ANSYS Mechanical Workbench Scripting - Accessing Parameters - scripting

Ansys gurus,
My project is a static structural analysis using ANSYS workbench mechanical. I have created the parametrized geometry (via Design modeler) and material property in workbench, and used ACT scripting to configure the model. However, I don't find too much information on how to access the parameters via ACT scripting.
I have confirmed that the geometric parameters are successfully created in the workbench, e.g.
Paramater Name
The documentation LINK suggests that I can obtain parameter ID using Analysis.GetParameter(), however, the following code didn't work for me and resulted in the error as below.
STATIC_STRUCTURAL = ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisByName("Static Structural")
HEIGHT = STATIC_STRUCTURAL.GetParameter('height')
Property not found.
Do you have any suggestions on the cause of such error, is it because the Parameters were not imported from workbench "project schematic" to "Model", or the code I tried to retrieve the parameters was incorrect. In either cases, could you advise the correct method to access the parameters? Thank you!

If you want to access a parameter from the "project schematic" page you can create a list. If you than want to do something with this inside of mechanical, you have to send the commands to your model:
# Access the geometric parameters
allParameters = Parameters.GetAllParameters()
for parameter in allParameters:
print parameter.DisplayText
if parameter.DisplayText == 'height':
heigthParameter = parameter
# Loop over all systems in the project
for system in GetAllSystems():
# Get Model Container
model = system.GetContainer(ComponentName="Model")
# edit model component in batch mode
# code to be sent to ansys mechanical
cmd ='''
here goes your ACT script as string. You have to make sure, that there are no leading spaces or tabs.
# send code and exit mechanical
print "Finished script execution."


Repast: how to add and set a new parameter directly from the code instead of GUI

I want to create a parameter that contains a list of string (list of hub codes). This list of string is created by reading an external csv file (this list could contain the different codes depending on the hub codes in the CSV file)
What I want is to find a easy auto way to perform batch runs by each hub code in the list.
So this question is:
1) how to add and set a new parameter directly from the code (during the initialization when reading the CSV) instead of GUI parameter panel?
2) how to avoid manual configuration of hub list in the batch run configuration
Something like this for adding the parameters should work in your ContextBuilder.
Parameters params = RunEnvironment.getInstance().getParameters();
((DefaultParameters)params).addParameter("foo", "Big Foo", Integer.class, 3, false);
You would read the csv file to get the parameter name and value.
I'm not sure I completely understand the batch run configuration question, but each batch run has a run number associated with it
If you can associate line numbers in your csv parameter file with run number (e.g. run number 1 should use line 1, and so on), then each batch run would use a different parameter line.

"Could not get Timeline data" when using Timeline Visualization with Comma IDE

After implementing the answer to this question on how to set up a script for time visualization in this project (which uses a small extension to the published Log::Timeline that allows me to set the logging file from the program itself), I still get the same error
12:18 Timeline connection error: Could not get timeline data: Conexión rehusada
(which means refused connection). I've also checked the created files, and they are empty, they don't receive anything. I'm using this to log:
class Events does Log::Timeline::Event['ConcurrentEA', 'App', 'Log'] { }
(as per the file). It's probably the case that there's no such thing as a default implementation, as shown in the tests, but, in that case, what would be the correct way of making it print to the file and also connect to the timeline visualizer?
If you want to use the timeline visualization, leave the defaults for logging, commenting out any modification of the standard logging output. In my case:
# =
# path => log-file
# )
Not really sure if this would have happened if an output file is defined using an environment variable, but in any case, better to be on the safe side. You can use the output file when you eventually drop the script into production.

Storing graph to gremlin server from in memory graph

I'm new to Graphs in general.
I'm attempting to store a TinkerPopGraph that I've created dynamically to gremlin server to be able to issue gremlin queries against it.
Consider the following code:
Graph inMemoryGraph;
inMemoryGraph =;"test.graphml");
GraphTraversalSource g = inMemoryGraph.traversal();
List<Result> results =
I need some glue code. The gremlin query here is issued against the modern graph that is a default binding for the g variable. I would like to somehow store my inMemoryGraph so that when I run a gremlin query, its ran against my graph.
All graph configurations in Gremlin Server must occur through its YAML configuration file. Since you say you're connected to the modern graph I'll assume that you're using the default "modern" configuration file that ships with the standard distribution of Gremlin Server. If that is the case, then you should look at conf/gremlin-server-modern.yaml. You'll notice that this:
graphs: {
graph: conf/}
That creates a Graph reference in Gremlin Server called "graph" which you can reference from scripts. Next, note this second configuration:
org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.jsr223.ScriptFileGremlinPlugin: {files: [scripts/generate-modern.groovy]}}}
Specifically, pay attention to scripts/generate-modern.groovy which is a Gremlin Server initialization script. Opening that up you will see this:
// an init script that returns a Map allows explicit setting of global bindings.
def globals = [:]
// Generates the modern graph into an "empty" TinkerGraph via LifeCycleHook.
// Note that the name of the key in the "global" map is unimportant.
globals << [hook : [
onStartUp: { ctx ->"Loading 'modern' graph data.")
] as LifeCycleHook]
// define the default TraversalSource to bind queries to - this one will be named "g".
globals << [g : graph.traversal()]
The comments should do most of the explaining. The connection here is that you need to inject your graph initialization code into this script and assign your inMemoryGraph.traversal() to g or whatever variable name you wish to use to identify it on the server. All of this is described in the Reference Documentation.
There is a way to make this work in a more dynamic fashion, but it involves extending Gremlin Server through its interfaces. You would have to build a custom GraphManager - the interface can be found here. Then you would set the graphManager key in the server configuration file with the fully qualified name of your instance.

BeanShell PreProcessor updates User define variables

I'm very new at JMeter issues.
In a test script i have a BeanShell PreProcessor element that updates some variables previously defined at a "User Defined Variables" element.
Latter those variables are used in "Http Requests". However, the value that is used in the http request is the default one.
The scripts seems to be working due to some debug print();
My question is if it's necessary to delay the script to be sure that the BeanShell finishes?
Thanks a lot for your attention
There is no need to put any delay to Beanshell Pre-Processor as it's being executed before request. I'd recommend to check your jmeter.log file to see if there are any scripting issues as Beanshell Pre-Processor does not report errors anywhere including View Results Tree listener.
There are at least 2 ways to assure that everything is fine with your Beanshell script:
Put your debug print code after variables replace logic to see if it fires
Use JMeter __Beahshell function right in your HTTP request. If it's ok - View Results Tree will demonstrate beanshell-generated value. If not - the field will be blank and relevant error will be displayed in the log.
Example test case:
Given following Test Plan structure:
Thread Group with 1 user and 1 loop
HTTP GET Request to with path of / and parameter q
If you provide as parameter "q" following beanshell function:
and look into View Results Tree "Request" tab you should see something like:
and if you change function to something incorrect like:
you'll see a blank request.
The correct way of changing existing variable (or creating new if variable doesn't exist) looks like
vars.put("variablename", "variablevalue");
*Important: * JMeter Variables are Java Strings, if you're trying to set something else (date, integer, whatever) to JMeter Variable you need to cast it to String somehow.
int i = 5;
vars.put("int_i", String.valueOf(i));
Hope this helps.
You can update the vale of a "user defined variable".
You have to create a bean shell sampler
vars.put("user_defined_variable", "newvalue");
#theINtoy got it right.
I'm new to jmeter too but as I know variables defined in "User defined variables" are constants, so you can't change them. I recommend to use "User Parameters" in preprocessors or CSV Data Set Config.

MsTest, DataSourceAttribute - how to get it working with a runtime generated file?

for some test I need to run a data driven test with a configuration that is generated (via reflection) in the ClassInitialize method (by using reflection). I tried out everything, but I just can not get the data source properly set up.
The test takes a list of classes in a csv file (one line per class) and then will test that the mappings to the database work out well (i.e. try to get one item from the database for every entity, which will throw an exception when the table structure does not match).
The testmethod is:
public void TestMappings () {
Obviously the file is EntityMappingsTests.Types.csv. It should be in the DataDirectory.
Now, in the Initialize method (marked with ClassInitialize) I put that together and then try to write it.
WHERE should I write it to? WHERE IS THE DataDirectory?
I tried:
File.WriteAllText(context.TestDeploymentDir + "\\EntityMappingsTests.Types.csv", types.ToString());
File.WriteAllText("EntityMappingsTests.Types.csv", types.ToString());
Both result in "the unit test adapter failed to connect to the data source or read the data". More exact:
Error details: The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the
object 'EntityMappingsTests.Types.csv'. Make sure the object exists
and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.
So where should I put that file?
I also tried just writing it to the current directory and taking out the DataDirectory part - same result. Sadly, there is limited debugging support here.
Please use the ProcessMonitor tool from Put a filter on MSTest.exe or the associate qtagent32.exe and find out what locations it is trying to load from and at what point in time in the test loading process. Then please provide an update on those details here .
After you add the CSV file to your VS project, you need to open the properties for it. Set the Property "Copy To Output Directory" to "Copy Always". The DataDirectory defaults to the location of the compiled executable, which runs from the output directory so it will find it there.