Office 365 Oauth with Nodemailer Can't create new access token - express

I am trying to use Nodemailer in express server with Oauth from Office 365 but I am getting Can't create new access token for user and {"code": "EAUTH", "command": "AUTH XOAUTH2" error. It seems like nodemailer is unable to obtain either the access token and refresh token and the user is not being authenticated to send mails.
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: "",
port: 587,
secure: false,
tls: {
ciphers: "SSLv3"
requireTLS: true,
auth: {
type: "OAuth2",
user: process.env.SENDER_EMAIL,
clientId: "CLIENT_ID",
clientSecret: "CLEINT_SECRET",
accessUrl: ""
// pass: process.env.SENDER_PASSWORD
I am not familiar with OAuth 2.0 with Office 365 to begin with so there could be some configurations error etc. The nodemailer works fine if I use my account credentials though. Can someone please suggest me something to try out or let me know if my config is wrong.

Please note that, accessUrl is an endpoint for requesting new access token.
As you have passed Authorization endpoint, please try changing it to OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2).
You can find this endpoint value in the Portal like below:
Go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> Your App
Alternatively, you can make use of Microsoft Graph API to send the mails like below:
Make sure to have Mail.Send permission consented before using the below query:
"message": {
"subject": "Regarding leave approval",
"body": {
"contentType": "Text",
"content": "Please approve my leave request."
"toRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"address": "XXXXX"
"ccRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"address": "XXXXX"
"saveToSentItems": "false"
The mail was successfully triggered like below:
For more in detail, please refer the below links:
Send mail - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs
Modern Oauth2 authentication for sending mails using Nodemailer nodejs by Sivaprakash-MSFT



When I query GitHub's GraphQL API with the following:
query RetrievePackagesAssociatedWithRepo($repo: String!, $owner: String!) {
repository(name: $repo, owner: $owner) {
packages(packageType: NPM, first: 10) {
edges {
node {
I received an error stating:
"errors": [
"locations": [
"line": 6,
"column": 11
"message": "Your token has not been granted the required scopes to execute this query. The 'id' field requires one of the following scopes: ['read:packages'], but your token has only been granted the: ['read:gpg_key', 'read:org', 'read:public_key', 'read:repo_hook', 'repo', 'user'] scopes. Please modify your token's scopes at:"
I followed the link and added the necessary permissions.
I tried to Authorizing a personal access token for use with SAML single sign-on but, the SSO button to enable is not present.
development settings token
Documentations I Followed: Creating Personal Token! | Authorizing Personal Token!
After trying out theses methods, the same error message persists "Your token has not been granted the required scopes".
My goal, through Github's API, is to retrieve packages associated with its repository.
Is there something I'm missing.

Parse: no sessionToken retrieved after initial sign up using Google oAuth

For my React Native app I am using Parse JS SDK and hosted Parse Server on Back4app.
When I try to register a new user, the user is not authenticated because the response does not return a sessionToken.
However, once the user is in the db and signs in a sessionToken is returned and the user is authenticated successfully.
The request is the same for sign in/up.
await Parse.User.logInWith('google', {
// auth data received from #react-native-community/google-signin
authData: {
id_token: token
Response on initial Sign Up
The response is supposed to return a sessionToken which is missing. So the user is not authenticated and modifications on the user object are not possible.
"authData": {...},
"createdAt": "...",
"objectId": "...",
"updatedAt": "...",
"username": "..."
Response on sign in after user was created
"ACL": {...},
"authData": {...},
"createdAt": "...",
"objectId": "...",
"sessionToken": "...",
"updatedAt": "...",
"username": "..."
I don't use any cloud code. Just a simple auth flow with Google oAuth.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Edit: same issue for 'sign in with Apple'
As far as I know, according to the Official Documentation, Parse will respond 200 (HTTP OK) and include the Session Token only when it verifies the user is already associated with the OAuth authentication data.
So, again, as far as I know, the very first request when you create the user, will not contain the sessionToken.
Take a look to this tutorial
Here there is an explanation on how to setup your Cloud Code. It's for React, but with small adjustments it will work for React Native.
You also need Cloud Code as you need to store your Client ID and Secret. You don't want to have those on your public application

How to Properly Authenticate Google Vision API Using Polymer

I am trying to run a test on the Google Cloud Vision API to see how it fares to the client side Shape Detection API.
I am hoping to POST JSON with a base64 encoded image and get image text and barcodes returned.
I have created a GCP project and API key per the tutorial at (, but am getting an 401 error when trying to make requests.
error: {code: 401,…}
code: 401
message: "Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See"
The request is written in Polymer 2.x as follows:
<iron-ajax id="googleApi"
headers$='{"Authorization": "Bearer [[GOOGLE_API_KEY]]"}'
type: String,
value: 'AIza0101010110100101101010'
getRequest(image) {
let encoded = image.toString('base64');
this.request = {
"requests": [{
"image": {
"content": encoded
"features": [{
"maxResults": 1
let request = this.$.googleApi.generateRequest();
request.completes.then(req => {
console.log('submission complete');
.catch(error => {
How do I resolve this authentication error?
It is an account admin issue? Improperly formatted code?
The authorization header is not needed, so the request should be in the form of:
<iron-ajax id="googleApi"

Can chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow be used to authenticate against Google APIs?

I'm writing a Chrome extension and have been trying to use chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow to authenticate with Google. I would prefer this to chrome.identity.getAuthToken (which does work) because getAuthToken gets the token for the user currently logged in to Chrome -- who may be logged in to multiple Google accounts. I want the user to be able to hook up a specific Google calendar to my extension, and that calendar might belong to a different user than they've logged in to Chrome as.
So, I've been trying to do this with chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow and generally failing around a mismatched redirect_uri. I've tried just about every type of credential you can set up in the Google APIs developer console. ("Chrome App" seemed like the right thing, but I have also tried Web application, Other, and iOS.) I've tried using the results of both chrome.extension.getURL('string') and'string') as my redirect_uri.
I tried out the example app referred to by but have not been able to get that to work either.
I have a suspicion I'm trying to do something that either used to be allowed and no longer is, or just never worked.
Here's an example of my code, but I think my problem is really in the API dev console -- I don't see a way to set up a configuration that will work for an extension:
var auth_url = '';
var client_key = *[client id from API dev console]*
var auth_params = {
client_id: client_key,
redirect_uri: chrome.identity.getRedirectURL("oauth2.html")
scope: ''
auth_url += '?' + $.param(auth_params);
chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow({url: auth_url, interactive: true}, function(token) { console.log(token); });
(I have also tried the endpoint.)
After reading the accepted answer, I wound up with this:
var auth_url = '';
var client_id = '[client ID from console]';
var redirect_url = chrome.identity.getRedirectURL("oauth2.html");
var auth_params = {
client_id: client_id,
redirect_uri: redirect_url,
response_type: 'token',
scope: 'profile'
auth_url += '?' + $.param(auth_params);
chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow({url: auth_url, interactive: true}, function(responseUrl) { console.log(responseUrl); });
The responseUrl is my redirect_uri with parameters -- so Google oauth returned that instead of redirecting the browser to it -- and I could go on from there.
Yes, in 2019 it still works. Finally got it working...
"name": "Extension Name",
"description": "Description",
"version": "1.0.0",
"manifest_version": 2,
"icons": {
"48": "icons/icon_48.png",
"128": "icons/icon_128.png"
"background": {
"scripts": [
"persistent": false
"oauth2": {
"client_id": "Your Client ID from Google Develpers console (Must be Web Application)",
"scopes": [
"openid", "email", "profile"
"permissions": [
"key": "Your Key from Google Developer Dashboard"
'url': './content/auth/auth.html',
'width': 454,
'height': 540,
'type': 'popup'
standard HTML markup that calls auth.js file
var auth_url = '';
var client_id = '<Client ID>'; // must be Web Application type
var redirect_url = chrome.identity.getRedirectURL(); // make sure to define Authorised redirect URIs in the Google Console such as https://<-your-extension-ID->
var auth_params = {
client_id: client_id,
redirect_uri: redirect_url,
response_type: 'token',
scope: '',
login_hint: '' // fake or non-existent won't work
const url = new URLSearchParams(Object.entries(auth_params));
auth_url += url;
chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow({url: auth_url, interactive: true}, function(responseUrl) {
To get the Angular sample running, I needed to:
Create my own Web Application client ID in the Google developer console with an Authorized redirect URI of
Copy that client ID into the config.json file of the sample.
The call to get redirectURI in that sample is like chrome.identity.getRedirectURL("oauth2"), the string parameter gets appended to the end of the URL based on extension ID.

Accessing a cloud hub API
/applications/{domain}/logs Traits: environment_based
Retrieve log messages for the application, ordered newest to oldest.
I am trying to access this api but am unable to relate what client id does it ask. Also I am unable to relate to oauth authentication this needs.
I am new to mule.
i am sharing the steps by step instructions to access the details of apps from api.
Step 1 : Get the access token from the Api
NOTE : Use POST method and add Header Content-Type=application/json
You will get response in JSON format like below
"access_token": "44126898-7ed8-4453-8d28-skajnbf",
"token_type": "bearer",
"redirectUrl": "/home/"
Step 2: Get your organization id
NOTE : Use GET method and add below Headers
Content-Type = application/json
Authorization = Bearer ACCESS_TOKE_YOU_GOT_ABOVE
Example : Authorization = Bearer 44126898-7ed8-4453-8d28-skajnbf
In the response you will have a section where you will get you organization related details like below
"organization": {
"name": "Sample",
"id": "c1e68d1e-797d-47a5-b",
"createdAt": "2016-11-29T09:45:27.903Z",
"updatedAt": "2016-11-29T09:45:27.932Z",
"ownerId": "68df9a5",
"clientId": "7200350999564690",
"domain": "******",
"idprovider_id": "mulesoft",
"isFederated": false,
"parentOrganizationIds": [],
"subOrganizationIds": [],
"tenantOrganizationIds": [],
"isMaster": true,
"subscription": {
"type": "Trial",
"expiration": "2016-12-29T09:45:27.906Z"
Step 3: Get the environment Details
NOTE : Use GET method and add below Headers
Content-Type = application/json
Authorization = Bearer ACCESS_TOKE_YOU_GOT_ABOVE
Example :
You will get all available environments in the response in JSON format as below
"data": [
"id": "042c933d-82ec-453c-99b2-asmbd",
"name": "Production",
"organizationId": "c1e68d1e-797d-47a5-b726-77asd",
"isProduction": true
"total": 1
Step 4: Now specify the domain name and fetch the logs
Example :
NOTE : Use GET method and add below Headers
Content-Type = application/json
Authorization = Bearer ACCESS_TOKE_YOU_GOT_ABOVE
Example : X-ANYPNT-ENV-ID = 042c933d-82ec-453c-99b2-asmbd
You will get the logs in JSON format as below
"data": [
"loggerName": "Platform",
"threadName": "system",
"timestamp": 1480503796819,
"message": "Deploying application to 1 workers.",
"priority": "SYSTEM",
"instanceId": "583eb1f1c4b27"
"loggerName": "Platform",
"threadName": "system",
"timestamp": 1480503797404,
"message": "Provisioning CloudHub worker...",
"priority": "SYSTEM",
"instanceId": "583eb1f1e4b27"
"total": 2
Hope this Helps for Beginners
To see the clientID. Log into your CloudHub account. Click on the "gear" icon in the upper right corner. Click on the name of your organisation. you should now see your "clientID" and the "ClientSecret" ID.
Before you use the CloudHub APIs or the Anypoint platform APIs you have to create an account on the Anypoint Platform - Check the architecture of the Anypoint API platform #
Once your are done with the registration with the Anypoint API platform you need to set up users, roles & privileges as an admin -
As admin you need to control access to APIs by creating & supplying client Id and client Secret -
I guess that's the client you referring to. It needs to be present in the request for all the APIs.
As far as OAuth is concerned, it is not completely functional on Cloudhub API. You will have to raise a ticket for support. Check this out -
If you are new to Mule, run through the Mule Intro videos and try out the Anypoint Studio to get feel of Mulesoft Applications.
Hope this helps.