I need some assistance, I have written an application that queries all records in a table and prints it out but when I run the program it prints it out in the IDE, and trying to get it to print in the lower label.
from __future__ import print_function
from ast import Lambda
import sqlalchemy as sa
import pandas as pd
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
server = 'ABQSQ03t'
username = 'TECO//AAPWP'
password = '*****##'
timeout = '60'
database = 'NMGC_PIM_DEV'
driver = 'ODBC+Driver+17+for+SQL+Server'
engine = sa.create_engine(
cn = engine.connect()
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Compliance SQL Backend Reporting")
HEIGHT = 800
WIDTH = 1000
#background image
canv = tk.Canvas(root, width=80, height=80, bg='white')
canv.place(relwidth=1, relheight=1)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("NMGC_Emera_color240x75.png")) # PIL solution
canv.create_image(20, 20, anchor='nw', image=img)
background_label= tk.Label(root, image=img)
background_label.place(x=0,y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
#button Functionaility
#def test_function(entry):
#print("Button Clicked you typed:", entry)
def test_function(entry):
sql = pd.read_sql(f'Select * from [dbo].[{entry}]', con=cn)
final_str = print(sql)
#Guid setup
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, height = HEIGHT, width=WIDTH)
frame = tk.Frame(root, bg='#7B94AD', bd=5)
frame.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.1, relwidth=0.75, relheight=0.1, anchor='n')
entry = tk.Entry(frame, bg='white')
entry.place(relwidth=0.65, relheight=1)
button = tk.Button(frame, text='Generate Report', font = 40, command=lambda:
button.place(relx=0.7, relheight=1, relwidth=0.3)
lower_frame = tk.Frame(root, bg='#7B94AD', bd=10)
lower_frame.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.25, relwidth=0.75, relheight=0.6, anchor='n')
label=tk.Label(lower_frame, bg='white', textvariable=test_function)
label.place(relwidth=1, relheight=1)
Sample dataframe headers:
I'm running this flask app
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
import json
import pandas as pd
# Create the app object
app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app, resources= {r"/*": {'origins' : "*"}})
# importing function for calculations
from Record_Matching import Matching
#app.route("/query", methods = ['get'])
def query():
# service_account_creds = request.json
query1 = request.args.get('query1', type = str)
query2 = request.args.get('query2', type = str)
querycolumns = request.args.get('querycolumns')
project_id = request.args.get('project_id', type = str)
service_account_creds = request.args.get('service_account')
SS = request.args.get('SS', type = float)
TT = request.args.get('TT', type = float)
result = Matching(query1,query2, SS,TT, service_account_creds, project_id, querycolumns)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="localhost", port=8080, debug=True)
and I'm importing the matching function from this python scripts
import pandas as pd
from google.cloud import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import recordlinkage
from recordlinkage.preprocessing import phonetic
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
import uuid
from uuid import uuid4
import random
import string
import json
import ast
# Results to data frame function
def gcp2df(sql, client):
query = client.query(sql)
results = query.result()
return results.to_dataframe()
# Exporting df to bigquery - table parameter example: "dataset.tablename"
# def insert(df, table):
# client = bigquery.Client()
# job_config = bigquery.LoadJobConfig(write_disposition=bigquery.job.WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE)
# return client.load_table_from_dataframe(df, table, job_config = job_config)
def pair(df1, df2, TT, querycolumns):
# function to take pair from list and compare:
L = querycolumns
# To generate phonetics we need to make sure all names are in english.
# thus we'll replace non-english words by random english strings
df1[L[p1]] = df1[L[p1]].astype(str)
df2[L[p2]] = df2[L[p2]].astype(str)
for i in range(0,len(df1)):
if df1[L[p1]][i].isascii() == False:
df1[L[p1]][i] = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=5))
for i in range(0,len(df2)):
if df2[L[p2]][i].isascii() == False:
df2[L[p2]][i] = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=5))
compare = recordlinkage.Compare()
df1["phonetic_given_name"] = phonetic(df1[L[p1]], "soundex")
df2["phonetic_given_name"] = phonetic(df2[L[p2]], "soundex")
df1["initials"] = (df1[L[p1]].str[0] + df1[L[p1]].str[-1])
df2["initials"] = (df2[L[p2]].str[0] + df2[L[p2]].str[-1])
indexer = recordlinkage.Index()
candidate_links = indexer.index(df1, df2)
compare.exact('phonetic_given_name', 'phonetic_given_name', label="phonetic_given_name")
# O(n) a function that uses two pointers to track consecutive pairs for the input list
while p2 <=l:
compare.string(L[p1], L[p2], method='jarowinkler',threshold = TT, label=L[p1])
features = compare.compute(candidate_links,df1, df2)
return features
def Matching(query1,query2, SS,TT, service_account_creds, project_id, querycolumns):
service_account_creds = ast.literal_eval(service_account_creds)
credentials = service_account.Credentials(service_account_creds, service_account_creds['client_email'],
job_config = bigquery.LoadJobConfig()
client = bigquery.Client( project = project_id)
df1 = gcp2df("""{}""".format(query1), client)
df2 = gcp2df("""{}""".format(query2), client)
querycolumns = json.loads(querycolumns)
querycolumns = list(querycolumns.values())
features = pair(df1, df2, TT, querycolumns)
features['Similarity_score'] = features.sum(axis=1)
features = features[features['Similarity_score']>=SS].reset_index()
final = features[['level_0', 'level_1']]
final.rename(columns= {'level_0':'df1_index', 'level_1':'df2_index'}, inplace= True)
final['Unique_ID'] = [uuid.uuid4() for _ in range(len(final.index))]
final['Unique_ID'] = final['Unique_ID'].astype(str)
final['Similarity_Score'] = SS
final_duplicates = final['df1_index'].value_counts().max()
# insert(final,"test-ahmed-project.Record_Linkage.Matching_Indices")
message = "Mission accomplished!, your highest number of duplicates is " + str(final_duplicates)
return {'message':message,'final':final.to_dict('records'), 'df1':df1.to_dict('records')}
I'm not sure why when I return df1 as a dictionary it shows ValueError error when I try to to use the function from flask app, but when I run it in a jupytor notebook using the same dataframe that I'm taking from bigquery, it works just fine, so why does it not work on the flask app?
I tried to_dict('record') to convert a dataframe to a dictionary,
it looking online many resources suggest the error exists because the data contains missing values, but it shouldn't be a problem because when I try converting the same dataframe to dictionary in jupyter notebook it works just fine.
In my script, I use pandas module. When I execute my file.py - everything works well. But I've converted my file.py to file.exe with auto-py-to-exe and got an error: AttributeError:'str' object has no attribute 'unique'. It's strange because it worked normally. The line where becomes an error: wells=list(file[0].unique()). Who knows this issue, please help.
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.filedialog as fd
import pandas as pd
import os
import datetime
from datetime import datetime, date
import numpy as np
pd.set_option('display.notebook_repr_html', False)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 80)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 200)
pd.set_option('display.width', 800)
def resource_path(relative_path):
base_path = sys._MEIPASS
except Exception:
base_path = os.path.abspath(".")
return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)
def open():
global file_excel, name
file_excel = fd.askopenfilename(initialdir='/Desktop', title='Открыть файл', filetypes = [("Excel", "*.xlsx")])
name = os.path.basename(file_excel)
file_excel=pd.read_excel(file_excel, skiprows=[0], header=None)
return file_excel, name
win = tk.Tk()
path = resource_path("image.png")
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file=path)
win.iconphoto(False, photo)
win.title('Конвертация в формат .ev')
win.resizable(False, False)
label_1 = tk.Label(win, text = 'Выберите файл с испытаниями скважин:',
bg = '#FFC',
font=('Arial', 10, 'bold'),
btn_1 = tk.Button(win, text = 'Выбрать Excel',
command = open,
activebackground = '#6F6',
font=('Arial', 12, 'bold'),
relief = tk.RAISED,
file_excel[1] = pd.to_datetime(file_excel[1], errors='coerce').dt.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
file_excel[4] = np.where(file_excel[1].str, 'Perforation', np.nan)
col_list = list(file_excel)
col_list[4], col_list[2] = col_list[2], col_list[4]
file_excel.columns = col_list
for i in wells:
well_name=pd.DataFrame({'WELLNAME '+i}, columns=[1])
Perforation=Perforation.append(pd.Series(dtype = 'object'), ignore_index=True)
def SaveFile():
Save=fd.asksaveasfile(mode='w',defaultextension=".ev", initialfile=name)
Save.write(Perforation.to_string(index=False, header=False, na_rep=' '))
win = tk.Tk()
path = resource_path("image.png")
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file=path)
win.iconphoto(False, photo)
win.title('Конвертация в формат .ev')
win.resizable(False, False)
label_1 = tk.Label(win, text = 'Сохранение:',
bg = '#FFC',
font=('Arial', 10, 'bold'),
btn_1 = tk.Button(win, text = 'Сохранить как',
command = SaveFile,
activebackground = '#6F6',
font=('Arial', 12, 'bold'),
relief = tk.RAISED,
type of file[0]
Error screen
When I created virtual env I should have added openpyxl module. And I made it and everything is fine now
I am trying to import file from MYSQL, python and tkinter with input
field order ID
import pymysql
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
import mysql.connector as sql
import pandas as pd
def search():
db_connection = sql.connect(host='localhost', database='northwind', user='xxxx', password='xxxx')
db_cursor = db_connection.cursor()
db_cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE OrderID=%s" % orderid.get())
table_rows = db_cursor.fetchall()
df = pd.DataFrame(table_rows)
messagebox.showinfo('No Data','No Such Data available')
def clear():
w1 =Tk()
w1.title('My App')
ptitle = Label(w1, text='''Order Details''')
orderid = StringVar()
11=Label(w1, text = ' Order ID ')
e1=Entry(w1, textvariable= orderid )
b1=Button(w1, text = 'Search', command=search)
11.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
e1.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
b1.grid(row=1, column=2)
b2.grid(row=4, column=0)
I am getting below Error:
File "<ipython-input-34-1f76a2830089>",
line 38 11.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
You have a variable that begins with a digit, which is illegal in python. Change 11 to something that begins with a letter.
would anyone advise me how to adjust the X axis to better display the date on this graph?
from math import pi
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.io import show
from bokeh.models import LinearColorMapper, BasicTicker, PrintfTickFormatter, ColorBar
from bokeh.plotting import figure
#cesta k souboru
path = "C://Users//Zemi4//Desktop//zpr3//all2.csv"
#nacteni dataframu
data = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter = ",")
data['Cas'] = data['Cas'].astype(str)
data = data.set_index('Cas')
data.columns.name = 'Mistnost'
times = list(data.index)
rooms = list(data.columns)
df = pd.DataFrame(data.stack(), columns=['float']).reset_index()
colors = ['#440154', '#404387', '#29788E', '#22A784', '#79D151', '#FDE724', '#FCFEA4', '#FBA40A', '#DC5039']
mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=colors, low=df.float.min(), high=df.float.max())
TOOLS = "hover,save,pan,box_zoom,reset,wheel_zoom"
p = figure(title="Heatmap ({0} - {1})".format(times[0], times[-1]),
x_range=times, y_range=list(reversed(rooms)),
x_axis_location="above", plot_width=1500, plot_height=900,
tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location='below',
tooltips=[('Time: ', '#Cas'), ('Temperature: ', '#float'), ('Room: ', '#Mistnost')],
p.grid.grid_line_color = None
p.axis.axis_line_color = None
p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None
p.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "5pt"
p.axis.major_label_standoff = 0
p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 3
p.rect(x="Cas", y="Mistnost", width=1, height=1,
fill_color={'field': 'float', 'transform': mapper},
color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper, major_label_text_font_size="5pt",
label_standoff=6, border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0))
p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right')
show(p) # show the pl
Try: p.xaxis[0].ticker.desired_num_ticks = <number_ticks_you_want_to_display>.
Or apply a specific ticker (see Bokeh docs) like you did for the ColorBar.
I'm trying to create one dataframe with data from multiple urls I'm scraping. The code works however I'm unable to store the data in one DataFrame recursively. The DataFrame (called frame) is replaced with a new url's data each time rather than having the new data concatenated to the same frame. Thank you, I deeply appreciate your help!
import urllib
import re
import json
import pandas
import pylab
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot
from pandas import *
from pylab import *
from threading import Thread
import sqlite3
urls = ['http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1176131' , 'http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=795226', 'http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1176131' , 'http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1807944', 'http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=277459' , 'http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1076779' , 'http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=971546']
regex = '<p class="commentText">(.+?)</p>'
regex2 = '<strong>Easiness</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'
regex3 = 'Helpfulness</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'
regex4 = 'Clarity</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'
regex5 = 'Rater Interest</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'
regex6 = '<div class="date">(.+?)</div>'
regex7 = '<div class="class"><p style="word-wrap:break-word;">(.+?)</p>'
regex8 = '<meta name="prof_name" content="(.+?)"/>'
pattern = re.compile(regex)
easiness = re.compile(regex2)
helpfulness = re.compile(regex3)
clarity = re.compile(regex4)
interest = re.compile(regex5)
date = re.compile(regex6)
mathclass = re.compile(regex7)
prof_name = re.compile(regex8)
while i < len(urls):
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(urls[i])
htmltext = htmlfile.read()
content = re.findall(pattern,htmltext)
Easiness = re.findall(easiness,htmltext)
Helpfulness = re.findall(helpfulness, htmltext)
Clarity = re.findall(clarity, htmltext)
Interest = re.findall(interest, htmltext)
Date = re.findall(date, htmltext)
Class = re.findall(mathclass, htmltext)
PROFNAME=re.findall(prof_name, htmltext)
frame = DataFrame({'Comments': content, 'Easiness': Easiness, 'Helpfulness': Helpfulness,
'Clarity': Clarity, 'Rater Interest': Interest, 'Class': Class,
'Date': Date[1:len(Date)], 'Professor': PROFNAME[0]})
print frame
Use pd.concat:
frames = []
while i < len(urls):
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(urls[i])
htmltext = htmlfile.read()
content = re.findall(pattern,htmltext)
Easiness = re.findall(easiness,htmltext)
Helpfulness = re.findall(helpfulness, htmltext)
Clarity = re.findall(clarity, htmltext)
Interest = re.findall(interest, htmltext)
Date = re.findall(date, htmltext)
Class = re.findall(mathclass, htmltext)
PROFNAME=re.findall(prof_name, htmltext)
frames.append(DataFrame({'Comments': content, 'Easiness': Easiness, 'Helpfulness': Helpfulness,
'Clarity': Clarity, 'Rater Interest': Interest, 'Class': Class,
'Date': Date[1:len(Date)], 'Professor': PROFNAME[0]}))
You are overwriting your frame with each iteration of the loop. As Phillip Cloud suggested, you can make a list of frames that you append with each loop. I simplified your code differently, but I think this gives you what you want.
import urllib
import re
import pandas as pd
urls = ['http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1176131',
regex = {'pattern' : re.compile('<p class="commentText">(.+?)</p>'),
'easiness' : re.compile('<strong>Easiness</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'),
'helpfulness' : re.compile('Helpfulness</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'),
'clarity' : re.compile('Clarity</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'),
'interest' : re.compile('Rater Interest</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'),
'date' : re.compile('<div class="date">(.+?)</div>'),
'mathclass' : re.compile('<div class="class"><p style="word-wrap:break-word;">(.+?)</p>'),
'prof_name' : re.compile('<meta name="prof_name" content="(.+?)"/>')}
# Make a dictionary with empty lists using the same keys
d = {}
for k in regex.keys():
d[k] = []
# Now fill those lists
for url in urls:
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(url)
htmltext = htmlfile.read()
for k, v in regex.iteritems():
d[k].append(re.findall(v, htmltext))
frame = pd.DataFrame(d) # Dump the dict into a DataFrame
print frame