Hubspot Call provider integration - npm

I'm trying to develop a Hubspot's Click to Call app to use by my PBX.
I've already studied the Calling Extension SDK guide and made a simple poc that works into my localhost by npm (npm start).
Now I'm trying to move into production test evinroment so, into remote server, I've basic copyed the project files and binded it by Hubspot App registration.
Unfortunatelly, when I run the app on my Hubspot TestAccount, I see (in the browser console) that it requires a "./bin/index_combined.js" file. It isn't into my npm directory and npm compiles it for me only when I run "npm start" command...(local scenario).
So how to use my Click2Call app by remote without npm ? or how to produce an index_combined.js good for remote scenario?


Expo developer tools option is missing

When I start my project using command expo start , Expo is starting the Metro bundler but not opening the developer tool. Also developer tool option is not available in commands menu.
I suppose there should be command option : 'd' which will launch the developer tool on the localhost:19002 but it's not coming for me.
Using expo cli version 5.4.4
Developer tools removal
Since the release of expo-cli#6.0.0 the expo team has decided to discontinue the Web UI they had put in place. You can find more details about this in this blog post.
All of the actions that could be done within the Web UI can be done within the command line interface. For example, one used to be able to change connection mode directly within the UI :
Now to start expo in --tunnel mode you would have to have ngrok installed on the new expo version npm i -g #expo/ngrok and to run npx expo start --tunnel. Details on the CLI can be found in the docs here.
Accessing the Developer tools anyway
If you still wish to use the developer tools web UI, there are two options :
Use an older version of the expo sdk (~44.0), to do so you could use expo-cli#5.0.2 which is linked to that sdk. However, it is not recommended to stay on older versions which will be discarded at some point.
Use your own Web UI. Here is the source code from expo's original Web UI which you can use a base. There are likely over repos out there which fit this purpose.
If you're using a library such as react-navigation or anything (or itself) the relies on reanimated you won't be able to use remote debugging.
After changing the expo sdk version from 45.0.4 to 44.0.6, I am able to see the Developer tools running on http://localhost:19002.

How to run a react native app (a bare workflow from expo or a regular one) in web (browser)?

I'm trying to run my React Native app as a web site, on a browser.
I tried to go according to but the instructions on the Setup page are not clear.
I found some (rare) posts regarding this, but they are old (2019) and seem to deviate from the info in the link above.
I use yarn android to run it on android.
So, I tried using yarn web. Didn't work.
Also, tried the basic react-native start followed by react-native run-web.
It seems the run-web command is not what is needed.
Any assist appreciated.
P.S. I initialized my project through Expo, as a Bare Workflow project. Hope that helps
According to the docs:
Expo for web can work on any React Native project. When you initialize a new project with a bare workflow template using expo-cli, if you run yarn web or npm run web it will start up expo-cli and open your project in a web browser.
The same guides for web from the managed workflow apply here.
So basically just initialise your project using expo init project-name and then select bare workflow or managed workflow. After that you can execute npm run web. It will open up the browser and run the web version of it. Keep in mind that there are some incompatibility of libraries from expo, for example, the Webview is incompatible on the web so you need to switch when on web to an iframe or so.

OpenShift application for web app with minified static files (npm run build)

I'm currently developing a web application composed of:
api: an API built with Flask in Python
app: a web app built with vue-cli (based on webpack), and minified with npm run build
I've successfully built the api with an OpenShift Python S2I (source-to-image) image: python-36-rhel7.
I'd like to be able to automatically build the static web app from source and serve it through Nginx or Apache, in a separate app from the same project.
It should:
download the app source from the git repo (context-dir=/app/)
install npm
build it with npm install and npm run build
serve the built html+js+css files
There exist a node.js S2I image but it seems to be more suited for Express.js apps.
What would be the best way to build and serve a minified static web app on OpenShift?

Electron - No desktop notifications

I've been following Gary Simon's tutorial on how to make a basic app on electron, but I can't seem to get the desktop notifications working on my computer. I'm 100% sure the code is correct because I performed npm start both on my root folder and his root folder (which I downloaded from his website, performed npm install and then npm start to run his code), but I'm getting no desktop notifications. Is there a setting on my computer that's preventing it from working?
Here is a picture of what it should look like:
I checked all my notification settings on my Windows 10 machine, but everything is turned on as far as I can see.

How to make an isomorphic JavaScript app with Mithril JS

I'd like to be able to render javascript templates using the Mithril JS framework on the server for SEO and first load purposes and have them run in the browser.
See this blog post:
And this example repo:
to run the demo, simply
Clone the repo
cd into it
run npm install
run node server
Give my new framework ( a whirl for an out of box solution
npm install mens
node node_modules/mens/example/server.js
Or just require('mens') from the root and start from scratch!