queuePrefetch, queueBrowserPrefetch, inputStreamPrefetch
Actually I don't get the meaning of queueBrowserPrefetch and inputStreamPrefetch so I do not know how to use it.
I assume that you have seen the ActiveMQ page on prefetch limits.
queueBrowserPrefetch sets the maximum number of messages sent to a
ActiveMQQueueBrowser until acks are received.
inputStreamPrefetch sets the maximum number of messages sent
through a jms-stream until acks are received
Both queue-browser and jms-stream are specialized consumers. You can read more about each one of them but if you are not using them it won't matter what you assign to their prefetch limits.