Use live template with ideavim - rider

I'm trying to use rider with ideavim, and there's a bit annoying for working with live template.
If I use "if" template, it goes to insert mode and couldn't overwrite the default value.
Here's the example.
It's annoying that need to remove the value everytime using the template.
However, for some reason I don't want to remove the value name in live template.
I saw some video can stay in edit mode when using live template, but I couldn't find where to setting.
Hope anyone could help, thanks.

Solve the problem for change idearefactormode from keep to select mode.


How to make my own Code abbreviation in intellij idea

in IDEA ,I can type soutto represent System.out.println();and I want to know how to make my own code abbreviation.For example, alias System.out.print(); to sounor any other names
This is called a Live Template in IntelliJ.
Go to File > Settings > Editor > Live Templates. From there, select Java and on the right, you'll see a plus sign. By clicking it, you'll get a 1. Live Template and that will get you a new abbreviation.
Name it soun and the text should be
Once you're done, make sure you've enabled that abbreviation by clicking the check box next to it.
The docs of IntelliJ cover in detail what the syntax is for these templates.
The $END$ syntax indicates the position of the cursor when the code snippet is complete, and you can no longer press Tab to jump to the next variable.
There are more variables to look at as well and other configurations to do!
Edit: there is an answer here for this question, but it looks like it doesn't necessarily answer the question asked on that post, so that's why I've decided to post a dedicated answer (tackling the issue at hand).

How to keep IntelliSense Complete Word option off?

IntelliSense has a mode where if you hit the spacebar, it will automatically type out the suggested auto-complete word. In order to prevent this from happening, you can hit the Escape key before pressing Space. This will close the autocomplete popup, so that the suggested word is not automatically typed.
I prefer the alternative setting, where I actually have to hit the Enter key to accept the suggested autocompletion. If I just type Space, I want a space to follow the characters that I actually typed.
I know that I can toggle between the undesired mode and the second mode I describe, which I do want. To do this, I click Edit -> IntelliSence -> Toggle Completion Mode.
My problem is that this setting never sticks. It constantly reverts to the wrong mode. I'm not sure exactly when it's changing, but it seems to revert back several times a day. If I change this for one Solution, it won't apply to my other Solutions. Even if I apply it to a solution, close VS, reopen, and start working again, it will have reverted.
Does this happen to everyone else, or is this unique to me? Is there some global setting that forces this feature to stay off always? Do I have a corrupted file somewhere that's causing this?
No, this is normal behavior and this setting behaves like what you described in the previous VS versions.
However, thanks to those members who is reporting this issue and Microsoft has fixed this behavior in the latest VS2019 version.
Since VS2015 is not supported by Microsoft so far, so this behavior cannot be fixed on VS2015 and I suggest you could install the latest VS2019 Community and get what you want.
Once you click the Toggle Completion Mode under Edit-->Intellisense, no matter you close VS, create a new project or a solution, use other c# file editor, it will never revert back.

make intellij sometimes stop at underscores and sometimes not

sometimes I want to select everything including underscores and sometimes I don't. I want to be able to manipulate that behavior using a hotkey or similar
there exists that setting to globally enable it or disable it but that is not what helps me
sometimes I want it to stop on _ and sometimes I don't.
just an example:
I have this code line:
and I want to add:
now if stop on underscore is enabled I have to click soo many times to get to _TEMP at the end. But if it is disabled I have to click a lot as well to delete remove_ from the function call. I want to manipulate that behaviour using a plugin or similar. Does something like that exist? seems to work you need to change the binding in the keymap though as default is assigned to ctrl+shift+a which is already in use in my case

PHPStorm Live templates not expanding

I've just started to play araound with PHPStorm and I can't get the live templates to work. For example there's one for a public function..'pubf' then tab to expand however when I tab mine out it looks like this...
What's going on? Is there a setting I need to enable to get it to work?
Just for a little more clarity:
Even though you're under the PHP branch, you still need to apply the abbreviation to an application. Click the "Define" link and check the PHP box.
It was a question of scope for the template, just needed to select the appropriate file types.
Settings / Emmet and changing the default 'Expand abbreviation with' from tab to say custom
Make sure the context is selected underneath your template text. There is a small 'Change' link there where you set the context. I had to choose all contexts.

How to use multiple tabs when tagging to a function in Vim

I use ctags with my Vim and I rely heavily on C-] and C-T to tag back and froth between various functions in my project.
But if the function is in a different file, I'd like Vim to automatically open it in a new tab instead of the current tab. If I pop my tag stack using the C-T, I'd like it go back to the original tab where I pressed by C-] instead of changing the file in the current tab. I don't like to have the same file opened in multiple tabs in Vim. This is the normal behavior for most IDEs and I am wondering if there is a way to do this in Vim?
nmap <C-Enter> <C-w><C-]><C-w>T
Does this help ? You could probably figure out something similar for the way back.
Well, we need to decide what would be the wanted behaviour. We can go back to the original tab (not sure how, still investigating) but then the above given mapping is gonna open a new tab next time. So you'll end up with a lot of tabs after a while.
Or we can do <C-w>C, which will close the opened tab and take us back to the original one. I, personally, prefer this way of working (that way I don't lose my position in the file)
I go to the function I want, make my corrections there then return to the original file from which I started.
Let me know, what would you like (this didn't fit in comments so I put the answer here).
This might point you in the right direction:
So, this is a feature I would like to see as well.
I'm not sure if it's possible.
What I usually do is
:tag somepartsoffunction*
and press tab to use globbing to easily find tag.
Sure, it's not an ideal solution, but it works most of the time.
Unfortunately, with VIM tabbing isn't totally integrated since it's a new feature since 7.0. Most people I know that use VIM weren't even aware of tabs until I told them, so with that, I have a feeling there is no way to do it right now.
(I would love to be proven wrong)