How to access the version information within Nextflow's manifest scope - nextflow

Say I have a manifest scope defined like so
manifest {
version = '1.2.3'
If I try to access the version component of that scope in a process, like this:
process TEST {
somescript ${manifest.version}
Then I get an error saying:
No such variable: manifest
Is it possible to access the variables within the manifest scope in Nextflow, and, if so, what is the proper syntax.

Entries in the manifest scope can be accessed using the workflow object. To get the pipeline version number from the manifest (assuming it has been set), use: workflow.manifest.version. Your test process might then look like:
process test {
echo "${workflow.manifest.version}"


Vue. How to pass a variable I have on server (process.env.SERVER) to the browser

On the frontend server I have a file I can read with:
if(!!process.env.SERVER) {
require("dotenv").config( { path: '/hw/.env', debug: true } )
But how can I pass the vlue of process.env.myvar to the browser?
If you want to get some variables for all cases you can create an enviroment file with just .env as the name next to package.json in your project.
To get variables from that file you need to declare them first in the .env like this:
VUE_APP_MYVAR = 'myvar'
In your app you can use it like this:
If you need some variables depending on the process, respectively for your enviroment, your myvar can't be called with process.env.SERVER. If SERVER is the process, you need a .env.server file next to your package.json.
You can then, again, declare myvar in .env.server like this:
VUE_APP_MYVAR = 'myvar'
To get process.env.VUE_APP_MYVAR this time you have to ensure, that you build or serve your enviroment named server. Else, your app trying to get process.env.VUE_APP_MYVAR with the process you used.
For Example: If you have .env.development and .env.server, both can contain VUE_APP_MYVAR = 'myvar' with different assigned values. Which one is picked depends on the enviroment you build or serve.
For more information, see the docs: Modes and Environment Variables

Load resource file (json) in kotlin js

Given this code, where should I place the file.json to be able to be found in the runtime?
// path: src/main/kotlin/Server.kt
fun main() {
val serviceAccount = require("file.json")
I tried place it under src/main/resources/ without luck. I also use Gradle to compile kotlin to js with kotlin2js plugin.
Assuming the Kotlin compiler puts the created JS file (say server.js) into the default location at build/classes/kotlin/main and the resource file (file.json) into build/resources/main.
And you are running server.js by executing node build/classes/kotlin/main/server.js
According to the NodeJS documentation:
Local modules and JSON files can be imported using a relative path (e.g. ./, ./foo, ./bar/baz, ../foo) that will be resolved against the directory named by __dirname (if defined) or the current working directory.
In our case __dirname is build/classes/kotlin/main
So the correct require statement is:
val serviceAccount = js("require('../../../resources/main/file.json')")
or if require is defined as a Kotlin function like in the question
val serviceAccount = require("../../../resources/main/file.json")
You may just use js("require('./file.json')") if you do not have import for the require function in Kotlin. The result will be dynamic, so you may cast it to Map.

How do I create a list of data based on actual twig files within project

I am creating an app via NPM using It essentially is twig.js. I'm keeping it slim, so right now there isn't any other php or anything like that. Just npm / twig.js and other npm packages, including Grunt.
Here's what I'm trying to do. Right now, I have a bunch of twig files within subfolders of a directory.
What I'd like to do is generate a list of data of the .twig files in that subdirectory. Something like this may work well
files: [
"name": "file1.twig"
"path": "/folder1"
"name": "file2.twig"
"path": "/folder1"
"name": "file3.twig"
"path": "/folder1"
But I'm not super picky. Just seeing if anyone has found a way to create a list of files within a folder via npm, or twigjs, or something similar.
If it generates a .json file, that would be ideal. This would be part of a build process, so doing that via Grunt would work well too.
Thank you in advance
You can register a custom grunt task in your Gruntfile.js which utilizes the shelljs find method to retrieve the path of each .twig file.
shelljs is a package which provides portable Unix shell commands for Node.js. It's find method is analogous to the Bash find command.
The following steps describe how to achieve your requriement:
cd to your project directory and install shelljs by running:
npm i -D shelljs
Configure your Gruntfile.js as follows:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// requirements
var path = require('path'),
find = require('shelljs').find;
// other tasks ...
* Custom grunt task generates a list of .twig files in a directory
* and saves the results as .json file.
grunt.registerTask('twigList', 'Creates list of twig files', function() {
var obj = {};
obj.files = find('path/to/directory')
.filter(function(filePath) {
return filePath.match(/\.twig$/);
.map(function(filePath) {
return {
name: path.basename(filePath),
path: path.dirname(filePath)
grunt.file.write('twig-list.json', JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2));
grunt.registerTask('default', ['twigList']);
Both shelljs and nodes built-in path module are required into Gruntfile.js.
Next a custom task named twigList is registered.
In the body of the function we initialize an empty object and assign it to a variable named obj.
Next, the shelljs find method is invoked passing in a path to the subdirectory containing the .twig files. Currently the path is set to path/to/directory so you'll need to redefine this path as necessary.
Note: The find method can also accept an array of multiple directory paths as an argument. For example:
find(['path/to/directory', 'path/to/another/directory'])
The find method returns an Array of all paths found inside the given directory, (many levels deep). We utilize the Array's filter() method to return only filepaths with a .twig file extension by providing a regex (\.twig$) to the Strings match method.
Each item of the resultant Array of .twig filepaths is passed to the Array's map() method. It returns an Object with two properties (name and path). The value for the name property is obtained from the full filepath using nodes path.basename() method. Similarly, the value for the path property is obtained from the full filepath using nodes path.dirname() method.
Finally the grunt file.write() method is utilized to write a .json file to disk. Currently the first argument is set to twig-list.json. This will result in a file named twig-list.json being saved to the top-level of your project directory where Gruntfile.js resides. You'll need to redefine this output path as necessary. The second argument is provided by utilizing JSON.stringify() to convert obj to JSON. The resultant JSON is indented by two spaces.
Additional info
As previously mentioned the shelljs find method lists all files (many levels deeep) in the given directory path. If the directory path provided includes a subfolder(s) containing .twig files that you want to exclude you can do something like the following in the filter() method:
.filter(function(file) {
return filePath.match(/\.twig$/) && !filePath.match(/^foo\/bar/);
This will match all .twig files, and ignore those in the sub directory foo/bar of the given directory, e.g. path/to/directory.

Codeception Cept tests _bootstrap variables

Codeception default _bootstrap.php file states:
// Here you can initialize variables that will be available to your tests
So I wanted to initialize a variable inside of it:
$a = 5;
However, when I use it my SomeAcceptanceCept:
// ....
$I->fillField('description', $a);
I get: ErrorException: Undefined variable: a
I did var_dump in _bootstrap.php and it indeed get's ran once before acceptance tests, but variables from it are not available in my tests.
I can't seem to find any documentation on this.
I'm actually trying to initialize Faker instance to use in my tests.
I find the documentation on this to be quite confusing. I was attempting to do the exact same thing to no avail. So I ended up using Fixtures by putting this in the _bootstrap.php file:
use Codeception\Util\Fixtures;
use Faker\Factory;
$fake = Factory::create();
Fixtures::add('fake', $fake);
(You could also use a separate fixtures.php file and include it in your test.)
Which allows you to get the faker object or anything else like this:
The strange thing is that if you look at the Fixtures docs it actually mentions using the Faker library to create tests data in the bootstrap file.
I do the following:
// _bootstrap.php
$GLOBALS['a'] = 5;
Then within my tests I call it like so:
// MyCest.php
public function testItWorks(\Tester $I)
global $a;
$I->fillField('description', $a);
I haven't done much work with Cept files but probably something similar will work.
Define it like this in your bootstrap.php :
// This is global bootstrap for autoloading
define("email", "");
define("password", "my_secure_pass")
Use it like this:
public function testValidLogin(AcceptanceTester $I)
$I->fillField(loginPage::$username, email);
$I->fillField(loginPage::$password, password);
$I->click("LOG IN");
NOTE: no dollar signs. use as only as 'email' and 'password'
I dumped all PHP variables and confirmed that any variables set in the _bootstrap.php file do not exist and are not available in the MyCept.php file. So I resorted to adding the following at the top of MyCept.php:
include '_bootstrap.php';
This makes the variables set in _bootstrap.php available. Of course.

How to recursively parse xsd files to generate a list of included schemas for incremental build in Maven?

I have a Maven project that uses the jaxb2-maven-plugin to compile some xsd files. It uses the staleFile to determine whether or not any of the referenced schemaFiles have been changed. Unfortunately, the xsd files in question use <xs:include schemaLocation="../relative/path.xsd"/> tags to include other schema files that are not listed in the schemaFile argument so the staleFile calculation in the plugin doesn't accurately detect when things need to be actually recompiled. This winds up breaking incremental builds as the included schemas evolve.
Obviously, one solution would be to list all the recursively referenced files in the execution's schemaFile. However, there are going to be cases where developers don't do this and break the build. I'd like instead to automate the generation of this list in some way.
One approach that comes to mind would be to somehow parse the top-level XSD files and then either sets a property or outputs a file that I can then pass into the schemaFile parameter or schemaFiles parameter. The Groovy gmaven plugin seems like it might be a natural way to embed that functionality right into the POM. But I'm not familiar enough with Groovy to get started.
Can anyone provide some sample code? Or offer an alternative implementation/solution?
Not sure how you'd integrate it into your Maven build -- Maven isn't really my thing :-(
However, if you have the path to an xsd file, you should be able to get the files it references by doing something like:
def rootXsd = new File( 'path/to/xsd' )
def refs = new XmlSlurper().parse( rootXsd ).depthFirst().findAll {'include' }.#schemaLocation*.text()
println "$rootXsd references $refs"
So refs is a list of Strings which should be the paths to the included xsds
Based on tim_yates's answer, the following is a workable solution, which you may have to customize based on how you are configuring the jaxb2 plugin.
Configure a gmaven-plugin execution early in the lifecycle (e.g., in the initialize phase) that runs with the following configuration...
Start with a function to collect File objects of referenced schemas (this is a refinement of Tim's answer):
def findRefs { f ->
def relPaths = new XmlSlurper().parse(f).depthFirst().findAll {'include'
relPaths.collect { new File(f.absoluteFile.parent + "/" + it).canonicalFile }
Wrap that in a function that iterates on the results until all children are found:
def recursiveFindRefs = { schemaFiles ->
def outputs = [] as Set
def inputs = schemaFiles as Queue
// Breadth-first examine all refs in all schema files
while (xsd = inputs.poll()) {
outputs << xsd
findRefs(xsd).each {
if (!outputs.contains(it)) inputs.add(it)
The real magic then comes in when you parse the Maven project to determine what to do.
First, find the JAXB plugin:
jaxb = { it.artifactId == 'jaxb2-maven-plugin' }
Then, parse each execution of that plugin (if you have multiple). The code assumes that each execution sets schemaDirectory, schemaFiles and staleFile (i.e., does not use the defaults!) and that you are not using schemaListFileName:
jaxb.executions.each { ex ->"Processing jaxb execution $ex")
// Extract the schema locations; the configuration is an Xpp3Dom
ex.configuration.children.each { conf ->
switch ( {
case "schemaDirectory":
schemaDirectory = conf.value
case "schemaFiles":
schemaFiles = conf.value.split(/,\s*/)
case "staleFile":
staleFile = conf.value
Finally, we can open the schemaFiles, parse them using the functions we've defined earlier:
def schemaHandles = schemaFiles.collect { new File("${project.basedir}/${schemaDirectory}", it) }
def allSchemaHandles = recursiveFindRefs(schemaHandles)
...and compare their last modified times against the stale file's modification time,
unlinking the stale file if necessary.
def maxLastModified = allSchemaHandles.collect {
def staleHandle = new File(staleFile)
if (staleHandle.lastModified() < maxLastModified) {" New schemas detected; unlinking $staleFile.")