Can't find method AddClaims on extension class OpenIddictExtensions - openiddict

I have installed package OpenIddict.AspNetCore, OpenIddict.EntityFrameworkCore, OpenIddict.Quartz Version 3.1.1 but I'm missing method AddClaims and SetDestinations.
I found ArgumentNullException:
No overload for method 'AddClaims' takes 2 arguments
Please, help me fixing this. Thanks.

You'll need to install the 4.0.0-preview2 packages. The extension method is part of the OpenIddictExtensions class in OpenIddict.Abstractions namespace. However, pre-release versions are generally not stable and the API might change before the actual 4.0 release.
Namespace and Class
The function

Based on the message, I assume you have code that looks like
something.AddClaims(arg1, arg2);
The compiler is telling you that there is an AddClaims method but it should be called with more than two arguments or with one or none, e.g.
something.AddClaims(arg1, arg2, arg3); // and so on


How can I tell the Kotlin compiler that a Java method will never return null?

I don't or can't modify the Java source code. The goal to configure just the Kotlin compiler to know what is nullable and what isn't.
You can specify the type manually if you know something will never be null. For example, if you have the following Java code:
public static Foo test() {
return null;
and you call it in Kotlin like this:
val result = Foo.test()
then result will have a type of Foo! by default – which means it can be either Foo or Foo?.. the compiler doesn't have enough information to determine that.
However, you can force the type manually:
val result: Foo = Foo.test()
// use "result" as a non-nullable type
Of course, if at runtime that is not true, you'll get a NullPointerException.
For reference, please check the documentation.
I don't know of a way to configure the compiler for this, but IntelliJ IDEA has a feature that allows you to add annotations to code via an XML file called external annotations.
You can add the Jetbrains #Nullable and #NotNull annotations to library code, but when I've tried it, it only results in compiler warnings rather than errors when you use incorrect nullability in your code. These same annotations generate compiler errors when used directly in the source code. I don't know why there is a difference in behavior.
You can use extension functions for this. If you have a method String foo() in the class Test, you can define the extension function
fun Test.safeFoo(): String =!!
The advantage is that the code is pretty obious.
The disadvantage of this approach is that you need to write a lot of boiler plate code. You also have to define the extension function in a place where all your modules or projects can see it. Also, writing that much code just to avoid !! feels like overkill.
It should also be possible to write a Kotlin compiler extension which generates them for you but the extension would need to know which methods never return null.

How to use `Which` in FluentAssertions?

I'm using fluent assertions and I have this test:
which works fine but when I try this
I got this error
'AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions>' does not contain a definition for 'Which' and no accessible extension method 'Which' accepting a first argument of type 'AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
What I'm doing wrong?
The problem here is that .NotBeNull() is not generic (it is an extension on ObjectAssertions rather than GenericObjectAssertions), so it can't chain the type information to later calls.
I think this is a flaw in the library design, personally, but it is easily worked around by substituting .NotBeNull() with .BeOfType<T>() as so:
result.Should().BeOfType<ThingWithLink>() // assertion fails if `result` is null
Of course, if you assert on your ThingWithLink type a lot, it could be worth writing a custom assertion so that you can be "more fluent":
If you need something more ad-hoc, you can always just use .BeEquivalentTo() to do structural comparison:
.And.BeEquivalentTo(new { Link = "" }); // ignores all members on `result` except for `result.Link`

How can one invoke the non-extension `run` function (the one without scope / "object reference") in environments where there is an object scope?

data class T(val flag: Boolean) {
constructor(n: Int) : this(run {
// Some computation here...
<Boolean result>
In this example, the custom constructor needs to run some computation in order to determine which value to pass to the primary constructor, but the compiler does not accept the run, citing Cannot access 'run' before superclass constructor has been called, which, if I understand correctly, means instead of interpreting it as the non-extension run (the variant with no object reference in, it construes it as a call to (the variant with an object reference in the above table) - which is invalid as the object has not completely instantiated yet.
What can I do in order to let the compiler know I mean the run function which is not an extension method and doesn't take a scope?
Clarification: I am interested in an answer to the question as asked, not in a workaround.
I can think of several workarounds - ways to rewrite this code in a way that works as intended without calling run: extracting the code to a function; rewriting it as a (possibly highly nested) let expression; removing the run and invoking the lambda (with () after it) instead (funnily enough, IntelliJ IDEA tags that as Redundant lambda creation and suggests to Inline the body, which reinstates the non-compiling run). But the question is not how to rewrite this without using run - it's how to make run work in this context.
A good answer should do one of the following things:
Explain how to instruct the compiler to call a function rather than an extension method when a name is overloaded, in general; or
Explain how to do that specifically for run; or
Explain that (and ideally also why) it is not possible to do (ideally with supporting references); or
Explain what I got wrong, in case I got something wrong and the whole question is irrelevant (e.g. if my analysis is incorrect, and the problem is something other than the compiler construing the call to run as
If someone has a neat workaround not mentioned above they're welcome to post it in a comment - not as an answer.
In case it matters: I'm using multi-platform Kotlin 1.4.20.
Kotlin favors the receiver overload if it is in scope. The solution is to use the fully qualified name of the non-receiver function: { //...
The specification is explained here.
Another option when the overloads are not in the same package is to use import renaming, but that won't work in this case since both run functions are in the same package.

NServiceBus ConfigureComponent is obsolete

Our code has a lot of the following:
etc, which gives compiler warnings that the ConfigureComponent method is obsolete.
What is the non-obsolete way of doing this?
Replace ComponentCallModelEnum with the appropriate DependencyLifecycle.X

C++/CLI optional arguments

Why i cannot declare default arguments for member functions of a managed type or generic functions? C# 4.0 introduced Named and Optional Arguments; there is a similar thing for CLI?
I do not understand why is not possible to declare a method like this:
void Optional(int argument = 0);
And then when I call Optional(); the compiler does not translate this call into: Optional(0);.
It looks like the C++/CLI Compiler doesn't emit the correct IL directive for that. It doesn't emit the directive .param [1] = int32(0), which C# uses for recognizing default parameters. If you open the generated assembly in ILDasm, you'll see it.
A way that compiles would be to use the attributes Optional and DefaultParameterValue from the System::Runtime::InteropServices namespace, but C# doesn't use those for default parameters, so currently there's no easy way around creating an overload.
You can find the question asking about those Attributes here: