I'm trying to implement a custom loss function for a neural network in Keras. The model must be trained to predict quaternion (a specific vector with four elements)
Y_pred = [w x y z]
Y_true and Y_pred are quaternion and the error is calculated by quaternion multiplication:
Error = Y_true * inverse(Y_pred)
Error = [w_err x_err y_err z_err]
Ideally, the first element must be 1 and other elements must be 0:
Error = [1 0 0 0]
How can I create such a custom loss function?
The inverse is calculated by
inverse(Y_pred) = [w, -x, -y, -z]
Currently I try to code my own loss function, but when returning the result (a tensor that consists of a list with the loss values) I get the following error:
ValueError: No gradients provided for any variable: ['conv2d/kernel:0', 'conv2d/bias:0', 'conv2d_1/kernel:0', 'conv2d_1/bias:0', 'dense/kernel:0', 'dense/bias:0', 'dense_1/kernel:0', 'dense_1/bias:0', 'dense_2/kernel:0', 'dense_2/bias:0'].
However in tutorials and in their docs they also use tf.recude_mean and when using it like them (they showed how to code mse loss function) I dont get the error, so it seems that I am missing something
My code:
gl = tfa.losses.GIoULoss()
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
batch_size = y_true.shape[0]
# now contains 32 lists (a batch) of bbxs -> shape is (32, 7876)
bbx_true = y_true.numpy()
# now contains 32 lists (a batch) of bbxs here we have to double access [0] in order to get the entry itself
# -> shape is (32, 1, 1, 7876)
bbx_pred = y_pred.numpy()
losses = []
curr_true = []
curr_pred = []
for i in range(batch_size):
curr_true = bbx_true[i]
curr_pred = bbx_pred[i][0][0]
curr_true = [curr_true[x:x+4] for x in range(0, len(curr_true), 4)]
curr_pred = [curr_pred[x:x+4] for x in range(0, len(curr_pred), 4)]
if len(curr_true) == 0:
curr_true.append([0., 0.,0.,0.])
curr_loss = gl(curr_true, curr_pred)
return tf.math.reduce_mean(losses, axis=-1)
Basically I want to achive bounding box regression and because of that I want to use the GIoUloss loss function. Because my model outputs 7896 neurons (the max amount of bounding boxes I want to predict according to my training set times 4) and the gioloss function needs the input as an array of lists with 4 elements each, I have to perform this transformation.
How do I have to change my code in order to also build up a gradient
Numpy don't provide autograd functions so you need to have Tensorflow tensors exclusively in your loss (otherwise the gradient is lost during backpropagation). So avoid using .numpy() and use the tensorflow operators and slicing on tensoflow tensors instead.
I am trying to build a multi-label binary classification model in Tensorflow. The model has a tf.math.reduce_max operator between two layers (It is not Max Pooling, it's for a different purpose).
And the number of classes is 3.
I am using Binary Cross Entropy loss and using Adam optimizer.
Even after hours of training, when I check the predictions, all the predictions are in the range 0.49 to 0.51.
It seems that the model is not learning anything and is making random predictions, which is making me think that using a tf.math.reduce_max function may be causing the problems.
However, I read on the web that the torch.max function allows back propagation of gradients through it.
When I checked the Graph in Tensorboard, I saw that the graph is showing unconnected at the tf.math.reduce_max operator.
SO, does this operator allows gradients ot back propagate through it?
Addin the code
input_tensor = Input(shape=(256, 256, 3))
base_model_toc = VGG16(input_tensor=input_tensor,weights='imagenet',pooling=None, include_top=False)
x = base_model.output
x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)
x = tf.math.reduce_max(x,axis=0,keepdims=True)
x = Dense(1024,activation='relu')(x)
output_1 = Dense(3, activation='sigmoid')(x)
model_a = Model(inputs=base_model_toc.input, outputs=output_1)
for layer in base_model.layers:
layer.trainable = True
THe tf.math.reduce_max is done along axis = 0 becasue that is what needs to be done in this model
Optimizer that I am using is Adam with initial learning rate 0.00001
Yes, tf.math.reduce_max does allow gradients to flow. It is easy to check (this is TensorFlow 2.x but it is the same result in 1.x):
import tensorflow as tf
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
x = tf.linspace(0., 2. * 3.1416, 10)
# A sequence of operations involving reduce_max
y = tf.math.square(tf.math.reduce_max(tf.math.sin(x)))
# Check gradients
g = tape.gradient(y, x)
# [ 0. 0. 0.3420142 -0. -0. -0.
# -0. 0. 0. 0. ]
As you can see, there is a valid gradient for y with respect to x. Only one of the values is not zero, because it is the value that then resulted in the maximum value, so it is the only value in x that affects the value of y. This is the correct gradient for the operation.
I'm not able to train the network using keras, getting the following error, at epoch 1, first batch:
InvalidArgumentError: In[0] is not a matrix. Instead it has shape []
[[{{node training/SGD/gradients/dense_1/MatMul_grad/MatMul}}]]
I'm trying to solve a regression problem using Keras and a custom function provided by https://github.com/farrell236/DeepPose
The network is a quite simple CNN VGG-like.
I think the problem is the loss function. In particular, I suppose that the weight initialization is the issue (take a look at the Tensorflow example: https://github.com/farrell236/DeepPose/blob/master/tensorflow/example)
That's my loss function:
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
loss = SE3GeodesicLoss(np.ones((1, 6)))
y_pred = tf.cast(y_pred, dtype=tf.float32)
y_true = tf.cast(y_true, dtype=tf.float32)
loss = SE3GeodesicLoss(np.ones(6))
geodesic_loss = loss.geodesic_loss(y_pred, y_true)
geodesic_loss = tf.cast(geodesic_loss, dtype=tf.float32)
return geodesic_loss
What's strange is that I'm able to use this function as a metric for the training.
Further information:
What I'm trying to do is to estimate the position of an object having images as input and relative Eulerian angles and distance of the target as labels (which means 6 parameters [r_x, r_y, r_z, t_x, t_y, t_z]). I'm trying to implement this loss function in order to solve the attitude estimation problem. Other losses (means: MSE, MAE) are not effective enough in solving attitude regression problem.
Do you have any suggestion?
I am attempting object segmentation using a custom loss function as defined below:
def chamfer_loss_value(y_true, y_pred):
# flatten the batch
y_true_f = K.batch_flatten(y_true)
y_pred_f = K.batch_flatten(y_pred)
# ==========
# get chamfer distance sum
// error here
y_pred_mask_f = K.cast(K.greater_equal(y_pred_f,0.5), dtype='float32')
finalChamferDistanceSum = K.sum(y_pred_mask_f * y_true_f, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return K.mean(finalChamferDistanceSum)
def chamfer_loss(y_true, y_pred):
return chamfer_loss_value(y_true, y_pred)
y_pred_f is the result of my U-net. y_true_f is the result of a euclidean distance transform on the ground truth label mask x as shown below:
distTrans = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(1 - x)
To compute the Chamfer distance, you multiply the predicted image (ideally, a mask with 1 and 0) with the ground truth distance transform, and simply sum over all pixels. To do this, I needed to get a mask y_pred_mask_f by thresholding y_pred_f, then multiply with y_true_f, and sum over all pixels.
y_pred_f provides a continuous range of values in [0,1], and I get the error None type not supported at the evaluation of y_true_mask_f. I know the loss function has to be differentiable, and greater_equal and cast are not. But, is there a way to circumvent this in Keras? Perhaps using some workaround in Tensorflow?
Well, this was tricky. The reason behind your error is that there is no continuous dependence between your loss and your network. In order to compute gradients of your loss w.r.t. to network, your loss must compute the gradient of indicator if your output is greater than 0.5 (as this is the only connection between your final loss value and output y_pred from your network). This is impossible as this indicator is partially constant and not continuous.
Possible solution - smooth your indicator:
def chamfer_loss_value(y_true, y_pred):
# flatten the batch
y_true_f = K.batch_flatten(y_true)
y_pred_f = K.batch_flatten(y_pred)
y_pred_mask_f = K.sigmoid(y_pred_f - 0.5)
finalChamferDistanceSum = K.sum(y_pred_mask_f * y_true_f, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return K.mean(finalChamferDistanceSum)
As sigmoid is a continuous version of a step function. If your output comes from sigmoid - you could simply use y_pred_f instead of y_pred_mask_f.
I am trying to write a cusom Keras loss function in which I process the tensors in sub-vector chunks. For example, if an output tensor represented a concatenation of quaternion coefficients (i.e. w,x,y,z,w,x,y,z...) I might wish to normalize each quaternion before calculating the mean squared error in a loss function like:
def norm_quat_mse(y_true, y_pred):
diff = y_pred - y_true
dist = 0
for i in range(0,16,4):
dist += K.sum( K.square(diff[i:i+4] / K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(diff[i:i+4])))))
return dist/4
While Keras will accept this function without error and use in training, it outputs a different loss value from when applied as an independent function and when using model.predict(), so I suspect it is not working properly. None of the built-in Keras loss functions use this per-chunk processing approach, is it possible to do this within Keras' auto-differentiation framework?
def norm_quat_mse(y_true, y_pred):
diff = y_pred - y_true
dist = 0
for i in range(0,16,4):
dist += K.sum( K.square(diff[:,i:i+4] / K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(diff[:,i:i+4])))))
return dist/4
You need to know that shape of y_true and y_pred is (batch_size, output_size) so you need to skip first dimension during computations.