How Can I use operator ternary in phalcon version 3.4 in volt? - phalcon

I would like to use the phalcon ternary operator provided by version 3.4, but I would like to use it with the one validation at the same time.
{% set pageType = 'basicSetting' %} {{ pageType == 'basicSetting' ? 'class="active"' : '' }}
The above example is from

After some research and analysis, I was able to find this,it is a little example
{% set result_that_you_want = (value==1) ? 'the result is 1' : 'the result is not the same the 1' %}


With dbt how do I use a model cte in a macro call in a jinja expression?

How would I reference a previously defined cte inside of a macro call, inside of a jinja expression block?
with stg_example_table as (
select *
from {{ ref('stg_db__example_table') }}
where {{ ref('stg_db__example_table') }}.example_column = 'foobar'
earliest_date as (
{{ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
get_earliest_date('month', 'created_at', stg_example_table)
}} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
select * from earliest_date
I can't seem to reference the cte, stg_example_table, in that location in a way that works. How should it be referenced in a way that will work?
The macro get_earliest_date(), works if I use ref('stg_db__example_table'). But then I'm getting the wrong value since the table isn't reduced as it would be from the cte.
I could create another stg model that has the filters I need and ref() that one, but it'd be nice to just use the cte here.
I have also tried various forms of:
{% set earliest_date = run_query("select min(created_at)::date from stg_db__example_table").columns[0][0] %}
And then referencing the set earliest_date, but I could not get that to work.
For reference, this is the get_earliest_date() macro:
{% macro get_earliest_date(date_component, column_name, relation) %}
{% set query %}
date_trunc({{ date_component }}, min({{ column_name }}))::date as earliest
from {{ relation }}
{% endset %}
{% set results = run_query(query) %}
{% if execute %}
{% set result = results.columns[0][0] %}
{% else %}
{% set result = null %}
{% endif %}
{{ return(result) }}
{% endmacro %}
The example code is simplified, but eventually I want to get a date_spine() with:
datepart = "month",
start_date = get_earliest_date('month', 'created_at', stg_example_table),
end_date = "date_trunc('month', current_date())"
dbt doesn't parse your model, so it simply doesn't know what stg_example_table is.
If you're looking to re-use a CTE, it should probably be its own model (a macro would be another choice). You can use the ephemeral materialization and dbt won't persist anything to your warehouse -- it just interpolates the model as a CTE. There are some limitations for how you can ref an ephemeral model, but I think in this case, since you're calling get_earliest_date from a model, it should work fine.
-- in stg_example_table.sql
{{ config(materialized="ephemeral") }}
select *
from {{ ref('stg_db__example_table') }}
where {{ ref('stg_db__example_table') }}.example_column = 'foobar'
-- in your_model.sql
datepart = "month",
start_date = get_earliest_date('month', 'created_at', ref('stg_example_table')),
end_date = "date_trunc('month', current_date())"

Shopify Line item variants in separate lines

Currently in my shopify code I can use a line item input like so:
This will output the following:
Snapback / One Size Fits All / Camo
What I'm trying to do is to break up each one into it's own line. So I can get this back:
One Size Fits All
The challenge is that there are several products with different variants. Some contain the string "7/9" so I wouldn't be able to use "/" as a delimiter. Any suggestions?
The variant title is generated based on the variant options.
So if you like to show the different options you just call the options instead of the title.
{{ variant.option1 }}<br/>
{{ variant.option2 }}<br/>
{{ variant.option3 }}
Refer to the docs here:
I found this one is a better solution to set this dynamically:
{% if line.variant.title != 'Default Title' %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant variant-title">
{% assign variantOptions = line.variant.title | split: ' / ' %}
{% assign count = 0 %}
{% for option in line.product.options_with_values %}
<span><b>{{ }} :</b> {{variantOptions[count]}}</span>
<br />
{% assign count = count | plus: 1 %}
{% endfor %}
<br />
{% endif %}
As by default, we are getting / in the value of line.variant.title. So we need to split this first So that we can get individual option values. and because there is no feasible object to get option label so we need to use the
line.product.options_with_values in a loop and iterate and set label with value as in the above code.
So, just use this code in your order confirmation email and you will get the format in the email as follow. Here Embroidery as yes and no. and Border as Zigzag and Simple are the options for product variants.

Using a string to create a Liquid variable

In my shopify store, I am using SuperFields in order to customize my site, though my question isn't about the app. On one of my pages, I need the value for the following:
variant.metafields.sf_{{ collection.title | downcase }}[meta_tag_key]
The value should be 0 or 1. If I evaluate the statement directly, such as:
{if variant.metafields.sf_{{ collection.title | downcase }}[meta_tag_key] =1%}
It throws an error when I render the page: Unexpected character '{'
I've also tried the following:
{% capture defaultImage %}variant.metafields.sf_{{ collection.title | downcase }}[meta_tag_key]{% endcapture %}
{% assign test = defaultImage %}
But 'test' is considered nil and doesn't return any value. I have tried to search for answers here and on the shopify forum, but, as my clumsy post title suggests, I'm having a hard time concisely searching for a solution to this problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can try :
{% assign metafield-key = collection.title | downcase | prepend: "sf_" %}
{% assign key = variant.metafields[metafield-key][meta_tag_key] %}
{% if key == 1 %}
Do the twist !
{% endif %}
You are missing a % sign in your code. Hence the error message. Your if statement started with {% and not just {
If you working in liquid then you have to use {% %} for defining any variable & also for condition in shopify. You can't use { this.

How can I use literal list in Django template file?

From a Django template file I want to check if my variable myVar is "A" or "B" (or "C" or "D", etc..).
So I would like to do something like this:
{% if myVar in ["A", "B"] %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
But this gives me a syntax error in the first line.
How then can I use a literal list in the Django template file?
you can't define a list directly in the template. You could pass a list to the template using a view in views. py and a url in urls. py
ex:In views. py
def view_name(request):
list_name=['A', 'B', 'C'];
render(request, 'directory/template_name.html'
In urls. py
urlpatterns = [
path('index/', views.view_name, name='main-view'),
In template
{% if myVar in list_name%}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
The answer can be found here: check for presence in a list django template
This question is essentially a duplicate.

using Liquid variables inside of a liquid tag call

I made a custom link tag in Liquid and I am trying to be able to pass liquid variables into the call for that tag like so
{{ assign id = 'something' }} // this value is actual dynamic while looping through data
{% link_to article: id, text: 'Click Me!' %} // my custom tag
However this results in the article parameter being passed in as 'id' instead of 'something' as per the assign statement above it.
Does anyone know how to pass variables into tag calls?
I've recently solved this very simply with Jekyll 0.11.2 and Liquid 2.3.0 by passing the name of the variable as the tag parameter.
{% assign v = 'art' %}
{% link_to_article v %}
You can also pass the name of the control var while in a loop, like article above.
In Liquid::Tag.initialize, #markup is the second parameter, the string following the tag name. The assigned variables are available in the top level of the context.
def render(context)
This obviously only allows one param to be passed. A more complex solution would parse params like x: 2, y: 3.
This solved the case for me context[#markup.strip].
My problem was that i wanted to be able to pass a variable to my custom Liquid tag like this: {% get_menu main_menu navigation.html %}
In order to do this i first split the variable string into different varaibles on every space character.
class GetMenu < Liquid::Tag
include ApplicationHelper
def initialize(tag_name, variables, tokens)
#variables = variables.split(" ")
#menu_object = #variables[0]
#file_name = #variables[1]
#theme_id = #variables[2]
def render(context)
# This is where i use context[#theme_id.strip] to get the variable of ""
content = CodeFile.find_by(hierarchy: 'snippet', name: #file_name.to_s, theme_id: context[#theme_id.strip])
#menu ||= Menu.find_by_slug(#menu_object)
context.merge('menu' => #menu)
Liquid::Template.register_tag('get_menu', GetMenu)
*This is just a more rich example that the answer above by Jonathan Julian
Doesn't look like this is possible, my solution was to just pass the variable name in to the tag and grab it out of the context the tag is being rendered in. Like so:
{% for article in category.articles %}
{% link_to variable: article, text: title %}
{% endfor %}
in my tag code (condensed):
def render(context)
uri = "article/#{context[#options[:variable]]['id']}"
"<a href='#{uri}'>#{build_link_text context}</a>"
It would be great to have a tag that can be called with literals and variables like
{% assign v = 'art' %}
{% link_to_article v %}
{% link_to_article 'art' %}
{% link_to_article "art" %}
and also of course
{% link_to_article include.article %}
In order to so I propose a helper function
def get_value(context, expression)
if (expression[0]=='"' and expression[-1]=='"') or (expression[0]=="'" and expression[-1]=="'")
# it is a literal
return expression[1..-2]
# it is a variable
lookup_path = expression.split('.')
result = context
puts lookup_path
lookup_path.each do |variable|
result = result[variable] if result
return result
And in the render just call the helper function to get the value of the literal or variable.
def render(context)
v = get_value(context, #markup.strip)
FYI, the initialiser would look like this:
def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
#markup = markup
This does not strictly answer the question, but it may help others who are new to Liquid (like myself) and try something like this. Instead of implementing a custom tag, consider implementing a custom filter instead. Variables are resolved before they are passed into filters.
Ruby code:
module MyFilters
def link_to_article(input, text)
"<a href='{input}'>#{text}</a>"
Liquid template:
{% assign id = 'something' %}
{{ id | link_to_article: 'Click Me!' }}
<a href=''>Click Me!</a>
You can also use variables as parameters. So the following would have the same output:
{% assign id = 'something' %}
{% assign text = 'Click Me!' %}
{{ id | link_to_article: text }}
And filters can have zero or more (comma-separated) parameters:
{{ 'input' | filter_with_zero_parameters }}
{{ 'input' | filter_with_two_parameters: 'parameter 1', 'parameter 2' }}