How to get contacts with hs_leads_status = Open from hubspot using Contact List API? - hubspot

I want to get/pull all the contacts with hs_leads_status = Open and i am using but it returns hs_leads_status = Closed as well.
How to pass the parameters correctly and achieve it?

This is not possible using the v1 API. You can however use the v3 API's search for this.
Using an filter group with EQ param should satisfy your usecase.

Finally get succeeded with:
Body - {
"properties": [
"limit": 100,
"filterGroups": [
"filters": [
"propertyName": "hs_lead_status",
"operator": "EQ",
"value": "Open"
but the limitation is that it returns only 100 records with pagination.


Using PostgreSQL JSON function to obtain an array object from a JSON stored key

I have a table on AWS RDS PostgreSQL that stores JSON objects. For instance I have this registry:
"id": "87b05c62-4153-4341-9b58-e86bade25ffd",
"title": "Just Ok",
"rating": 2,
"gallery": [
"id": "1cb158af-0983-4bac-9e4f-0274b3836cdd",
"typeCode": "PHOTO"
"id": "aae64f19-22a8-4da7-b40a-fbbd8b2ef30b",
"typeCode": "PHOTO"
"reviewer": {
"memberId": "2acf2ea7-7a37-42d8-a019-3d9467cbdcd1",
"timestamp": {
"createdAt": "2011-03-30T09:52:36.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2011-03-30T09:52:36.000Z"
"isUserVerified": true,
And I would like to create a query for obtaining one of the gallery objects.
I have tried this but get both objects in the array:
SELECT jsonb_path_query(data->'gallery', '$[*]') AS content
WHERE jsonb_path_query_first(data->'gallery', '$.id') ? '1cb158af-0983-4bac-9e4f-0274b3836cdd'
With this other query I get the first object:
SELECT jsonb_path_query_first(data->'gallery', '$[*]') AS content
WHERE jsonb_path_query_first(data->'gallery', '$.id') ? '1cb158af-0983-4bac-9e4f-0274b3836cdd'
But filtering by the second array object id, I get no result:
SELECT jsonb_path_query_first(data->'gallery', '$[*]') AS content
WHERE jsonb_path_query_first(data->'gallery', '$.id') ? 'aae64f19-22a8-4da7-b40a-fbbd8b2ef30b'
I have read the official documentation and tried other functions like jsonb_path_exists or jsonb_path_match on the where condition but was not able to make the query work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I managed to get the query working as needed. Here is my proposal:
SELECT gallery
FROM, jsonb_path_query(data->'gallery', '$[*]') as gallery
WHERE data->>'id' = '87b05c62-4153-4341-9b58-e86bade25ffd' and gallery->>'id' = 'aae64f19-22a8-4da7-b40a-fbbd8b2ef30b'
Hope it helps others.

Handling multiple rows returned by IMPORTJSON script on GoogleSheets

I am trying to populate a google sheet using an API. But the API has more than one row to be returned for a single query. Following is the JSON returned by API.
"word": "abandon",
"phonetics": [
"text": "/əˈbændən/",
"audio": ""
"meanings": [
"partOfSpeech": "transitive verb",
"definitions": [
"definition": "Cease to support or look after (someone); desert.",
"example": "her natural mother had abandoned her at an early age",
"synonyms": [
"leave high and dry",
"turn one's back on",
"cast aside",
"break with",
"break up with"
"definition": "Give up completely (a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking)",
"example": "he had clearly abandoned all pretense of trying to succeed",
"synonyms": [
"dispense with",
"wash one's hands of"
"definition": "Allow oneself to indulge in (a desire or impulse)",
"example": "they abandoned themselves to despair",
"synonyms": [
"indulge in",
"give way to",
"give oneself up to",
"yield to",
"lose oneself in",
"lose oneself to"
"partOfSpeech": "noun",
"definitions": [
"definition": "Complete lack of inhibition or restraint.",
"example": "she sings and sways with total abandon",
"synonyms": [
"lack of restraint",
"lack of inhibition",
By using the following calls via IMPORTJSON,
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/phonetics/text", "noHeaders")
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/meanings/partOfSpeech", "noHeaders")
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/meanings/definitions/definition", "noHeaders")
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/meanings/definitions/synonyms", "noHeaders")
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/meanings/definitions/example", "noHeaders")
I am able to get the following in GoogleSheets,
Whereas, the actual output according to JSON should be,
As you can see a complete row is being overwritten. How can this be fixed?
Following is the link to sheet for viewing only.
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to achieve the bottom image in your question on Google Spreadsheet.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the method for directly retrieving the bottom image using ImportJson. So in this answer, I would like to propose a sample script for retrieving the values you expect using Google Apps Script. I thought that creating a sample script for directly achieving your goal might be simpler rather than modifying ImportJson.
Sample script:
function SAMPLE(url) {
var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {muteHttpExceptions: true});
if (res.getResponseCode() != 200) return res.getContentText();
var obj = JSON.parse(res.getContentText());
var values = obj[0].meanings.reduce((ar, {partOfSpeech, definitions}, i) => {
definitions.forEach(({definition, example, synonyms}, j) => {
var v = [definition, Array.isArray(synonyms) ? synonyms.join(",") : synonyms, example];
var phonetics = obj[0].phonetics[i];
ar.push(j == 0 ? [(phonetics ? phonetics.text : ""), partOfSpeech, ...v] : ["", "", ...v]);
return ar;
}, []);
return values;
When you use this script, please put =SAMPLE(CONCATENATE(""&$A2)) to a cell as the custom formula.
When above script is used, the following
In this sample script, when the structure of the JSON object is changed, it might not be able to be used. So please be careful this.
Class UrlFetchApp
Custom Functions in Google Sheets

Query for entire JSON document in nested JSON schema

I wish to locate the entire JSON document that has a condition where "state" = "new" and where length( > 4
"id": "123"
"feedback": {
"Features": [
"state": "new"
"id": "12345"
This is what I have tried to do:
Since this is a nested document. My query looks like this:
A stackoverflow member has helped me to access the nested contents within the query, but is there a way to obtain the full document
I have used:
SELECT VALUE FROM t IN where t.state = 'new' and length(>4
This will give me the ids.
My desire is to have access to the full document with this condition?
"id": "123"
"feedback": {
"Features": [
"state": "new"
"id": "12345"
Any help is appreciated
Try this
WHERE[0].state = 'new'
AND length([0].id)>4
Here is the SELECT spec for CosmosDB for more details
Also, check out "working with JSON" in CosmosDB notes
If the Features array has more than 1 value, you can use EXISTS clause to search within them. See specs of EXISTS here with examples:

How to validate Nested JSON Response

I am facing issue while validate Nested JSON response in API Testing using Karate Framework.
JSON Response:
{ "item_type": "Cake" ,
"title": "Birthday Cake",
"id": "1",
"name": {
"first_name": "Rahul",
"last_name": "Goyal"
"id": "2",
"first_name": "Hitendra",
"last_name": "garg"
"title": "used by"
"item_type": "College"
{"branch": "EC"},
{"branch": "CSE"},
{"branch": "CIVIL"}
Now i need to validate response based on Item type. as we can see nested JSON is different for different item_type.
I have tried with below solution
Schema Design for Item_type value cake
def Feed_Cake_Service_name={first_name: '#string',last_name: '#string'}
def Feed_Cake_Services= {id: '#string',name:#(Feed_Cake_Service_name)}
def Feed_Cake={item_type:'#string',title: '#string',Services: '#[] Feed_Cake_Services'}
def Feed_Cake_Response= {Feed: '#[] Feed_Cake'}
Schema Design for item_type Cycle
def Feed_Cycle={item_type:'#string',title:'#string'}
Schema Design for item type College
def Feed_College_Dept_Branch={branch:'#string'}
def Feed_College={item_type:'#string',dept: '[] Feed_College_Dept_Branch'}
now if i want to verify only item type Cake then i have written match like below
match response contains Feed_Cake_Response
but here my test case is getting failed. because it is comparing for all item type.
so here i have two question
1.) How we can compare particular item type schema
2.) How we can include all item type in one match equation since any item type can come in JSON response , and i want to validate all
I'll just give you one hint. For the rest, read the documentation please:
* def item = { item_type: '#string', title: '##string', dept: '##[]', Services: '##[]' }
* match each response == item

incorrect edge direction in infoviz's Force Directed Graph

I am trying to show force graph like "graphnode6.0-----> graphnode0.0 -------> graphnode15.0 " but when i contruct json object i always get "graphnode6.0------> graphnode0.0 <---------graphnode15.0"
My JSON object is
var json = [
"adjacencies": [
"nodeTo": "graphnode15.0",
"data": {"$type":"arrow",
"data": {
'$color': "#83548B",
'$type': "circle"
"id": "graphnode0.0",
"name": "graphnode0.0"
"adjacencies": [
"nodeTo": "graphnode0.0",
"data": {"$type":"arrow",
"data": {
"$color": "#83548B",
"$type": "circle"
"id": "graphnode6.0",
"name": "graphnode6.0"
Am i making any mistake in this JSON structure ?
I had a similar problem but thanks to your quick demo, I think I've managed to fix both our issues :)
Use double quote inside your direction block.
"$direction":["graphnode1", "nodeZ"]
When I tried with single quotes
"$direction":['graphnode1', 'nodeZ']
the arrows would render in one direction only.
Hope it works for you!
You are using a string for the $direction property.
It should be an array. Like this:
See this example code.