GoogleChat Cardview message format - hangouts-chat

I am using the GoogleChat API creating a message from the JSON format, and I am trying to customize the cardview and add more elements horizontally, is it possible to do this action? Is there any further documentation?


How i can use custom listview in react-native-google-places-autocomplete?

I have two autocompleteinputs but i want them to use same listview to look nicer. The app i am developing looks like lyft in lyft they use two text inputs in destination selection screen. How i can create autocompleteinput with custom list view?
I have readed the react-native-google-places-autocomplete documents. But didn't manage to find good solution.

What is the best to use to describe styles for application content?

I have been creating application in React Native. The goal of the application is to have content that can be changed without updating the app. I understand that the two best solutions are either Firebase or some other API call at every application start to get new content. Now I would just like to know if there are any recommended way to style content beside my three current solutions:
Styling content with markdown and then parsing it in application
Styling content with html and then parsing it in application
Or having a standard content object so that all the content is packed the same way and then showing right text/media on correct place with correct style
I am open to any other styling solutions for content and would like to know what is the best way. I also already have a server responding to API call that returns new content, the biggest problem is styling.

How to display formatted JSON in VSCode Extension Webview

I'm developing extension for VSCode and need to display formatted JSON inside a Webview panel. It should also be collapsable.
How do I achieve this?

Access lastMeasurement in HTML widget

I want to reference the last measurment of a device in a HTML widget.
The page give samples to access these.
My attempt to show the TemperatureMeasurement doesn't return a result:
This is currently not possible from the HTML widget. You can only access the data inside the managedObject from there.
Maybe try using the SCADA widget for that and create your custom content as SVG instead of HTML.

Encode Store Data as JSON String in Sencha Touch

I'm trying to make a simple Sencha Touch App that submits a form with attached images, and stores the data in a remote MySQL database via PHP.
The user-inserted images are stored in a data store.
When the user clicks the submit button, I would like all the data in the store to be encoded into a JSON string which I can easily send to my database.
Is there any way to do this in Sencha Touch?
Sencha Touch has the JSON lib included, you can encode in the following manner:
Also have a look at the Sencha Touch API Docs here:!/api/Ext.util.JSON which references
You can encode image to Base64 string and when attached to your form you can store base64 string value in a hidden field in your form.
When user clicks submit button you retrieve values in your form using activePanel.getValues(false).This gives you JSON presentation of components you used in your form and their values.