DNS records cannot be found for SSL certificate using custom domain on GAE - ssl

I am trying to add a custom domain to GAE but Google is struggling to issue an SSL certificate for the naked domain, as it says the DNS records could not be found.
I have tried to map both the naked domain and the www subdomain. When I entered these in the GAE custom domain section I was given 4xA records (above), 4xAAAA records (above), and 1x CNAME record for the www subdomain.
I've entered all of these records at GoDaddy.
The www subdomain in GAE was able to verify the DNS records relatively promptly but the naked domain has not been able to for 4/5 days now.
When I use a DNS lookup tool to check the A records, for the naked domain I see:
...and the four records provided by GAE are there (the other two can't be deleted or edited at GoDaddy). So why is GAE saying the DNS records cannot be found?
And when I use the same tool to lookup the www subdomain I see:
...which I guess must be correct as the certificate has issue without any problems.
If I remove the naked domain from GAE custom domain mapping then users just see a Google generated 404 error message saying the URL was not found on their servers.
Without the SSL, I can navigate to the naked domain using HTTP and I get redirected to the www subdomain (not sure if this is GoDaddy domain forwarding or Django PREPEND_WWW in action - both are setup). But if I try HTTPS on the naked domain, I get a page cannot be displayed due to failing to establish a secure connection, therefore I really need to get to the bottom of the SSL issuing problem.
I am not sure where I am going wrong and would appreciate some suggestions.

The traffic is confused, that is why the naked domain is not working because it was pointing to 2 separate vendors (server) by using the A record one from godaddy and another one from GAE. What you are doing is correct by adding the A record from GAE to your godaddy DNS. However the A record from godaddy must be deleted.
Based from this link possibly there is a forwarding setup wherein your domain is lock from the godaddy’s A record. It was also mentioned in the link that if you don't have forwarding setup, you can reach for their assistance on this link
Another possible concern is that a preset has been set on the account that permanently forwards your domain. It was suggested to remove the preset or change the settings of the preset to unlock the A record.


Can't add custom naked domain mapping after deleting the old one

The naked domain stopped working, and gave me a 404 error. www domain worked fine. I ended up deleting both the naked domain and "www" domain from the custom domain settings and adding them again. The naked domain suddenly disappeared from that page. I only see the "www" domain there. (tried disabling cache and etc)
I have been trying to recreate the mapping for the naked domain, and it is giving me this error.
It seems like it is trying to process in the background but when I click override and continue, nothing happens. I don't see a naked domain mapping in the custom domains tab. When I go to naked domain url, ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED error. Added an uptime check and it shows the following error:
Responded with "SSL Handshake Error" in 10,000 ms.
I purchased the domain from Google Domains, the DNS settings are set. Using google-managed SSL.
The mapping is finally visible but the SSL certificate didn't work so still can't access.
DNS records could not be found. Certificate activation will retry automatically.
This resolved itself after waiting for a day. The naked domain now has a valid certificate.

Visitor's IP not getting forwarded in www-version of the domain

I have a site where I am loading country-based dynamic contents. While Laravel's Request::ip() gets the proper(original) client IP if user visits the domain.com version, www.domain.com version gets the same IP for all visitors. I suppose it's the NS resolver server somewhere or something I am not aware of.
Is there a way to set the www version with redirects or something else so that $_SERVER['X-Forwarded-For'] or $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] or $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] gets the original client's IP? It's a Cpanel, so I don't have all the independence on all the DNS components to forward everything as per my need with custom Apache or Nginx setup. I just need a bypass, so to speak, if any.
It is generally a bad setup if you allow clints to access a website with two different URLs i.e. www and non-www. This is because Google sees these as two different websites and logs stats for them separately. This is of course not ideal if you want good SEO. You should re-direct all clients to one URL, choose either www or non-www.
To achieve this you can create a redirect rule in your server configuration files.

Cannot connect Heroku to custom Google Domain

In Heroku, my domain name for www.[somesite].com shows an ACM Status of "OK".
I also am using automatically managed SSL.
On Google Domains, I have a CNAME for www pointing to the DNS target.
I also have a synthetic record forwarding # for .[somesite].com to https://www.[somesite].com, with Temporary Redirect, Do not forward path, and Disable SSL.
If I use "Enable SSL" I get an error saying that:
The SSL Certificate for this domain hasn't been created yet.This process may take up to 24 hours to complete.
However, the site does not work. I do not know why Heroku shows that it does nor why it gives a ACM Status of OK.
I have been beating my head against this for several hours and have no idea what to do. Anyone have an idea?
Updated 2021
The following guide will help you to set up a website with SSL and forward all versions of your site to the appropriately secured site (https).
(Heroku) Deploy the site on Heroku (either with CLI or Github integration)
(Heroku) Upgrade to the "Hobby" Dyno (for $7).
(Heroku) Add SSL by going to Settings -> Configure SSL. Choose "Automatically".
(Heroku) Add a domain (on heroku.com) by clicking "Add domain". Be sure to use www in the domain name. So the Domain Name text field would be "www.example.com".
(Google Domains) Add a Custom Resource Record
Name: www
TTL: 600
Data: URL from Heroku
For example, behavior-apple-eh2cfqgjkiop23q1wvd4372b.herokudns.com.
(Google Domains) Add a Synthetic Record
Subdomaine Forward
Subdomain: #
Destination URL: https://www.example.com
Permanent Redirect (301)
Forward path
Enable SSL
(Google Domains) If you are using a domain that requires DNSSEC (such as a .dev domain), enable DNSSEC in the DNSSEC section.
You will have to wait about 15 minutes for everything to propagate. At the conclusion of the 15 minutes, you will be able to go to every combination of your site, and it will redirect to https://www.example.com.
Some of the errors you may see along the way are as follows:
ACM Issue
On Heroku:
ACM is failing for 1 domain name
www.example.com Unable to resolve DNS for www.exampe.com
Solution: the reason you are seeing this is because your CNAME is not set up on Google Domains. Complete step (5) above to resolve this issue.
Extra Period Issue
(On Google Domains) "A period keeps getting added to the end of the "Data" section of the URL when I put it in."
Solution: This is expected.
Helpful images
Final Heroku Page
Final Google Domains Page
Other StackOverflow answer
My root domain isn’t working, what’s wrong?
Heroku Devcenter: Add a Custom Root Domain

SSL on primary subdomain not showing securely

Hoping this doesn't come across as a stupid question. Server and SSL stuff isn't my forte.
I've got a wildcard SSL cert and on my root domain it works. On one of my subdomains it show securely. But on a second subdomain I get the broken padlock.
www.mydomain.ca - secure
www.subdom.mydomain.ca - secure
www.subdom2.mydomain.ca - broken padlock
Now with the root domain I know its a particular CMS, the first subdom is a Drupal site and the one that is broken right now is hosted in Azure.
I suppose my question is do I need to install a seperate SSL cert on my subdom2? (For all I know it was done to the first subdom before my time). Or is the nature of a wildcard SSL cert to cover anything that's a subdomain - provided that all the content is being served securely on the website?
If anyone comes across this, the issue was our vendor was serving an image that wasn't https. In the end in the issue had nothing to do with my wildcard SSL cert and it looks as though it does in fact cover all subdomains as long as content is being served securely!
If anyone comes across this, the issue was our vendor was serving an image that wasn't https. In the end in the issue had nothing to do with my wildcard SSL cert and it looks as though it does in fact cover all subdomains as long as content is being served securely!

Pointing GoDaddy DNS to GitHub page uses http over https

I have my DNS settings as shown in the image
DNS Setting along with an additional CNAME with host www and value as my GitHub page. Next I setup a CNAME entry in my GitHub page with an apex entry to my domain. The issue I face is that whenever I visit my domain with an https protocol, it shows a warning that the connection is not secure. I get the following in Chrome:
How do I fix this? I have both https and http access for my domain.
UPDATE: Github introduced custom domain support for HTTPS on May 1, 2018.
If you are using GoDaddy and want to upgrade to HTTPS, do the following:
Go to DNS settings for your site in your GoDaddy account.
Remove all existing A records.
Open a terminal and do dig +noall +answer <YOUR-USERNAME>.github.io. You should see a table listing 4 slightly different IP addresses:
On GoDaddy, create 4 new A records, each one pointing to one of the IPs. For host use # and set the TTL to a low user-defined value (if you are in a hurry).
Go to your page repository settings on Github, and clear the custom domain name and save. Wait a while (minutes).
When executing dig +noall +answer <YOUR-CUSTOM-DOMAIN> yields the 4 IP addresses that you entered in the A records, go back to the Github repository settings and re-enter and save your custom domain name (which you just cleared) in the custom domain cell.
Optionally, check the box Enforce HTTPS. But make sure that https://<YOUR-DOMAIN>is responsive first.
Make sure you have a CNAME record in your DNS settings also. Host should be www and it should point to your <YOUR-USERNAME>.github.io.
Make sure there is a file in your website repository named CNAME containing the name of your custom domain (in my case ulfaslak.com).
EDIT: Please see answer below by Arturo Herrero: https://stackoverflow.com/a/50203412/462015
GitHub pages does not support HTTPS for custom domains.
The only work around for doing so is to use an SSL provider as the middle man, such as Cloudflare. However, this would involve pointing your DNS name servers at Cloudflare's, which takes some time and complicates things.
If you want HTTPS support using GitHub pages you'll have to use GitHub's provided URL instead of your custom domain.
Another great option for static sites if you want custom domain name HTTPS is Amazon Web Services. You could set up an S3 bucket for your static website, configure CloudFront to distribute the static content, point your domain name at the CloudFront distribution, and use a free SSL certificate from Amazon's cert manager. This option comes out to less than $1/Month with a low-traffic website. A great in depth tutorial for that would be here.
I hope this answered your question! GitHub pages is a great hosting option, and it's not the end of the world if you decide to forget about HTTPS.
Custom domains on GitHub Pages gain support for HTTPS since May 01, 2018