I would like to use my google assistance to manage my home automation.
The objective is to communicate with my local system via Google assistance, URL-API to my home automation and IFTTT
I know how to use Google Assistant in IFFTT, to send URL request but I'm not able to get the reply 'text' and let Google assistant to reply with voice.
Here the step I would like to do :
Hey Google, House what is the temperature in the bedroom ?
the text "what is the temperature in the bedroom ?" is sent to my home automation via URL (API URL)
My Home automation replies by texte written
IFTTT get the reply written and request to Google Assistant to speak the texte received
Of course IFTTT has to speak to the requester (the device requested the action)
Today I know to run the step 1 and step 2
1 - IFTTT - If this
List item
'Google Assistant' - Say a phrase with a text ingredient
2 - IFTTT - Then
Make a web request
3 - my Home Automation return the info (If I copy past to my chrome the URL generated by IFTTT) I got the answer, but I'm not able to continue and how to get the value in IFTTT
4 - How to do it ???
With an Exemple
Hey Google, House What is the temperature in the bedroom
https://myhouse.com/core/api/jeeApi.php?apikey=xxx&type=interact&query={{what is the temperature in the bedroom}}&utf8=1
If I copy the URL generated by IFTTT (get from interaction Activity) and copy to my chrome, My home automation provide the answer : Temp Bedroom, Temperature 18.5 °C
Thanks in advance for your support on it
Over searching, I found various solutions such as -
1 - Web Scraping using selenium but that is a very inefficient way to track multiple contacts
2 - Using store object. That was one of the best ways to track WhatsApp online status for multiple numbers but after the recent update, WhatsApp has stopped showing the online status of unsaved, unchatted contacts due to which all these methods have failed.
but I wonder how various applications like -
. https://chatwatch.net/
. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.familog&hl=en_IN&gl=US
are still able to track the online status ?
After 6-7 December update, you can't.
Your ways:
Mock the XMPP Protocol
Create a real device (like emulator or android phone) and get the data on client.
Create a real device (like emulator or android phone) and get the data from Whatsapp Web.
Mock the Whatsapp Application.
Man in the middle attack to whatsapp application.
These ways deprecated because after 6/7 December Security Update if you don't have whatsapp chat history with this number, you can not subscribe his presence.
After today, if you want to track someone you have to chat with him. If you message the person you will follow before following, this will be detected by whatsapp and you will get banned.
Is there a ressource that would let me access an attachment in a google hangouts chat, I can see the url to get a preview, for instance :
But I failed to find in the rest api reference anything relevant, I thought it would have been in the message get : https://developers.google.com/hangouts/chat/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/get
As of now Hangouts Chat currently does not have this feature as the preview link is generated internally. The best thing to do is to look for an existing feature request or file a new FR via https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=350158&template=1047215 and hope that it gets enough upvotes.
Since Monday, when Google changed the UI for the Developer Console API Manager, the Quota Usage History (for all but the JavaScript API) shows no data!
From the new Dashboard, clicking on the APIs now takes you to a page with 2 tabs - 'Overview' and 'Quotas'. The 'Overview' displays data for all APIs as expected, but the 'Quotas' tab only displays the data for the JavaScript API - all others have no data to show (the previous version worked just fine showing the last 30 days of usage). Before anyone asks the obvious question, yes, my enabled APIs are all in constant use so there is data there!
Does anyone else have this problem?
JavaScript API Overview (Showing Traffic)
JavaScript API Quotas (Showing Quota History)
Geocoding API Overview (Showing Traffic)
Geocoding API Quotas (NOT showing Quota History - it used to!)
You can also reach the quota page by going to IAM & Admin > Quotas > Select project" and then select the API for which you want to see the quota.
I was wondering if it was possible to detect what song a user is listening to from his/her current active device via the spotify web api.
I know this is an old question, but there is a new beta API endpoint available that supplies this information. It does have some bugs that I've noticed though.
Stations only: If you change stations, you have to restart Spotify to get the API endpoint to update and continue updating.
According to bug reports, it lags behind 20 to 30 minutes at random. I haven't had that problem, so it may be fixed.
GET https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/player/currently-playing
Docs: https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/get-the-users-currently-playing-track/
This is not possible using the web API. If you're writing a Mac app, you can use the Spotify Desktop Client's AppleScript API to access the current track. If the user is scribbling to Last.fm, you can use Last.fm's APIs. Otherwise, this data is not accessible.
You can access hourly forecasts from their site, but as far as I've read the Data Forecast request on their API only gives daily forecasts, I'm currently working with the Weather Underground API, but I'd like to know if I can do this with TWC before paying the subscription. I already e-mailed them but got no answer.
The Weather Channel API is the Weather Underground API. Take a look at the "Weather API" link at the bottom of the weather.com homepage. It's http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/?ref=twc
If you want a free weather API, and you're US-centric, you can look at the weather.gov SOAP Web Service