react native maps stopped working after running expo prebuild - react-native

I needed to run the expo prebuild command in my project, due to the need for the notifee notifications library, the library in question worked normally, but the map library that I was also using (react native mps), stopped working. the map simply no longer appears in . does anyone know how to solve?


React Native Error - TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '_reactNative.NativeModules.RNShare.FACEBOOK')

I'm working on react native project and I am using expo. I want to add the react-native-share package to my project, however I keep getting this error before I even add any code.
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '_reactNative.NativeModules.RNShare.FACEBOOK')
Now I know that expo has it's own version of the share, however you can't specify where a person can share it too, which honestly makes the feature useless. It seems to be clear that the reason I can't use this package is because I am using expo and can't install pod into the project -- due to expo reject it --. So what should I do? Any suggestions on how to work around this?
You can't normally use dependencies with native code using Expo. At least when using the classic build system (you're using it when you run expo start in the terminal to run your project). react-native-share has native code (you can check that by going to the repo and seeing if the library has ios and android folders) and therefore can't be used with "standard" Expo.
If you want to use custom native code in your project, you either need to eject from Expo to the bare workflow or - a newer option - use Expo EAS and custom dev clients. Expo EAS allows you to stay in the managed workflow and still use native modules. You might need to write something called a config plugin for some of those native dependencies you want to use, but looking at the documentation, react-native-share should be working just fine without a config plugin.
So: Either eject to the Expo bare workflow, or use Expo EAS and custom dev clients to use native dependencies with the Expo managed workflow. Do note however that you need at least Expo SDK 41 to use EAS and custom development clients.
To learn more about migrating from the classic build system to EAS, see Expo's guide / documentation.

Expo Bare Workflow - How To Use And Setup react-native-pdf and react-native-blob-util - React Native

What is the proper way to use native module in react native expo bare workflow ?
I want to use react-native-pdf and react-native-blob-util
But I got error :
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'ReactNativeBlobUtil.DocumentDir')
Invariant Violation: "main" has not been registered. This can happen if:
Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current project.
I have following this link :
I read in the expo documentation we can use native module using expo bare workflow. And now my project is bare workflow. In the middle of building my apps using expo bare workflow I got and error when using react-native-pdf and react-native-blob-util
I want when user click the button the apps will open the pdf file which have source link pdf from my server.
Is it possible to setup using this native module in expo bare workflow since bare workflow in the documentation said it like this :
Bare Workflow
In the bare workflow the developer has complete control, along with
the complexity that comes with that. You can use all packages from the
Expo SDK, development builds, and all Expo and EAS Services.
Configuration with app.json / app.config.js is mostly not supported in
this context; instead, you will need to configure each native project
Please give me a solution of this problem ? If it is not possible please point me to use another best pdf viewer.
Finally solved the problem.
Native Module cannot run in Expo Go
So expo publish will not working because it is run in Expo Go.
Instead, we must change to run in native. Use case example : npm run android or expo run:android. It will run into bare workflow with native module in our code.
I had this same issue. The fix for me was to rebuild the development client first.
npx expo start --dev-client -c
Then run android/iOS.
There is no need to build with expo run:android.

How to get device Id in expo react native app

I am implementing API to connect app with server. I have to use deviceId there. As mentioned in here we can use third party library 'react-native-device-info'. But when I am using it I am getting errors as attached screenshots. As per error it's saying to do linking but as I am using react version 0.62, so autolinking is there. So What can be issue? It took too much time to search it but till now I didn't get a proper solution.
react-native-device-info library wont work in Expo , since it requires linking of native modules hence the error.It will only work in pure react native apps.
You can check this by expo itself : expo-device
hopeit helps.feel free for doubts
You can use react-native-device-info even in Expo projects. You need to replace Expo Go with a custom build that has react-native-device-info library baked in.
By default, Expo Go used on Android, iPhone Emulators implies managed workflow (aka only expo-* modules are being used). However, using any pure react-native-* libraries falls under bare workflow, so you cannot use Expo Go - the error you see is from Expo Go, not your app.
Build your custom Expo app with expo-dev-client, react-native-device-info libraries included, and install that on your emulators. This needs to be done once when you add a react-native-* library.
Now continue to add code to your project that uses features from react-native-device-info.
npx expo start --dev-client and choose your emulator. Your custom build will be launched and you can make live changes as always like in Expo Go.
Do check out the section on Development Builds from Expo. Needless to say, I have successfully used react-native-device-info on my Expo project, because expo-device cannot provide what I needed.

Why is that we cannot install native libraries on Expo? (that requires linking)

I am a newbie and learned react-native expo. I am curious why we can't use any native library with Expo.
For example, if I want to use filesystem on expo I just cant use it, I know expo has it's own file system but I want to use another library but that library requires linking so it is not working in expo. Why is that?
I have tried everything.
This is the library that I want to use ==>
It requires command : react-native link react-native-fs
How do I do it?
You first have to understand the difference between react-native cli & expo
Please read this documentation to understand the difference
React Native expo uses their own servers to compile your javascript into java and return APK file as a complete APP, and that is the reason you do not need android SDKs or android studio environment on your PC when you are using expo
but when you are using react-native cli you do need the android studio environment such as SDKs, because when you are using cli , it compiles the code using that android studio sdk/environment that you made in your PC that is why you do not need a third party server like expo do.
and thats the reason you get android files right in your react-native project and due to which you can add native modules to it.
However you also have the option to use expo-eject, You can read more about expo-eject in this documentation
Thank You!, Have a great day & welcome to stackoverflow community!.

How to properly start a detached React Native app

I am using React Native for the first time and I can see that we can detach from the Expo. I have no reason to detach, but I am sure will have later so I will detach from the start.
Question: What is the commands to start directly detached app using react native commands.
I have used create-react-native-app my-app then run expo detach this seemed to detach the app but for some reason only android folder is showing while ios folder is missing, anyone have any idea how do I have both platforms created on a detached version!
A Mac is required to build projects with native code for iOS. You can follow the Quick Start to learn how to build your app using Create React Native App instead.
As per the react-native docs, you can't detach & develop for iOS unless you are on a Mac. Link(Under Building Projects with Native Code)