How can I prevent flaky tests when Cypress testing elements with "v-b-toggle" in a Bitbucket pipeline? - vuejs2

We have a Vue2-based frontend application which uses v-b-toggle to expand/collapse elements on when clicked. When running Cypress tests (either component or e2e tests) locally (CLI and UI), we have not seen the elements fail to expand or collapse. However when running on our Bitbucket pipelines, they will occasionally fail. Has anybody had this issue, and come across a solution?
We can't reproduce this locally, and it only happens intermittently in our pipeline. We've resorted to skipping most of these tests.
I believe this Github issue shows the same behaviour:
More details:
Versions in package.json
"bootstrap-vue": "^2.21.2"
"cypress": "^10.4.0",
"vue": "^2.6.12",
Scripts used for UI and CLI (pipeline) testing:
"test:e2e:ui": "TZ=Etc/UTC cypress open --e2e --browser=electron",
"test:e2e": "TZ=Etc/UTC cypress run --e2e --browser=electron",
"test:component:ui": "TZ=Etc/UTC cypress open --component --browser=electron",
"test:component": "TZ=Etc/UTC cypress run --component --browser=electron"
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
module.exports = defineConfig({
env: {
local_url: "http://localhost:8080/",
video: false,
screenshotOnRunFailure: true,
defaultCommandTimeout: 8000,
chromeWebSecurity: false, // Disabled to prevent errors with iframes. Would need to reenable if checking for CORS errors in the future.
e2e: {
// We've imported your old cypress plugins here.
// You may want to clean this up later by importing these.
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
return require("./cypress/plugins/index.js")(on, config);
experimentalSessionAndOrigin: true,
baseUrl: "http://localhost:8080",
component: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {},
specPattern: "src/**/*spec.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}",
devServer: {
framework: "vue-cli",
bundler: "webpack",
Happy to provide more information if required.


How to run Playwright in headless mode?

I created a new Vue app using npm init vue#latest and selected Playwright for e2e tests. I removed firefox and webkit from projects in the playwright.config.ts file, so it will only use chromium.
Running npm run test:e2e works fine, the process exists with a success code.
When forcing the tests to fail by modifying the ./e2e/vue.spec.ts file the output is
but the process does not exit with an error code, it still opened browser windows and so CI environments would freeze.
I searched the docs for a specific flag e.g. "headless" and tried --max-failures -x but that didn't help.
How can I tell Playwright to run in headless mode and exit with an error code when something failed?
Since playwright.config.ts already makes use of process.env.CI I thought about replacing reporter: "html", with reporter: [["html", { open: !process.env.CI ? "on-failure" : "never" }]],
but which arguments should I add to the script "test:e2e:ci": "playwright test", to ensure process.env.CI is set?
I tried to run the script inside my CI environment and it seems to work out of the box ( I don't know how it sets the CI environment flag but the pipeline did not freeze )
- name: Install Playwright Browsers
run: npx playwright install --with-deps
- name: Check if e2e tests are passing
run: npm run test:e2e
If any test fails it exists with an error code
It's serving the html report and asking to press 'Ctr+C' to quite.You can disable it using below configuration.
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '#playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [ ['html', { open: 'never' }] ],
export default config;
Refer - Report Doc
Issue -
To add to the answer above, you can set headless: true in the 'use' block of the config which is above the projects block. Anything set at that level will apply to all projects unless you specifically override the setting inside a project specific area:
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '#playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [ ['html', { open: 'never' }] ],
use: {
headless: true,
projects: [
name: 'chromium',
use: {
browserName: 'chromium',
export default config;

Building nuxt 3 project missing some plugins stylings

I have a nuxt 3 project that is working fine on localhost while developing. I use FormKit and vue-toastification and everything is fine on "npm run dev".
But once I run npm run build to build it for deployment. lots of stylings are missing. Mainly those two plugins. the error messages for the forms by FormKit aren't red and not styled. vue-toastifications display with full height and width of the screen as it has no styling.
would I do any extra steps before running npm run build? like building these plugins or something?
this is my nuxt.config.ts file if it might help!
// #ts-nocheck
import Icons from "unplugin-icons/vite"
export default defineNuxtConfig({
css: ["~/assets/fonts/droidkufi/droidarabickufi.css", "#formkit/themes/genesis"],
modules: [
autoImports: ["defineStore"],
plugins: ["~/plugins/flowbite.client.ts", "~/plugins/i18n.ts"],
vite: {
plugins: [
autoInstall: true,
runtimeConfig: {
// secret serverside variables
public: {
// baseURL: "",
// apiBase: "",
// homeBase: "",
baseURL: "",
apiBase: "",
homeBase: "",
vue: {
compilerOptions: {
isCustomElement: (tag) => ["datepicker-hijri"].includes(tag),
I tried to run npm run dev back to test if styles are working. and yes they are working fine. the problem starts when I run npm run build for production and deployment.

Can't instrument code when serving storybook production build

I'm having a storybook with vue3 and vite. I want to measure my code coverage via istanbul when I run playwright tests.
Therefore I configured my storybook vite under .storybook/main.ts as follows:
const config: StorybookViteConfig = {
typescript: {
check: false,
checkOptions: {},
framework: '#storybook/vue3',
core: {
builder: '#storybook/builder-vite',
async viteFinal(config, { configType }) {
return mergeConfig(config, {
plugins: [
include: 'src/*',
exclude: ['node_modules', 'test/'],
extension: ['.js', '.ts', '.vue'],
export default config
When I run storybook in dev mode with start-storybook -p 6006 and execute my playwright tests afterwards, the code is instrumented (coverage is not null) and a code coverage is measured.
However, when I build storybook and start the static build afterwards with these commands: build-storybook && http-server storybook-static --port 6006, the website works fine, but the coverage variable doesn't exist and no code coverage is measured, when I run playwright tests there.
I want to measure my code coverage in the ci used the built storybook for that (see Or is there any other way to run playwright tests and measure code coverage in the ci?

Cannot run e2e tests with protractor: cannot resolve path?

I can’t seem to run my e2e tests with protractor. Before I begin here is some background info:
Node: 7.7.4
NPM: 4.1.2.
Angular: 4.1.0
Protractor: 5.1.2
After I ran npm install protractor, I installed and updated web driver and got an update for IE. After I wrote my first test—a simple test to grab the text of the h1 tag on my login page—I attempted to run protractor and got an error: Error: Cannot find module ‘ts-node’ so I went and installed that. Now when I rerun protractor I get a mysterious error I cannot resolve: the specified path does not exist: e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json. What does this mean? My protractor conf.js file looks like this:
// Protractor configuration file, see link for more information
const { SpecReporter } = require('jasmine-spec-reporter');
exports.config = {
allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
specs: [ //path of specs is relative to location of protractor.conf.js file.
capabilities: {
//'browserName': 'chrome' ---default
'browserName': 'internet explorer',
'platform': 'ANY',
'version': '11'
directConnect: true,
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4200/',
framework: 'jasmine',
// Options to be passed to Jasmine-node.
jasmineNodeOpts: {
showColors: true,
defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000,
print: function() {}
beforeLaunch: function() {
project: 'e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json'
onPrepare() {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({ spec: { displayStacktrace: true } }));
I tried fooling around with the path under the project parameter, but no luck with that resolving the issue. And my project structure is set up likes this:
Any suggestions? Should I post this as an issue on github? To ts-node? Or protractor? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Please let me know if you need additional context too.
It means it's trying to find tsconfig.e2e.json (the typescript config file for your 'e2e' project) and can't. This part of the config shows the path it's looking for:
beforeLaunch: function() {
project: 'e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json'
But it's clear from your directory structure that it isn't there. Given the path to your spec files, I would imagine the line should read:
project: './e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json'
Looking at your project structure though, it could well be:
project: './app/e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json'
In which case, the path to your spec files will probably need changing to match.

Mocha reporter does not seem to be taken into account when tests ran by chimp

I have a very simple project that contains a package.json with this:
"scripts": {
"acceptance": "chimp --mocha --mochaReporter=mocha-junit-reporter --chai --browser=chrome --path=src/spec/acceptance/**"
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "^3.5.0",
"chimp": "^0.47.1",
"mocha": "^3.2.0",
"mocha-junit-reporter": "^1.13.0",
"uglify-js": "^2.7.5",
"webdriverio": "^4.6.2"
"dependencies": {}
To execute the tests, I'm running the following command:
npm run-script acceptance
Which makes chimp execute the tests with mocha (those are webdriverio tests, hence why I am using chimp)
The tests run as intended, however, there isn't any test-results.xml produced and the test results show up in the default "spec" format.
As suggested in the documentation, I tried different alternatives such as creating a chimp.js file at the root of the project, that contains the following:
mochaCommandLineOptions: ['--reporter mocha-junit-reporter'];
mochaConfig: { reporter: 'mocha-junit-reporter' };
mochaReporter: "mocha-junit-reporter";
But neither of these options seem to be taken into account.
So, anyone can tell me if I am doing something wrong?
ps: I have a separate unit testing script that works fine, and where custom reporting is taken into account, but for those, I'm simply using mocha without chimp.
Try this in your chimp.js config file:
mocha: true,
chai: true,
path: 'src/spec/acceptance/**',
mochaConfig: {
reporter: 'mocha-junit-reporter',
reporterOptions: {
mochaFile: './test-results.xml'