Changing account security to create app password through API - google-oauth

I'd like to at least automate some of this process:
It asks for an app password to forward emails under a different email username. Can either the app password generation part or the email username part be automated?

No apps password must be created by the user in their google account after enabling 2fa.
Im not sure about googles TOS though using an apps password in a third party system like this. It should not be something that is shared in my opinion.


Why is it not possible to generate app password in Yahoo?

I am integrating Yahoo in my application to read e-mails. For authentication, I have been using app password created at Yahoo. But now there is no option to generate app password itself. Is it a temporary problem?
Used to generate App password at Yahoo in the past (until end of Jan'23), as part of validation. I am expecting that it should be possible to generate the app password today also.

Firebase authentication provider silently changes from password to

I use firebase authentication for my web app with three providers: email-password, google, or facebook. I have enabled the option "One account per email address".
When a user signs up using email-password (with a gmail address), then later uses google sign-in, I expect to receive an exception "auth/account-exists-with-different-credential", but I do not. His providerId is changed to and he cannot use his password anymore (throws "auth/wrong-password").
Is this normal behaviour?
Firebase Authentication has a concept of a preferred provider for certain email addresses. The most common one is that is the preferred provider for addresses, but I think they also exist for Facebook and Microsoft accounts.
If an existing account later signs up again from a preferred provider, that provider overwrites the existing user account. There is no way to change this behavior (that I know of).
Also see:
Github issue Facebook provider overwritten by Google provider
Mailing list Firebase Social Authentication Issue with fb and gmail flow
Authentication using Facebook at first and then Google causes an error in Firebase for Android
This is how I'm solving it:
Just link the "accounts".
Update 2023:
You can now choose if you want to allow 'User account linking'. For example, if you don't allow multiple accounts with the same email address, a user cannot create a new account that signs in using a Google Account with the email address if there already is an account that signs in using the email address and a password.
If you do allow multiple accounts with the same email address, your app's sign-in flow cannot rely on an email address to identify a user account.
You can find this under settings within Firebase Authentication.
There are some caveats to using this feature, please read about it here

Netflix doesn't logout other open sessions with password change

I've recently been doing a bit of web development so I've been thinking more about authentication and stuff. On Netflix I noticed there is an extra option on the Account page to de-authorize other devices. My girlfriend changed her password but I was still able to use it without re-entering the password till she logged out other devices.
So my question is how does authentication for Netflix work if it doesn't have to locally store your password?
Netflix uses a version of Open autentication to allow a device to access an account. Once the device has been authorized it will then have access to that account until its has been deautorized.
Chaning password doesnt matter becouse the device has autorization already probably in the form of a refresh token stored someplace. So its not storing a password its storing an autorization token of some kind.
Lets use facebook as an example: (response to comment below)
This shows a list of all the crap I have loged in to using my facebook account. Now I have probably changed my facebook password sevral times it wont matter I will still have access. Some of these are mobil apps i have installed on my cellphone at one time or another. Even if i dont use them they still have access.
This doesn't technically answer the question, but is related and, I think, helpful:
You can forcefully invalidate the previously-validated tokens for other devices by going to - as soon as you go to the page it will ask if you want to sign out other devices.
(from "Someone is using my Netflix account without my permission" at

What's the best user login management when handling multiple login sources?

I'm currently designing a website (on google app engine) in which user can register from multiple sources (classic registration, google account login, facebook login, or maybe OpenID or OAuth).
I'm a bit confused with all this, i don't know what's the best behavior for this.
Should i try to associate accounts automatically when using the same email address ?
Should i dissociate accounts (meaning that if you use Google login when you registrated with classic user/password, it will fail) ?
Should i send verification emails for classical registration, or allow user to use the website and just send a "welcome" email ?
I'd like the website to be as easy as possible, but we may put some commercial features on it later. Do you have any advice on the user auth system to develop ?

Question on Google Provisioning API and SSO Password change propagation

I'm using the Google Apps Provisioning API to synchronize user data with our internal database (MySQL). For every new user created through our site's backend, a corresponding user in created in the GoogApp system. Change is passwords are also synchronized accordingly.
I'm about to implement SSO, so that logins performed on our website automatically makes the user login into the google apps too.
My question is what happens IF the user happens to change his/her password using the Account > Settings in the googapps interface, instead of our own backend? Our system has no way of knowing about the change! Is there a way in Prov API or SSO with which I can turn off the password changing mechanism in googapp engine and let the user do it ONLY through our backend?
Anyone who's used / setup a similar system, please shed some light on it.
When you have SSO enabled in your Google Apps domain you have to provide a "change password" URL, that way when the users tries to go "Setting"->"Change Password" they will be redirected to your custom URL and make the password change in your backend.