How can I use mysqli function fetch_object, which can return a custom class insance, with the MySqliDb wrapper? - php-mysqlidb

In a slim project I use the MySqliDb wrapper class, which provides an objectBuilder function to retrieve the data as a StdClass object instead of an associative array.
Is there any way to retrieve data as a custom class instance similarly to what mysqli fetch_object("MyCustomClass") does?


Serialize list of objects with json_serializable without creating extra class

I saw a tutorial where an extra class is created just to be able to serialize a list of objects, instead of a single object:
I'm using json_serializable to generate some serialization code for my class Preference, but now I want to save a list of preferences using shared_preferences and I get an error obviously.
var sSavedPrefs = json.encode(PreferenceRepo.getSavedPrefs());
prefs.setString(saved_prefs_key, sSavedPrefs );
I used
class Preference{...}
to make it serializable, but I don't want to create an extra class like
class Preferences{...}
just to make it work - is there a better way?
I found a way:
Using the setStringList method I could create a List where I added each serialized object one by one without needing an extra list class. I also noticed that json.encode might not have been the right method to use, I saw jsonEncode in another tutorial and used it instead:
List<String> savedPrefsJson = [];
for (Preference savedPref in PreferenceRepo.savedPrefs) {
String savedPrefJson = jsonEncode(savedPref);
prefs.setStringList(saved_prefs_key, savedPrefsJson);

How to get a plain object in lodash?

Is there an elegant way to convert an object that contains prototypes to an object with properties only? (all prototype methods would be omitted)
In one line:
_.omit(myObj, _.isFunction);
Also with JSON:

Dynamic Schema & Deserialization with Protostuff

I'm using Protostuff in an attempt to serialize/deserialize objects of several different types for which no protobuf sources are available (it's a server-server RPC scenario). Serialization goes OK because I know the type of the object to serialize and can create the schema:
Schema schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(object.getClass());
Now, I use ProtobufIOUtil.toByteArray and get a byte array which I then pass to a remote server. However, I can't seem to deserialize this byte array in the remote server because I have no way to create a schema for an object of "unknown" type. Is there any way I can get past this and use Protostuff in the same way I would use Java's native serialization?
There are few solutions with common idea - serialize name of the class together with the data.
First one requires protostuff-runtime. You should create wrapper class with one field of type Object:
public class Wrapper {
public Object data;
Then you put your object to data field and serialize wrapper, protostuff-runtime will append class name to serialized form automatically, and later use it for deserialization.
If you want more control, then you can do similar thing without protistuff-runtime.
First, you need a wrapper class:
public class Wrapper {
public String clazz;
public byte[] data;
Then you should serialize your data to byte array, store it to wrapper, and then serialize wrapper instance.
On remote side, you deserialize Wrapper first, then get clazz field - it is the class you should use to deserialize data.

Binding interface via ToMethod to a method with a parameter

I think what I'm looking for is something very simple, yet I am unable to find any examples.
I'd like to use Ninject to create an object by having Ninject call a factory method with a parameter specified and not injected during the actual request to instantiate the object:
Request for an object here:
StandardKernel.Get<ISomeInteface>(new Ninject.Parameters.Parameter("dataContext", dataContext, true));
And I'd like to map the ISomeInterface to a method that is expecting a value to be passed to it at runtime.
Mapping an interface here:
Kernel.Bind<ISomeInterface>().ToMethod(SomeObject.Create(--> `what do I put here?`));
Is this possible? If so, how do I properly map my interface?
ToMethod(ctx =>
(IDataContext)ctx.Parameters.Single(p =>p.Name == "dataContext")
.GetValue(ctx, null))
But you should rethink your design to avoid calling Get from anywhere else than your composite root.

How to use an Eclipselink Converter to serialize a list of objects to json

I've written a implementation of Converter that uses Jackson JSON to serialize a list of deeply structured objects to JSON, but it's not being called. Am I doing this correctly?
#Converter(name="arrayList", converterClass=ArrayListJsonSerializedObjectConverter.class)
private List<DeeplyStructuredObject> deeplyStructuredObjects= new ArrayList<DeeplyStructuredObject>();
Additionally, I'd like to know whether or not one can use a ReadTransfomer in addition to a
Converter on the same property, e.g.
#Converter(name="arrayList", converterClass=ArrayListJsonSerializedObjectConverter.class)
private List<DeeplyStructuredObject> deeplyStructuredObjects= new ArrayList<DeeplyStructuredObject>();