Can i get mouse input from an Xbox UWP app - input

I want to add to an xbox remote desktop/remote gaming app mouse support but i dont know if the OS or app captures it.
I have seen that people cant get it to work but in Minecraft it shows the mouse and all that so maybe asking here would help me.

Only specific UWP on Xbox applications are enabled to use mouse (such as Minecraft and the Xbox Shell). Mouse support is not available for most UWP applications on Xbox.


Hand Gestures with Kinect

I am trying to make Hand Gestures like grabbing and Dragging, for example Windows on my Desktop, using the Kinect Camera, which I connected to a Raspberry Pi running with Raspbian. I already installed OpenNI+Nite, freenect and the PrimeSense driver.
So how do I start? Because I'm rather new to this, I would appreciate it if somebody could give an example or a general idea of how something like this could be done.

How to get my Windows 10 Universal App to recognize my Microsoft Band

I'm trying to make a Windows 10 Universal App to make a third party tile for my Microsoft Band but it doesn't say in the documentation how to get my App to recognize the Band through USB. It only says how to do it through Bluetooth. The documentation also doesn't tell me how to access the GPS sensor. How do I do all these things?
To answer your first question, USB for the Band is used for charging. In order for you to test, you need to go through via Bluetooth. Your setup should be
Visual Studio > Launch App on your Device (mobile is connected to your laption via USB) > Test App on Mobile (which talks to Band via Bluetooth).
Note: Make sure Band is paired with the Mobile you are using to test.
To answer your second question, you can not subscribe to GPS on the band. It is not opened for thrid party app access. GPS is exclusive at this point.

Trying to make app to make my FFOS phone mic/webcam for desktop

I was doing research and couldn't get myself in the right direction so I figured I would ask if it's possible.
For my desktop computer I dont have a mic or a webcam but needed it for some applications.
So I thought to create an app for my Flame that when connected over USB will act as mic and webcam. Is this possible?
Yes you could use webRTC to connect PC & phone and share webcam/mic (either phone->PC or PC->phone). Try Firefox Hello if you want to see how webRTC works.
For example, try in both your device and desktop

WiFi Direct on Windows Phone 8.1

Is it possible to use WiFi Direct to connect to another device (Raspberry Pi) without tapping (NFC)?
The app needs to be able to find all WiFi Direct devices (Raspberry Pi's) in its vicinity, and by tapping one a connection is made to send strings.
The app needs to be able to detect new devices, that have never been paired with the phone before.
Windows Phone doesn't support WiFi direct communication from the SDK. Although it is available in Windows 8, its not yet present in phones.
According to Channel 9, MSDN
Windows 8 natively supports Wi-Fi Direct and has integrated the technology into the Windows 8 Play To and proximity sharing experiences.
However this doesn't apply for windows phone.
There are apps on the store which supports it, but I have no idea how to implement that in programming. Take a look at the process of using those apps

need help for bluetooth framework on mac osx

i'm an iOs developer and I actually need to make a mac application that use bluetooth framework to connect to another device (not iOS device).
I'm actually showing a modal view showing the connected bluetooth device with IOBluetoothDeviceSelectorController and I get the user choice with [modal getResults] but I don't know how to initiate the connection with the selected device and I can't find a simple way to do it on the mac dev library.
is anyone know a tutorial or sample code that could help me advance in my project?
The Mac Developer Library has two sample Bluetooth projects; connecting to a health thermometer and connecting to a heart rate monitor. There is also video available of the Advanced Core Bluetooth WWDC 2012 session.