Mailchimp Archive get more than 20 results - api

I am using Mailchimp's archive URL in PHP -- I am simply fetching the URL and displaying it as it sits, in order to white lable the funky URL IE
In doing so I have read through both the Archive and API documentation, and have found nothing on the parameter for row count. It defaults to 20 as stated in the Archive docs, but I know I have seen archives with a larger row count than that. Is anyone familiar enough with the URL parameters used by MailChimp to increase the row count, to say, 100? IE

It's been a problem for years. Even in 2022 there is still no known way for an end-user to get more than past 20 issues from mailchimp, they simply refuse to add/allow that ability.
However the newsletter creator can go into their backend and generate/enable a javascript API that has the &show= parameter, which can be increased.
Again, only the campaign creator can do this, not some random end-user/reader.


How do I search this? Possible to access more than 100 JSON api search results if I pay for it?

How to search this?
I want to be able to:
1. create a search engine
2. programatically search it thorugh an API (python, or other)
3. paginate through the results (all of them, if I chose)
4. store URL's or results that I want.
Is this even possible with Google Custom Search Engine?
I enabled billing, my CC is up to date with Google, I do steps 1..3 above.
On a search, I will get back 4,000 results for example, but I can only access 10 at a time with the API, none more, and when I reach 100 results I am shut off.
I want to be able to process 1000 results if I wish.
Before you reply, do you personally have working code that goes beyond the 100 limit?
If so, would be very much interested in speaking, learning how you did it.
I am using Python at the moment, but it could be any language.
I tried using the &start=100, 200, and so on to paginate through, but this does not work.
I tried getting 100 results in a python script, ending the program, calling it again setting start=100 (after the first set returned), and nothing happened.
I want to be able to use the Google Custom Search API, pay Google for a monthly subscription but have not found that this is possible.
For any given search, I want to decide how many results to process, could be 1K, could be 20K, I simply need/want access to the full result set, but I do not, have not seemed to find a way to do this.
The API allows only a max result depth of 100. See

What is the maximum results returned for YouTube Data API v3 call

I am in the process of providing some consultancy on doing a HTTP GET using YouTube Data API V3; in order to develop a Windows based application to GET a list of results from Youtube, for say a specific CATEGORY, or a specific TAG.
We are open to using any programming language(I'm from a C++ background and am hoping You tube will support direct HTTP connections without using Google client SDK and so on) to connect to YouTube and (HTTP) GET data.(Once a month or so, so YouTube API quotas should not be problem).
The Issue
We are being told by some of my client's web developers that YouTube API v3 will only return a maximum of 500 records/results, for say a query that returns JUST the Total viewers, the Video's link, and basic meta data such as that.
S, say I wish to find 5,000 results for category "House music" or "basketball" - and I have the Developer Key etc are all set up, would that be possible?
If so, what GET fields would I need to populate(such as "max_results_per_page")?
Thank you.
The API won't provide more than ~500 search results for any arbitrary query. It's by design. Technically, it means that the nextPageToken field won't be returned once you hit ~500 results. No additional parameter can change that.
If you want more than ~500 results for a query, you have to split it into more specific sub-queries. I'd suggest using the publishedAfter and publishedBefore parameters to achieve that, but feel free to experiment with the other ones here.
This only holds for the search-Query. Other queries like "PlaylisItem:list" deliver more results. I have tested with 100.000 items to get the videos of a playlist.

Twitter REST API - Number of Tweets

I wrote a little Script using Python and Tweepy to save the tweets for a list of users and also to get some basic properties for those accounts.
Somehow the number of tweets stated in the user profile under statuses_count
(for an example of the json description of an account: )
does not match the number of tweets i get when iterating through the tweets of the same users profile.
I am aware of the fact, that twitter limits the number of tweets per user available through the API to 3200 and even does not guarantee this number, but this behavior does even occur with users who have well less than 3200 tweets
My question is, whether this difference is common and why this happens?
Is this just an issue of the twitter API, is it caused by deleted tweets (maybe they still count for statuses_count but can not be fetched anymore?), ...?
I haven't messed with the Twitter API in several months, but I remember back when I was working with it I found inconsistencies due to retweets not showing up when iterating tweets, but getting counted in the number of Tweets. This seems to corroborate that, but its several months old and things may have changed since then.
Make sure include_rts is set to true, t, or 1 (in addition to specifying the same for include_entities, which you have done). When these aren't included by default (e.g. user lists) then you can get fewer tweets than what you specified with count.
The Twitter API documentation isn't clear on what the defaults are so it's safer to explicitly specify these optional parameters. And since you're specifically working with the user timeline you might also want exclude_replies turned off.

How to retrieve all tweets from a user and not just the first 3,200 as Twitter limits it’s timeline and API to

With I can get 3,200 most recent tweets. However, certain sites like seems to bypass the limit, and my browse through the API documentation could not find anything.
How do they do it, or is there another API that doesn't have the limit?
You can use twitter search page to bypass 3,200 limit. However you have to scroll down many times in the search results page. For example, I searched tweets from #beyinsiz_adam. This is the link of search results:
Now in order to scroll down many times, you can use the following javascript code.
var myVar=setInterval(function(){myTimer()},1000);
function myTimer() {
Just run it in the FireBug console. And wait some time to load all tweets.
The only way to see more is to start saving them before the user's tweet count hits 3200. Services which show more than 3200 tweets have saved them in their own dbs. There's currently no way to get more than that through any Twitter API.
Note from that second link: "…the 3,200 limit is for browsing the timeline only. Tweets can always be requested by their ID using the GET statuses/show/:id method."
I've been in this (Twitter) industry for a long time and witnessed lots of changes in Twitter API and documentation. I would like to clarify one thing to you. There is no way to surpass 3200 tweets limit. Twitter doesn't provide this data even in its new premium API.
The only way someone can surpass this limit is by saving the tweets of an individual Twitter user.
There are tools available which claim to have a wide database and provide more than 3200 tweets. Few of them are, which I know of.
You can use a tool I wrote that bypasses the limit.
It saves the Tweets in a JSON format.
You can use a Python library snscrape to do it. Or you can use ExportData tool to get all tweets for the user, which returns already preprocessed CSV and spreadsheet files. The first option is free, but has less information and requires more manual work.

How to skip known entries when syncing with Google Reader?

for writing an offline client to the Google Reader service I would like to know how to best sync with the service.
There doesn't seem to be official documentation yet and the best source I found so far is this:
Now consider this: With the information from above I can download all unread items, I can specify how many items to download and using the atom-id I can detect duplicate entries that I already downloaded.
What's missing for me is a way to specify that I just want the updates since my last sync.
I can say give me the 10 (parameter n=10) latest (parameter r=d) entries. If I specify the parameter r=o (date ascending) then I can also specify parameter ot=[last time of sync], but only then and the ascending order doesn't make any sense when I just want to read some items versus all items.
Any idea how to solve that without downloading all items again and just rejecting duplicates? Not a very economic way of polling.
Someone proposed that I can specify that I only want the unread entries. But to make that solution work in the way that Google Reader will not offer this entries again, I would need to mark them as read. In turn that would mean that I need to keep my own read/unread state on the client and that the entries are already marked as read when the user logs on to the online version of Google Reader. That doesn't work for me.
To get the latest entries, use the standard from-newest-date-descending download, which will start from the latest entries. You will receive a "continuation" token in the XML result, looking something like this:
Scan through the results, pulling out anything new to you. You should find that either all results are new, or everything up to a point is new, and all after that are already known to you.
In the latter case, you're done, but in the former you need to find the new stuff older than what you've already retrieved. Do this by using the continuation to get the results starting from just after the last result in the set you just retrieved by passing it in the GET request as the c parameter, e.g.:
Continue this way until you have everything.
The n parameter, which is a count of the number of items to retrieve, works well with this, and you can change it as you go. If the frequency of checking is user-set, and thus could be very frequent or very rare, you can use an adaptive algorithm to reduce network traffic and your processing load. Initially request a small number of the latest entries, say five (add n=5 to the URL of your GET request). If all are new, in the next request,
where you use the continuation, ask for a larger number, say, 20. If those are still all new, either the feed has a lot of updates or it's been a while, so continue on in groups of 100 or whatever.
However, and correct me if I'm wrong here, you also want to know, after you've downloaded an item, whether its state changes from "unread" to "read" due to the person reading it using the Google Reader interface.
One approach to this would be:
Update the status on google of any items that have been read locally.
Check and save the unread count for the feed. (You want to do this before the next step, so that you guarantee that new items have not arrived between your download of the newest items and the time you check the read count.)
Download the latest items.
Calculate your read count, and compare that to google's. If the feed has a higher read count than you calculated, you know that something's been read on google.
If something has been read on google, start downloading read items and comparing them with your database of unread items. You'll find some items that google says are read that your database claims are unread; update these. Continue doing so until you've found a number of these items equal to the difference between your read count and google's, or until the downloads get unreasonable.
If you didn't find all of the read items, c'est la vie; record the number remaining as an "unfound unread" total which you also need to include in your next calculation of the local number you think are unread.
If the user subscribes to a lot of different blogs, it's also likely he labels them extensively, so you can do this whole thing on a per-label basis rather than for the entire feed, which should help keep the amount of data down, since you won't need to do any transfers for labels where the user didn't read anything new on google reader.
This whole scheme can be applied to other statuses, such as starred or unstarred, as well.
Now, as you say, this
...would mean that I need to keep my own read/unread state on the client and that the entries are already marked as read when the user logs on to the online version of Google Reader. That doesn't work for me.
True enough. Neither keeping a local read/unread state (since you're keeping a database of all of the items anyway) nor marking items read in google (which the API supports) seems very difficult, so why doesn't this work for you?
There is one further hitch, however: the user may mark something read as unread on google. This throws a bit of a wrench into the system. My suggestion there, if you really want to try to take care of this, is to assume that the user in general will be touching only more recent stuff, and download the latest couple hundred or so items every time, checking the status on all of them. (This isn't all that bad; downloading 100 items took me anywhere from 0.3s for 300KB, to 2.5s for 2.5MB, albeit on a very fast broadband connection.)
Again, if the user has a large number of subscriptions, he's also probably got a reasonably large number of labels, so doing this on a per-label basis will speed things up. I'd suggest, actually, that not only do you check on a per-label basis, but you also spread out the checks, checking a single label each minute rather than everything once every twenty minutes. You can also do this "big check" for status changes on older items less often than you do a "new stuff" check, perhaps once every few hours, if you want to keep bandwidth down.
This is a bit of bandwidth hog, mainly because you need to download the full article from Google merely to check the status. Unfortunately, I can't see any way around that in the API docs that we have available to us. My only real advice is to minimize the checking of status on non-new items.
The Google API hasn't yet been released, at which point this answer may change.
Currently, you would have to call the API and dis-regard items already downloaded, which as you said isn't terribly efficient as you will be re-downloading items every time, even if you already have them.