How to find where a symbol comes from? - intellij-idea

Imagine you have multiple wildcard imports in a source file. Or a class/interface that extends multiple interfaces of a deep hierarchy. You've just encountered a symbol and would like to know which expression in the file is responsible for bringing it into scope. Is there any way to highlight such expression in IntelliJ IDEA?
For example,
import a.b.c.* /* doStuff comes from here */
import x.y.z.*
class MyClass
extends BaseClass /* doOtherStuff comes from here */ {
MyClass() {
doStuff() // when the cursor is here, highlight 'import a.b.c.*'
doOtherStuff() // when the cursor here, highlight the 'extends BaseClass'
PS: I know multiple ad-hoc ways of figuring this out, but am looking for a shortcut, "single click" solution.


Kotlin sealed classes vs using polymorphism

I'm curious about an example given in Kotlin documentation regarding sealed classes:
fun log(e: Error) = when(e) {
is FileReadError -> { println("Error while reading file ${e.file}") }
is DatabaseError -> { println("Error while reading from database ${e.source}") }
is RuntimeError -> { println("Runtime error") }
// the `else` clause is not required because all the cases are covered
Let's imagine the classes are defined as follows:
sealed class Error
class FileReadError(val file: String): Error()
class DatabaseError(val source: String): Error()
class RuntimeError : Error()
Is there any benefit for using when over using polymorphism:
sealed class Error {
abstract fun log()
class FileReadError(val file: String): Error() {
override fun log() { println("Error while reading file $file") }
class DatabaseError(val source: String): Error() {
override fun log() { println("Error while reading from database $source") }
class RuntimeError : Error() {
override fun log() { println("Runtime error") }
The only reason I can think of is that we may not have access to the source code of those classes, in order to add our log method to them. Otherwise, it seems that polymorphism is a better choice over instance checking (see [1] or [2] for instance.)
This is described as "Data/Object Anti-Symmetry" in the book Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin.
In the first example (Data style), you are keeping your error classes dumb with an external function that handles all types. This style is in opposition to using polymorphism (Object style) but there are some advantages.
Suppose you were to add a new external function, one that returns an icon to show the user when the error happens. The first advantage is you can easily add this icon function without changing any line in any of your error classes and add it in a single place. The second advantage is in the separation. Maybe your error classes exist in the domain module of your project and you'd prefer your icon function to be in the ui module of your project to separate concerns.
So when keeping the sealed classes dumb, it's easy to add new functions and easy to separate them, but it's hard to add new classes of errors because then you need to find and update every function. On the other hand when using polymorphism, it's hard to add new functions and you can't separate them from the class, but it's easy to add new classes.
The benefit of the first (type-checking) example is that the log messages do not have to be hardcoded into the Error subclasses. In this way, clients could potentially log different messages for the same subclass of Error in different parts of an application.
The second (polymorphic) approach assumes everyone wants the same message for each error and that the developer of each subclass knows what that error message should be for all future use cases.
There is an element of flexibility in the first example that does not exist in the second. The previous answer from #Trevor examines the theoretical underpinning of this flexibility.

Is there any way to change IntelliJ Kotlin coding style to catch extra white space after a function or at the end of the file?

Is there any way to change the formatting of files within IntelliJ using Kotlin formatting from code that looks like this:
class Class {
class InnerClass {
To something like this:
class Class {
class InnerClass {
I would love to be able to have my code reformatting catch this kind of thing but I can't seem to find it in the settings or even mentioned anywhere online. If you go into settings->editor->Kotlin->Blank Lines you do find similar settings but not quite what I'm looking for. The similar settings I found were here:

Catching up with 'require' for a metamodel class

I have defined own metamodel class to create a special kind of classes. Now, I would like these classes to automatically register themselves with a special kind of manager. Basically, this would like like this (would only compose be called each time when class' module is being loaded):
use MyManager;
class MyHOW is Metamodel::ClassHOW {
method compose ( Mu \type ) {
self.add_parent( type, MyParentClass );
registerMyClass( type );
Then I have something like:
use v6;
use MyClass;
myclass Foo { ... }
in a module. Then there is a manager object which scans repositories/file system and requires modules with names matching to a certain pattern. Afterwards, it needs to know what myclasses are defined in each module. It could scan the symbol table of the loaded module. But this won't work if the loaded file contains multiple modules or no modules at all – like in the example above.
So far, it looks like the INIT phaser would provide the solution, but I'm struggling to find how to get the body block of a class from within the composer method.
When doing meta-programming, the meta-object's methods are invoked during compilation, as declarations are parsed. Therefore, the compose method is called immediately after the parsing of a myclass foo { } declaration. The result of the module's compilation is then saved, and nothing in the meta-object will be processed again when the module is loaded.
There's no supported way that I'm aware of to inject a load-time callback into the module where a type is being declared. However, it's possible to install the symbols into a separate package - used as a registry - and then find them there.
For example, given I have a lib/MyClass.pm6 that looks like this:
package MyRegistry { }
class MyParentClass { }
class MyHOW is Metamodel::ClassHOW {
method compose ( Mu \type ) {
MyRegistry::{} = type;
self.add_parent( type, MyParentClass );
my package EXPORTHOW {
package DECLARE {
constant myclass = MyHOW;
And I write some files mods/A.pm6 and mods/B.pm6 like this:
use MyClass;
myclass A { }
And this:
use MyClass;
myclass B { }
Then when I require them in a script like this, and dump the keys in MyRegistry, they'll both be registered there:
use MyClass;
for dir('mods', test => /pm6$/) {
require $_;
dd MyRegistry.WHO.values;
Thus giving a predictable way to find them all.
Note that for a technique like this to work, you really need to have them stored into a Stash, since the loader knows how to symbol-merge those, whereas other types touched in different ways during the compilation of different modules will result in load-time conflicts.
You are left with the slight challenge of making sure to install everything under a sufficiently unique key; the type name as I used here is probably not unique enough in general. Probably I'd just generate something sufficiently random that the chance of a collision is hugely unlikely.

Typescript error when using interface from module as field within class

I am working on providing a type definition file for fabric.js. The general structure is shown in the following sample:
declare module fabric {
export interface Canvas {
selectionBorderColor: string;
selectionColor: string;
var Canvas: {
new (): Canvas;
This pattern allows me to use fabric.Canvas in a 'interface-like' way, so that variables are associated with the fabric.Canvas interface. At the same time it allows me to call "static members" (such as the constructor of fabric.Canvas).
But this leads to a problem when using a field of interface 'fabric.Canvas' within a class. The following sample shows such an case:
This problem only occurs when placing the interface within a module, otherwise everything works fine.
Any solutions for this problem?
There is some type confusion because you have an interface and a field with the same name - I know this is common in the lib.d.ts file, but I don't think it is a good practice when writing new TypeScript code. It seems to be something of a necessity for defining existing code.
If you rename var Canvas to var MyCanvas (or anything else) your code works.
I tend to prefix my interfaces with an I, for example ICanvas - but this isn't a TypeScript convention (yet).
declare module fabric {
export class Canvas {
selectionBorderColor: string;
selectionColor: string;
class MyClass {
canvas: fabric.Canvas;

How to avoid to "fill" a generic class with attributes?

I am trying to translate a poker game to a correct OOP model.
The basics :
class Hand
Card cards[];
class Game
Hand hands[];
I get games and hands from a text file. I parse the text file several times, for several reasons:
get somes infos (reason 1)
compute some stats (reason 2)
For reason 1 I need some attributes (a1, b1) in class Hand. For reason 2, I need some other attributes (a2, b2). I think the dirty way would be :
class Hand
Card cards[];
Int a1,b1;
Int a2,b2;
I would mean that some attributes are useless most of the time.
So, to be cleaner, we could do:
class Hand
Card cards[];
class HandForReason1 extends Hand
Int a1,b1;
But I feel like using a hammer...
My question is : is there an intermediate way ? Or the hammer solution is the good one ? (in that case, what would be a correct semantic ?)
PS : design patterns welcome :-)
PS2 : strategy pattern is the hammer, isn't it?
* EDIT *
Here is an application :
// Parse the file, read game infos (reason 1)
// Hand.a2 is not needed here !
class Parser_Infos
Game game;
function Parse()
game.hands[0].a1 = ...
// Later, parse the file and get some statistics (reason 2)
// Hand.a1 is not needed here !
class Parser_Stats
Game game;
function Parse()
game.hand[0].a2 = ...
Using a chain of responsibility to recognize a poker hand is what I would do. Since each hand has it's own characteristics, you can't just have a generic hand.
Something like
abstract class Hand {
protected Hand next;
abstract protected boolean recognizeImpl(Card cards[]);
public Hand setNext(Hand next) { = next;
return next;
public boolean Hand recognize(Card cards[]) {
boolean result = ;
if (recognizeImpl(cards)) {
return this;
} else if (next != null) {
return next.recognize(cards);
} else {
return null;
And then have your implementation
class FullHouse extends Hand {
protected boolean recognizeImpl(Card cards[]) {
class Triplet extends Hand {
protected boolean recognizeImpl(Card cards[]) {
Then build your chain
// chain start with "best" hand first, we want the best hand
// to be treated first, least hand last
Hand handChain = new FullHouse();
.setNext(new Triplet())
//.setNext(...) /* chain method */
Hand bestHand = handChain.recognize(cards);
if (bestHand != null) {
// The given cards correspond best to bestHand
Also, with each hand it's own class, you can initialize and have then hold and compute very specific things. But since you should manipulate Hand classes as much as you can (to stay as much OO as possible), you should avoid having to cast your hands to a specific hand class.
** UPDATE **
Alright, so to answer your original question (sig) the class Hand is for manipulating and treating "hands". If you need to calculate other statistics or other needs, wrapping your Hand class might not be a good idea as you'll end up with a compound class, which is not desirable (for maintainability's sake and OOP paradigm).
For the reason 1, it is alright to have different kinds of hands, as the chain of responsibility illustrate; you can read your file, create different kinds of hands with the many parameters as is required.
For reason 2, you might look at other solutions. One would be to have your Hand classes fire events (ex: when it is recognized) and your application could register those hands into some other class to listen for events. That other class should also be responsible to collect the necessary data from the files you are reading. Since a hand is not (or should not be) responsible to collect statistical data, the bottom line is that you need to have something else handle that.
One package = coherent API and functionalities
One class = coherent functionalities (a hand is a hand, not a statistical container)
One method = a (single) functionality (if a method needs to handle more than one functionality, break those functionalities into separate private methods, and call them from the public method)
I'm giving you a generic answer here because reason 1 and reason 2 are not specific.