Is there any example app that uses system managed ConnectionService - android-connectionservice

According to ConnectionService API, we can make calling apps with system managed ConnectionService. Does it mean the calling app will use system calling UI? Is there any example app like this in the store?


Send SMS within Expo app without redirecting to the device default messaging app

As part of a school project I am working on, I am trying to build a messaging app that utilizes SMS as the default method for sending and receiving SMS without redirecting to the default SMS Messaging App of the device (ie sending/receiving an SMS for my app without redirecting to the Messages app on the iPhone). but I haven't found anything that can be used to achieve this.
PS: One of the requirements of the projects is not using any external library, except for the things provided with Expo,
You will have to use an external library. That feature isnt build in react Native
One external Library would be ""
The only option you have if you really dont want to use external librarys is, to write your own function, which communicates with the native API

Setting the User Context App Insights for React Native

We have a React Native app and we are logging to App Insights using the "applicationinsights-react-native package", this all works fine in a sense, but we are trying to start using the monitoring side of things which uses a User ID. Now I'm pretty sure that whatever the User ID that the (app insights) package is using for a user ID won't cause too many problems if we kept it, but it won't be right.
The ApplicationInsights class has a setAuthenticatedUserContext method, however the comments seem to refer to cookies suggesting it's a React package re-purposed and this GitHub post suggests we can't use it, however the response is for the React Natve AppCenter package which we are not using. We are using App Insights direct.
So I was wondering if there was a way to set our user_Id/User context if we are using App Insights directly from a React Native app?
It looks like setAuthenticatedUserContext does work if you talk to App Insights directly and not theough Appcenter, it's possible that it works through Appcenter now as well, I have not tested so I am not sure.
If you want to check that this ends up as on the App Insighst side, it appears as a property called user_AuthenticatedId.

How to update app store apps programmatically in macOS?

I'm implementing a cleaner app, and one of its utilities is to keep tracking of applications' - which are installed by App Store - updates. That's fine. But I want to update the apps programmatically without interference from App Store.
Unfortunately I can't find any API to macOS App Store concerning this.
P.S: This is actually implemented in a famous cleaner app. If you would say this is not feasible.

how to create a public app that can be integrated inside shopify's stores admin?

This is a general question I know. I read the documentation and I'm completely lost. I know how OAuth works and I know how to do basic access to the API. But my question is:
How to create a public app that users can install? How can the app be integrated with store's panel dashboard? Initially, I don't want my apps to listed, do I have to host my own app?
There are two kinds of Shopify apps: public and private apps. Public apps are listed in Shopify's App Store, where it's only place store owners can install apps. Private apps are built for specific stores so they aren't necessary listed anywhere.
You do need to host your apps, your apps are basically web applications.
Shopify provides an Embedded App SDK which you can use to integrate your app smoothly inside store owners' Admin panel. If you also use Shopify Polaris to build front-end with ReactJS then your apps' user interface is exactly same as Shopify's
I have created a sample Shopify app with NodeJS - hello-shopify - it's easy to start if you are familiar with NodeJS.

How Can I Launch The App-store App Directly from my Application

I want to place a button or a link in my app with which the user can start the app-store and buy my app if the app is in trial mode.
I can not find any relavant Information on this. How can I implement this?
MSDN documentation: Creating links with the Windows Store protocol. Alternatively, the URI for the app in the store can be accessed using the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentApp.LinkUri property.
You can then open a link to your app in the store using Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync.