How to add a condition for the query so that it can calculate the unique months and years in PostgreSQL - sql

How can I write down the condition so that he counts the months for me from a certain client (redirect) and source (source)? I need to know how many invoices were issued, and this is counted by month, type January and February are 2 invoices, March April June 3 invoices, etc. I could write max instead of count, but this is not correct, since the client may appear in the middle of the year, for example in May, and he will have the values of the maximum month.
Here is my request:
select TA.redirect,
count(case when TA.source='zlat1' then extract(month from else 0 end) number_of_accounts_zlat1,
count(case when TA.source='zlat2' then extract(month from else 0 end) number_of_accounts_zlat2,
sum(TA.result_for_the_day) accrued
from total_accounts TA
group by TA.redirect
Here are tables and data + query and result ---->

insert into finace_base (redirect)
select distinct Ta.redirect /*this select will display those names that are not present
in FB if there is other info that u must add to insert then
just add , next to redirect and add whatever u like*/
from total_acounts TA
left join finace_base FB on TA.redirect=FB.redirect
where FB.redirect is null;
update finace_base FB
set zlat1=TA.zlat1,
from (select TA.redirect,
count(*) filter ( where TA.source='zlat1' ) as zlat1,
count(*) filter ( where TA.source='zlat2' ) as zlat2,
sum(TA.accrued) as accrued
select sum(TA.accrued) as accrued,,
from (select TA.result_for_the_day as accrued,
to_char(, 'yyyy-mm') as date,
from total_accounts TA) TA
group by TA.redirect,, TA.source) TA
group by TA.redirect) TA
where FB.redirect=TA.redirect
i could not add it into comments cause it was too long essentialy you first run the insert into statement and then update it will only do inserts for redirects that are not added yet

select TA.redirect,
count(*) filter ( where TA.source='zlat1' ) as zlat1,
count(*) filter ( where TA.source='zlat2' ) as zlat2,
select sum(TA.accrued) as accrued,,
from (select TA.result_for_the_day as accrued,
to_char(, 'yyyy-mm') as date,
from total_accounts TA) TA
group by TA.redirect,, TA.source) TA
group by TA.redirect
there you go thats the answer. giving back to comunity that i have taken :D


How do I change the query to just show one row SQL?

I am trying to compile a view of how many instances occur in each month. I have the below code, which gets me the answer, but also gives multiple rows. How do I limit the view to just one row, with each column being the amount of instances each month?
CREATE VIEW new_users_per_month AS
FROM master_table
WHERE month(created_at)=1) AS January,
SELECT COUNT(id) AS February
FROM master_table
WHERE month(created_at)=2) AS February,
FROM master_table
WHERE month(created_at)=3) AS March
FROM master_table;
Do conditional aggregation :
select count(case when month(created_at) = 1 then id end) as Jan,
count(case when month(created_at) = 2 then id end) as Feb,
count(case when month(created_at) = 3 then id end) as Mar
from master_table t;
Not properly tested, i will create dummy and test in a moment, but in support of my comment
select *
month(t.created_at) as MTH_CRE
from master_table as t
) as q
count(id) for MTH_CRE in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])
) as pvt

Group by join date + add month in where sql

I have the following table:
What I want is a list of all months and the amount of users joined and the amount of users that left.
I already have the following query: it returns the amount of new users that joined in the month that I pass:
select MONTH(date_created) 'Month', YEAR(date_created) 'Year', count(*) as 'New Users'
from person p
where YEAR(date_created) = 2018 and MONTH( p.date_created) = 5
group by MONTH(date_created), YEAR(date_created)
It returns what I want:
How would I edit this to include a year report and add the column 'Users left' next to the 'new users' one?
My result would be:
1 2019 10 5
I would "unpivot" the data using cross apply:
select v.[year], v.[month], sum(v.iscreated) as num_created,
sum(v.isleft) as num_left
from person p cross apply
(values (year(p.date_created), month(p.date_created), 1, 0),
(year(p.date_left), month(p.date_left), 0, 1)
) v([year], [month], iscreated, isleft)
group by v.[year], v.[month]
order by v.[year], v.[month];
The straight-forward approach is probably to full outer join all entries and all leaves. SQL Server makes this a bit awkward by not featuring USING, so we must use ON and COALESCE on month and year instead.
coalesce(pin.year, pout.year) as year,
coalesce(pin.month, pout.month) as month,
coalesce(pin.cnt, 0) as count_in,
coalesce(pout.cnt, 0) as count_out
select year(date_created) as year, month(date_created) as month, count(*) as cnt
from person
group by year(date_created), month(date_created)
) pin
full outer join
select year(date_left) as year, month(date_left) as month, count(*) as cnt
from person
group by month(date_left), year(date_left)
) pout on pout.year = pin.year and pout.month = pin.month
order by year, month;
Maybe you could do it with a SubSelect? Tried it right now with ORACLE Syntax, I'm not sure if it works in SQL-Server.
select MONTH(date_created) 'Month_C', YEAR(date_created) 'Year_C', count(*) as 'New Users'
from person p
where YEAR(date_created) = 2018 and MONTH( p.date_created) = 5
group by MONTH(date_created), YEAR(date_created)
select MONTH(date_left) 'Month_L', YEAR(date_left) 'Year_L', count(*) as 'New Users'
from person p
where YEAR(date_left) = 2018 and MONTH( p.date_left) = 5
group by MONTH(date_left), YEAR(date_left)
) left_user
where created_user.Year_C = left_user.Year_L
and created_user.Month_C = left_user.Month_L

Group by in columns and rows, counts and percentages per day

I have a table that has data like following.
attr |time
abc |2018-08-06 10:17:25.282546
def |2018-08-06 10:17:25.325676
pqr |2018-08-05 10:17:25.366823
abc |2018-08-06 10:17:25.407941
def |2018-08-05 10:17:25.449249
I want to group them and count by attr column row wise and also create additional columns in to show their counts per day and percentages as shown below.
attr |day1_count| day1_%| day2_count| day2_%
abc |2 |66.6% | 0 | 0.0%
def |1 |33.3% | 1 | 50.0%
pqr |0 |0.0% | 1 | 50.0%
I'm able to display one count by using group by but unable to find out how to even seperate them to multiple columns. I tried to generate day1 percentage with
SELECT attr, count(attr), count(attr) / sum(sub.day1_count) * 100 as percentage from (
SELECT attr, count(*) as day1_count FROM my_table WHERE DATEPART(week, time) = DATEPART(day, GETDate()) GROUP BY attr) as sub
GROUP BY attr;
But this also is not giving me correct answer, I'm getting all zeroes for percentage and count as 1. Any help is appreciated. I'm trying to do this in Redshift which follows postgresql syntax.
Let's nail the logic before presenting:
with CTE1 as
select attr, DATEPART(day, time) as theday, count(*) as thecount
from MyTable
, CTE2 as
select theday, sum(thecount) as daytotal
from CTE1
group by theday
select t1.attr, t1.theday, t1.thecount, t1.thecount/t2.daytotal as percentofday
from CTE1 t1
inner join CTE2 t2
on t1.theday = t2.theday
From here you can pivot to create a day by day if you feel the need
I am trying to enhance the query #johnHC btw if you needs for 7days then you have to those days in case when
with CTE1 as
select attr, time::date as theday, count(*) as thecount
from t group by attr,time::date
, CTE2 as
select theday, sum(thecount) as daytotal
from CTE1
group by theday
CTE3 as
select t1.attr, EXTRACT(DOW FROM t1.theday) as day_nmbr,t1.theday, t1.thecount, t1.thecount/t2.daytotal as percentofday
from CTE1 t1
inner join CTE2 t2
on t1.theday = t2.theday
select CTE3.attr,
max(case when day_nmbr=0 then CTE3.thecount end) as day1Cnt,
max(case when day_nmbr=0 then percentofday end) as day1,
max(case when day_nmbr=1 then CTE3.thecount end) as day2Cnt,
max( case when day_nmbr=1 then percentofday end) day2
from CTE3 group by CTE3.attr!17/54ace/20
In case that you have only 2 days:!17/3bdad/3 (days descending as in your example from left to right)!17/3bdad/5 (days ascending)
The main idea is already mentioned in the other answers. Instead of joining the CTEs for calculating the values I am using window functions which is a bit shorter and more readable I think. The pivot is done the same way.
COALESCE(max(count) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 0), 0) as day1_count, -- D
COALESCE(max(percent) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 0), 0) as day1_percent,
COALESCE(max(count) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 1), 0) as day2_count,
COALESCE(max(percent) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 1), 0) as day2_percent
Add more days here
SELECT *, (count::float/count_per_day)::decimal(5, 2) as percent -- C
MAX(time::date) OVER () - time::date as day_number, -- B
count(*) OVER (partition by time::date, attr) as count, -- A
count(*) OVER (partition by time::date) as count_per_day
FROM test_table
A counting the rows per day and counting the rows per day AND attr
B for more readability I convert the date into numbers. Here I take the difference between current date of the row and the maximum date available in the table. So I get a counter from 0 (first day) up to n - 1 (last day)
C calculating the percentage and rounding
D pivot by filter the day numbers. The COALESCE avoids the NULL values and switched them into 0. To add more days you can multiply these columns.
Edit: Made the day counter more flexible for more days; new SQL Fiddle
Basically, I see this as conditional aggregation. But you need to get an enumerator for the date for the pivoting. So:
SELECT attr,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 1) as day1_count,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 1) / cnt as day1_percent,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 2) as day2_count,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 2) / cnt as day2_percent
DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY time::date DESC) as day_number,
1.0 * COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY attr) as cnt
FROM test_table
) s
GROUP BY attr, cnt
ORDER BY attr;
Here is a SQL Fiddle.

Bring through a newly created calculated column in another query

I have 2 separate queries below which run correctly.Now I've created a calculated column to provide a count of working days by YMs and would like to bring this through to query1(the join would be query1.Period = query2.Yms)
please see the query and outputs below.
SELECT Client, ClientGroup, Type, Value, Period, PeriodName, PeriodNumber, ClientName
FROM metrics.dbo.vw_KPI_001_Invoice
select YMs,sum(case when IsWorkDay = 'X' then 1 else 0 end) from IESAONLINE.Dbo.DS_Dates
where Year > '2013'
group by YMs
Query 1
Client ClientGroup Type Value Period PeriodName PeriodNumber ClientName
0LG0 KarroFoods Stock 5691.68 201506 Week 06 2015 35 Karro Foods Scunthorpe
Query 2
YMs (No column name)
201401 23
Would the following work:
SELECT Client, ClientGroup, Type, Value, Period, PeriodName, PeriodNumber, ClientName, cnt
FROM metrics.dbo.vw_KPI_001_Invoice q1
INNER JOIN (select YMs,sum(case when IsWorkDay = 'X' then 1 else 0 end) as cnt from IESAONLINE.Dbo.DS_Dates
where Year > '2013'
group by YMs ) q2 ON q1.Period = q2.YMs
If a value isn't always available then you might consider changing the INNER JOIN to an OUTER JOIN.

Selecting only if at least one row matches condition

I have a select statement and want to return all values only if at least one of them has a date with 60 days of difference from today.
The problem is that i have an outer apply which returns the column i want to compare to, and they come from different tables (one belongs to cash items, and the other to card items).
Considering I have the following:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS quantity, MIN(date) AS item_date
FROM dbo.get_cash_items(loans.id_cash) AS cash_item
HAVING loans.id_product_type = 1 --Cash
SELECT COUNT(*) AS quantity, MIN(date) AS item_date
FROM dbo.get_card_items(loans.id_card) AS card_item
HAVING loans.id_product_type = 2 --Card
) AS items
I want to return all the rows only when DATEDIFF(DAY, MIN(items.item_date), GETDATE()) >= 60, but I want them all even if only one matches this condition.
What would be the best approach to do this?
To make it clearer, I'll explain the use case:
I need to show the items of every loan, only if the client is late for more than 60 days of the due date on any of it
I am also not sure, what do you expect, but how about that:
WITH items
AS (SELECT Count(*) AS quantity,
Min(date) AS item_date
FROM dbo.Get_cash_items(loans.id_cash) AS cash_item
HAVING loans.id_product_type = 1
SELECT Count(*) AS quantity,
Min(date) AS item_date
FROM dbo.Get_card_items(loans.id_card) AS card_item
HAVING loans.id_product_type = 2)
FROM items AS a,
FROM items AS b
WHERE Datediff(day, b.item_date, Getdate()) >= 60) AS c
It's a sort of CROSS JOIN, where table C will have one or zero rows depending on that if the condition is met - it will than join to every row in other table.
Have you tried something like this?
SELECT a.quantity, a.item_date
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS quantity, MIN(date) AS item_date
FROM dbo.get_cash_items(loans.id_cash) AS cash_item
HAVING loans.id_product_type = 1
SELECT COUNT(*) AS quantity, MIN(date) AS item_date
FROM dbo.get_card_items(loans.id_card) AS card_item
HAVING loans.id_product_type = 2) a
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, a.item_date, GETDATE()) >= 60
Typically I do this using a CTE to select the key for the records I want to select and then join on that. Below is an attempt at an example:
with LateClients as
SELECT LoadId FROM Payment Where /*payment date later than 60 days*/
SELECT p.LoanId,
FROM Payment as p
INNER JOIN LateClients as LC
ON p.LoanId = lc.LoanId
OrderBy p.LoanId, p.UserId
I know it's a bit different from the code you posted, but this is a simplified example that should explain the concept. Good luck!