Pandas Python, as a currency - pandas

Suppose I have a column with currency values, as well as blank values, I want the blanks to be represented at 0.00 and the currency to be in two decimal place values, how would I do this using pandas python?

If you just want to alter the visual appearance you can use
df.fillna(0).apply(lambda x: ["{0:.2f}".format(item) for item in x ])
This will fill all np.nan with 0 and then convert the full dataframe to a string with given format-specification. However, this is a very dump approach, since you loose all abilities for calculating with your data.


label encoder unable to convert a range of categorical columns into numerical columns

I have a 50 columns, categorical dataset. Among them only 5 columns are numerical. I would like to apply label encoder to make the categorical columns to numerical columns. Categorical columns are basically nominal columns for my dataset. I need to convert columns 0 to 4 to numerical and column 9 to 50 to numerical values.
I used the command
le = LabelEncoder()
df is the name of the dataframe.
error : ValueError: y should be a 1d array
How could I fix this problem? Thank you.
use .apply() method of DataFrame to apply some rule to columns/rows.
In your particular case it will be smth like this: df.apply(le.fit_transform) (notice that you need to add .iloc here)

Calculating Root-Mean-Square of pandas dataframe column

I have 50 residual values that are in the format 00:00:00.0000 under df['Residuals'] but hold actual values in a Pandas dataframe columns such as:
and so on. I want to calculate the rms value of these times in seconds but cannot convert them from this format to just a decimal format. The dtype of the listed values above says m8[ns] which I am unfamiliar with. My question is how can I convert it from this m8[ns] format to an integer and then run the calculations?
The first thing to be paid attention to is the dtype, whether it's <m8[ns] (which is TimedeltaProperties) or <M8[ns] (which is DatetimeProperties)
In the case of <m8[ns]:
df['Residuals'].dt.seconds + df['Residuals'].dt.microseconds*1e-6
should get you the answer.
In the case of <M8[ns]:
df['Residuals'].dt.second + df['Residuals'].dt.microsecond*1e-6 # without 's'
should get you the answer.

Datetime column coerced to int when setting with .loc and slice

I have a column of datetimes and need to change several of these values to new datetimes. When I set the values using df.loc[indices, 'col'] = new_datetimes, the unaffected values are coerced to int while the new set values are in datetime. If I set the values one at a time, no type coercion occurs.
For illustration I created a sample df with just one column.
df = pd.DataFrame([dt.datetime(2019,1,1)]*5)
df.loc[[1,3,4]] = [dt.datetime(2019,1,2)]*3
This produces the following:
If I change indices 1,3,4 individually:
df = pd.DataFrame([dt.datetime(2019,1,1)]*5)
df.loc[1] = dt.datetime(2019,1,2)
df.loc[3] = dt.datetime(2019,1,2)
df.loc[4] = dt.datetime(2019,1,2)
I get the correct output:
A suggestion was to turn the list to a numpy array before setting, which does resolve the issue. However, if you try to set multiple columns (some of which are not datetime) using a numpy array, The issue arises again.
In this example the dataframe has two columns and I try to set both columns.
df = pd.DataFrame({'dt':[dt.datetime(2019,1,1)]*5, 'value':[1,1,1,1,1]})
df.loc[[1,3,4]] = np.array([[dt.datetime(2019,1,2)]*3, [2,2,2]]).T
This gives the following output:
Can someone please explain what is causing the coercion and how to prevent it from doing so? The code I wrote that uses this was written over a month ago and used to work just fine, could it be one of those warnings about future version of pandas deprecating certain functionalities?
An explanation of what is going on would be greatly appreciated because I wrote a other codes that likely employ similar functionality want to make sure everything works as intended.
The solution proposed by w-m has such an "awkward detail" than
the result column has also the time part (it didn't have it
I have also such a remark, that DataFrames are tables not Series,
so they have columns, each with its name and it is a bad habit to
rely on default column names (consecutive numbers).
So I propose another solution, addressing both above issues:
To create the source DataFrame I executed:
df = pd.DataFrame([dt.datetime(2019, 1, 1)]*5, columns=['c1'])
Note that I provided a name for the only column.
Then I created another DataFrame:
df2 = pd.DataFrame([dt.datetime(2019,1,2)]*3, columns=['c1'], index=[1,3,4])
It contains your "new" dates and the numbers which you used in loc
I set as the index (again with the same column name).
Then, to update df, use (not surprisingly) df.update:
This function performs in-place update, so if you print(df), you will get:
0 2019-01-01
1 2019-01-02
2 2019-01-01
3 2019-01-02
4 2019-01-02
As you can see, under indices 1, 3 and 4 you have new dates
and there is no time part, just like before.
[dt.datetime(2019,1,2)]*3 is a Python list of objects. This particular list happens to contain only datetimes, but Pandas does not seem to recognize that, and treats it as it is - a list of any kind of objects.
If you convert it into a typed array, then Pandas will keep the original dtype of the column intact:
df.loc[[1,3,4]] = np.asarray([dt.datetime(2019,1,2)]*3)
I hope this workaround helps you, but you may still want to file a bug with Pandas. I don't have an explanation as to why the datetime objects should be coerced to ints in the first output example.

Group DataFrame by binning a column::Float64, in Julia

Say I have a DataFrame with a column of Float64s, I'd like to group the dataframe by binning that column. I hear the cut function might help, but it's not defined over dataframes. Some work has been done (, but I'd rather use a library function rather than copy-pasting code from the Internet. Pointers?
EDIT Bonus karma for finding a way of doing this by month over UNIX timestamps :)
You could bin dataframes based on a column of Float64s like this. Here my bins are increments of 0.1 from 0.0 to 1.0, binning the dataframe based on a column of 100 random numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.
using DataFrames #load DataFrames
df = DataFrame(index = rand(Float64,100)) #Make a DataFrame with some random Float64 numbers
df_array = map(x->df[(df[:index] .>= x[1]) .& (df[:index] .<x[2]),:],zip(0.0:0.1:0.9,0.1:0.1:1.0)) #Map an anonymous function that gets every row between two numbers specified by a tuple called x, and map that anonymous function to an array of tuples generated using the zip function.
This will produce an array of 10 dataframes, each one with a different 0.1-sized bin.
As for the UNIX timestamp question, I'm not as familiar with that side of things, but after playing around a bit maybe something like this could work:
using Dates
df = DataFrame(unixtime = rand(1E9:1:1.1E9,100)) #Make a dataframe with floats containing pretend unix time stamps
df[:date] = Dates.unix2datetime.(df[:unixtime]) #convert those timestamps to DateTime types
df[:year_month] = map(date->string(Dates.Year.(date))*" "*string(Dates.Month.(date)),df[:date]) #Make a string for every month in your time range
df_array = map(ym->df[df[:year_month] .== ym,:],unique(df[:year_month])) #Bin based on each unique year_month string

Convert floats to ints in pandas dataframe

I have a pandas dataframe with a column ‘distance’ and it is of datatype ‘float64’.
I want to convert these numbers to whole numbers (14,0,0,1). I tried with this but I get the error “ValueError: Cannot convert NA to integer”.
df['distance(kmint)'] = result['Distance'].astype('int')
Any help would be appreciated!!
I filtered out the NaN's from the dataframe using this:
result = result[np.isfinite(result['distance(km)'])]
Then, I was able to convert from float to int.
An alternative approach would be to convert the NaN values as part of your data import and cleaning processes. The more generalized solution could involve specifying the values that are NaN in the read_table command by setting the na_values flag. What you want to make sure of is that there isn't some malfored data like 1.5km in one of your fields that getting picked up as a NaN value.
pandas.read_table(..., na_values=None, keep_default_na=True, na_filter=True, ....)
Subsequently, once the dataframe is populated and the NaN values are identified properly, you can use the fillna method to substitute in zeros or the values that you identified as your distances.
Finally, it would be best to probably use notnull versus isfinite to convert the over to integers.