Bing Spell Checker is not working as expected - spell-checking
Using the above URL and given my supplied API key within the request headers - I am getting no results back from the Bing Spell Checker API using PostMan or from Refit in C#(Xamarin Forms).
For 'mus' I'm expecting 'must', for 'tst' I'm expecting 'test' but, neither seem to work.
I've set the mode to 'spell' which should be the case however, even in 'proof' mode it doesn't return any results.
Please can somebody let me know why?

The documentation explains:
Bing Spell Check API lets you perform contextual grammar and spell checking on a text string. While most spell-checkers rely on dictionary-based rule sets, the Bing spell-checker leverages machine learning and statistical machine translation to provide accurate and contextual corrections.
I assume that passing single words in most cases won’t provide enough information for this approach.
Try passing phrases that put your words in some reasonable context like mst have or quality tst.
For single word suggestions you can try a dictionary based service or software package.


How to use exactTerms and excludeTerms with Google Custom Search JSON API

I've been working with Google Custom Search API and faced some inconveniences I hope you can help me with.
Google Custom Search API offers as a parameter in its call the possibility to search by an exact text as well as exclude it from results: exactTerms and excludeTerms. However, the q parameter is mandatory and cannot be ignored, so if I want to search only by an specific text I just can't.
So how can I do a query using JSON API that contains specifically the text I want? Does the q parameter work as the search form in Google?
If I want results including 'foo', should I do this:
service.cse().list(cx=const.SEARCH_ENGINE_KEY, q='"foo"').execute()
or this?:
service.cse().list(cx=const.SEARCH_ENGINE_KEY, q=None, exactTerms='foo').execute()
Thank you in advance for your time.
Due to the success on the answers (hehe) I'm posting my own conclusions. Please, if you've any facts regarding the original question, please post it.
I've been testing with some calls to Google CSE API and looks like you can pass to q parameter the same query you'd do in Google's main page textfield. So (at least for my needs), you don't need exactTerms and excludeTerms to get what I was trying to achieve.
Anyway, as I said before, if you know how to work with these parameters I'm sure everybody will thank you.

Backend database used in the API

By going through this API documentation page, is it possible to tell which database is being used in the backend?
Zomato API
MySQL would require a php file on the server to handle the requests, make queries, pack data in JSON format then send it back to the device. But in this case parameters are passed to .json files. Please advice
There is no way to "see through" to what the backend service actually used to provide you with the information you may query for. Are you sure you want to continue using this product? The site notes that Zomato will no longer be available to individuals, and that your API key will be disabled if you don't use it monthly.
I haven't read the specs for that particular API. But in general, is it possible to tell what database is being used on the back end by studying an API? No. That's the whole point of an API: It's supposed to shield the API-user from implementation details.
It's probably true that in many cases you could make reasonable guesses about what tools are being used on the back end. Like if you see that the API gives you a syntax for doing comparisons that looks exactly like the proprietary compare function used in Foobar SQL and not found in any other database product, that would be a strong clue. But even something like that wouldn't be proof. Maybe originally they were using Foobar SQL, then they switched to another database, but to maintain compatibility they wrote code to translate the Foobar SQL compare to standard SQL syntax.

how to correct spelling mistakes in Google custom API

I am using Google's custom search API, I make an HTTP request to a URL that looks like this:<my-key>&cref=&num=10&q=how+can+i+do+htis
if you search for "how can i do htis" on Google you are told "Showing results for how can i do this", and give you some results (call them result set A)
but if you use the API to search for the misspelled string, you get different results than those of A... Searching with a correctly spelled string gives you result A, which matches the ordinary search service on Google
Is there a way to search directly using the suggested string? I want to use the API I can't afford implementing a spell checker myself that can also correct people names and everything
I think what you want to do is possible using the spelling suggestions of Google. This is part of the xml-results returned by your query.
See API here.

YouTube API - Querying by publish date

I'm writing a webapp that uses the YouTube Code API to do specific types of searches. In this case, I'm trying to search for all videos that match a query, and which were uploaded between two dates. This document says I can use published-min and published-max parameters, while this one says I can use updated-min and updated-max.
Both of these parameter sets cause YouTube to return an error:
published-min returns "This service does not support the 'published-min parameter"
updated-min returns "This service does not support the 'updated-max' parameter"
With neither returns a correct result set.
How can I limit my result set to hits within a specified date range?
The Reference Guide for YouTube's Data API doesn't list anything that would suggest the possibility to filter on time interval in general.
The published-min argument is only advertised in the "User activity feeds" section which is something different and probably not the thing you wanted. Or is it?
The updated-min argument in your link is referenced in a generic gdata context. It looks like they intended to describe all the things common to all the specialized APIs, but somehow updated-min isn't available everywhere.
When it comes to your very problem. I would suggest sorting on time (orderby=published) and do the filtering on the client side. I know this is not the optimal way, but the only one I can see with what Google gives us.
youtube api v3 supports publishedAfter and publishedBefore parameters with search results. For example:{{YOUKEY}}&channelId={{CHANNELID}}&part=snippet,id&order=date&maxResults=50&publishedAfter=2014-09-21T00:00:00Z&publishedBefore=2014-09-22T02:00:00Z

How to make a Google Maps address - like lookup

You've probably all seen the address lookup. Start typing into the text box and your address auto completes in the list before you've finished. It also bolds the matching sections of the text that link to what you are typing.
I've used both the javascript api of maps and the http api. The geocoding seems to do something decent with the matches but i'm not entirely sure how one would go about getting this to work.
Anyway have a tutorial or a quick five step process that they would recommend I follow to get this feature going?
The feature you are looking for is "find as you type" or "suggest as you type" or AJAX live search.
To get the functionality via the Maps API is possible as any other find as you type solution. For each key entered into your search box you already send the request to the server and see what matches the entered text so far. The problem is that you can only send so many requests to google before you get a 620 (too many requests) error. Having a find-as-you-type mechanism is usually easier when you have your own small DB which you can query, that is faster and you won't have problems with too many requests.
Some links with tutorials:
Javascript Autocomplete Combobox - find as you type
Suggest as you type
AJAX Live Search