Redirect ActiveMQ web console with HAProxy - activemq

I am new to HAProxy and I am trying to do a simple redirect from <server_ip>/mq to <server_ip>:8161/admin
When I am trying to access ActiveMQ directly via <server_ip>:8161/admin everything works well.
But with the HAProxy sometimes I get 503. And when it works it doesn't load the resources at all (no css, no images..)
frontend http
bind *:80
timeout client 60s
mode http
acl app path_end -i /mq
use_backend appServer if app
default_backend all
backend appServer
timeout connect 10s
timeout server 10s
mode http
http-request set-path /admin/
server servermq <server_ip>:8161
backend all
timeout connect 10s
timeout server 10s
mode http
http-request set-path /admin/
server servermq <server_ip>:8161
In the dev tools I can see errors like this:
Refused to apply style from 'http://<server_ip>/admin/styles/site.css' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
But I am not sure how to fix this.

Let's address the issues one by one.
Intermittent 503
This is most likely due to more than one haproxy processes running in the system. You can find all of them by a simple ps -ef | grep haproxy. Kill all but one and it should be fixed. Another reason might be due to two frontends binding on same port which in this case is :80. Check for all the frontend where binding port is 80. Change each one of them to be different from the other.
CSS and JS not loading which is related to the mismatched MIME type error posted
There is an issue with your haproxy configuration in the backend all section. According to your frontend http rules, all request ending with /mq should go to backend appServer where a url rewrite is happening via http-request set-path /admin/. /mq is replaced with /admin/ before sending it to servermq. This is correct but when you're loading the activemq admin in the browser, the browser is making requests for *.css and *.js files which is coming empty. This is because the browser is making request on /admin/styles/sorttable.css file. Now this doesn't match with your acl app but goes to default_backend all. Here due to this rule http-request set-path /admin/ again path is set to /admin/ which returns 200 but without any css file, that's why the error:
Refused to apply style from 'http://<server_ip>/admin/styles/site.css' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
The correct config should be:
frontend http
bind *:80
timeout client 60s
mode http
acl app path_end -i /mq
use_backend appServer if app
default_backend all
backend appServer
timeout connect 10s
timeout server 10s
mode http
http-request set-path /admin/
server servermq <server_ip>:8161
backend all
timeout connect 10s
timeout server 10s
mode http
server servermq <server_ip>:8161


Haproxy authentication through Nginx

I am having a hard time trying to get the authentication working from Nginx through a Haproxy for load balancing. I had the configurations written for haproxy.cfg and nginx.conf as shown below respectively. The Haproxy is in front of my nginx server. I was able to get a prompt for username and password when I hit the haproxy server, however when hit enter after filling up the username and password, it returns "403 Forbidden" as a response on the web page.
Does anyone know what could be the correct configuration settings for the haproxy.cfg? Or perhaps a solution? Thanks in advance!!
maxconn 256
mode tcp
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend http-in
bind *:80
default_backend servers
backend servers
balance roundrobin
server server1 maxconn 32
location /myapp {
auth_gss on;
auth_gss_allow_basic_fallback off
auth_gss_keytab /etc/krb5.keytab
Found the solution. The reason for the 403 forbidden error is because of my keytab. I need to regenerate a new one use by the haproxy instead of nginx. However, I'm getting 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'. Could anybody enlighten?

HAProxy http passtrough proxy instead of 304 redirect

I am trying to get the equivalent of the nginx passtrough where a user would see my website url in the address bar but get all the content to be proxied from another website.
At the moment the code below redirects the user to example2 by returning a 304, instead of proxying the traffic.
I need it to work with http (not tcp) because I need this as part of an AB test where I need to inspect the cookies. Please check the comments on the code below for what I am trying to do.
mode http
log global
option httplog
log local0
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
listen http
acl set_cookie path_beg /set-cookie
use_backend b-backend if { req.cook(SITEID) -m beg b-backend }
use_backend b-backend if set_cookie
default_backend ab-split-backend
backend a-backend
option forwardfor
server example1 check maxconn 3000 inter 30s
backend b-backend
cookie SITEID insert
option http_proxy
# how do I get example2 to passtrough and not 304 redirect?
server example2 check maxconn 3000 inter 30s
backend ab-split-backend
balance roundrobin
cookie SITEID insert indirect nocache maxlife 48h
# how do I get example2 to passtrough?
server example2 weight 50 cookie b-backend
server example1 weight 50 cookie a-backend
HTTP 304 is not really a redirect, it is an empty response indicating Not Modified which tells the client that the server would have responded with a 200 and served the content, but the requested asset has not changed, so the client can just use what it has cached.
So I'm not entirely sure what you're seeing is incorrect behavior. That is, your requests may be being passed through just fine, and the backend server may be correctly responding with a 304.
The server makes the decision to respond with this code based on information provided in the request headers If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match. So if you really want to disable this caching mechanism and ensure a complete 200 response every time, you can instruct HAProxy to delete these headers from the incoming request:
listen http
acl set_cookie path_beg /set-cookie
# Delete headers related to caching
http-request del-header If-Modified-Since
http-request del-header If-None-Match
use_backend b-backend if { req.cook(SITEID) -m beg b-backend }
use_backend b-backend if set_cookie
default_backend ab-split-backend
it looks like what you are trying to do is keep your system from trying to pass it through via SSL and instead do clear text based assessments for testing purposes. I would recommend seeing a snippet from my config below on http-request redirects and also look into HAProxy schemes. I would also recommend seeing the additional example for instance based redirection, specifically for a dictated location, that way you dont unencrypt traffic accidentally that you want to remain encrypted.
As for the information proxied from another location, your best bet for that would be with using Cloudflare, especially if you are looking for some form of DDoS/additional layers of security. The alternative is building your own custom anti-DDoS Solution, which is a major pain.
frontend ALL
bind *:80
bind *:443 alpn h2,http/1.1 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/
http-request redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
http-request redirect code 301 location http://www.%[hdr(host)]%[capture.req.uri] if { hdr(Host) -i }
mode http

Monit only using HTTP for HTTPS website

I'm trying to monitor a VHost on the local Apache instance via Monit. The same domain accepts both http and https traffic, so I wanted to monitor both.
Also, the IP that the domain resolves to goes to a server that load balances the traffic between the current Apache instance and another server running Apache. I need Monit to monitor the local instance, and I was hoping to avoid adding any records in the /etc/hosts file, so I was thinking that Monits config setting with http headers [] would suffice, and I think it is (Just monitoring localhost, but setting the headers Host to the vhost domain).
Anyways, the main problem I seem to be running into, is even though I configure Monit to monitor the host via both http and https protocols, it monitors both hosts via just http, however the port is set to 443 for the one I need using https protocol.
The Monit config file for Apache is:
check process httpd with pidfile /var/run/httpd/
start program = "/bin/systemctl restart httpd.service" with timeout 60 seconds
stop program = "/bin/systemctl stop httpd.service"
check host localhost with address localhost
if failed
port 80
protocol http
with http headers [Host:, Cache-Control: no-cache]
and request / with content = ""
then restart
if failed
port 443
protocol https
with http headers [Host:, Cache-Control: no-cache]
and request / with content = ""
then restart
if 5 restarts within 5 cycles
then timeout
And here's the Monit status for that check:
[root#server enabled-monitors]# monit status localhost
The Monit daemon 5.14 uptime: 14m
Remote Host 'localhost'
status Connection failed
monitoring status Monitored
port response time FAILED to [localhost]:443/ type TCPSSL/IP protocol HTTP
port response time 0.001s to [localhost]:80/ type TCP/IP protocol HTTP
data collected Tue, 26 Apr 2016 10:44:32
So it's fairly obvious to me that the https is failing because its still trying to use port HTTP, even though I have protocol https in the configuration.
Any input would be much appreciated. I have a feeling this may be a bug, and ill create an issue in the Monit Github repo, but I wan't to make sure it's not something silly that I overlooked.
Thank you!
Late reply here, but I thought I would still post for readers who stumbled upon the same issue.
The problem seems to be not with Monit using port HTTP despite check configured for HTTPS. It always reports HTTP protocol in status (a display bug).
The real issue is likely with Monit not supporting SNI for SSL, so it ignores the with http headers [Host: ... in your https check. Thus the check fails because Monit is actually testing https://localhost.
I've filed bug with Monit developers here.

Twisted web server and Autobahn WebSocket at the same time, same port

I have a server that listens for WebSocket connections on port 80, using Twisted and Autobahn. I want to have it also serve static HTML pages, for when the client doesn't want to use a WebSocket. Is it possible to do both things at the same time, using Twisted and Autobahn?
Sure, have a look here and here. You can run Twisted Web and add a Autobahn based WebSocket Twisted Web resource on a path. You can add any number of Twisted Web resources into your resource tree.
Briefly the technique is to start your WebSocketServerFactory manually by invoking startFactory(), then wrap it within a autobahn.twisted.resource.WebSocketResource resource, which you can then register with putChild anywhere within a Twisted Web hierarchy.
I think you have to add haproxy to the mix. If you want to just use twisted and autobahn then I don't think you can share the port. Having said that, I've got both my websockets and web server listening on the same external port. I had to use haproxy to do the trick, though...haproxy handle the inbound connection, then distributes the connection based upon things it pulls from its environment. Every environment is different. Basically, you get haproxy running, then make your web service and web socket listen on private, different ports. In my case I put my web socket server on, and my web service on Then you create a haproxy.conf file for haproxy's configuration, in this example, something like:
maxconn 100
mode http
frontend myfrontend
bind *:80
acl is_websocket hdr(Upgrade) -i WebSocket
use_backend ws if is_websocket
default_backend mybackend
backend mybackend
server s3
backend ws
timeout server 600s
reqrep ^Host:\ .* \0:9000
server ws1
I had to remove a bunch of unrelated stuff from the haproxy.conf file, but this gets the idea across. It was important to me to have only one port visible from the outside instead of managing two.
haproxy is awesome !

HAproxy - Proxies the whole IP

In order to test every possible solution to get working with a parallel Apache installation, I have now installed HAproxy that listens on port 80. It proxies everything to Apache, unless the hostname equals
We have two IPs connected to our server: 1 is for SSL, the other for all the NON-SSL subdomains we have. I have created the subdomain to point to that NON-SSL IP-address. However, the following this occurs:
A visit to results in Apache handling that sub domain (OK)
A visit to results in "Welcome to" (OK)
Next visit to results in "Welcome to"
Why is HAproxy sending requests from a subdomain not configured to go to, to ?
Yes, the two sub domains share the IP, but is HAproxy really proxying the whole IP under one? What is then the point with setting up ACLs based on host name?
Here's my configuration:
maxconn 4096
user haproxy
group haproxy
log global
#this frontend interface receives the incoming http requests
frontend http-in
mode http
bind *:80
timeout client 86400000
#default behavior sends the requests to apache
default_backend www_backend
#when "io.test.tld" is matched, an acl I call arbitrarily
# "websocket" triggers
acl websocket hdr_end(host) -i
use_backend node_backend if websocket
Thank you!
This problem was solved using the option http-server-close configuration value in HAproxy.