Windfield documentation isn't working on my project. Love2d - love2d

So I am currently using a library called windfield. Which you can get here. It lets you do collison and stuff. The documentation that is listed here. The documentation is useful but on
this webpage the code when I import it into my project dosent work.My Code(in love.load) My Error


How do I import the flatlaf library to my project using intellij?

When compiling my main class I get this error: error: package com.formdev.flatlaf does not exist
import com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf;
I have followed all the steps online, I have gone to project structure, libraries, "+", added the flatlaf.jar file and pressed on apply. I have also tried to revalidate caches. The JDK recognises the import of the library as well as all its functions as they all show up in the suggested and give no errors until you try to compile.
Make sure that you've added the library to the module dependencies.

How do I use any of the "CommonMark" modules to pass options to the commonmark library?

I need help getting a clue. I think my paltry experience compiling C code is a roadblock to understanding how to use some of the Raku modules for using the interface to the CommonMark C library to convert markdown to HTML.
I'm on a mac with the cmark library installed with homebrew. I'm using the CommonMark module. It works, but if I have embedded html in my markdown, I get:
<!-- raw HTML omitted -->
in the output. AFAICT, CommonMark has an option for turning this on or off:
The CommonMark module does not appear to allow me to pass argument to the cmark library. This module seems to:
However, I can't really make heads or tails of the documentation because I don't understand how to interface with the cmark library. And I'm not even sure if this module will work on a mac. This module seems to assume it should be installed on debian.
Can someone please clue me in?

Problems creating a NativeScript plugin that uses Objective-C code

I have followed the NativeScript documentation on adding Objective-C code to a NS project although I am struggling to call the Objective-C code in my iOS project. I am only trying to implement appPlugin.h and appPlugin.m files into my project.
My folder structure for the Objective-C files are as follows:
I have also tried creating a NativeScript plugin that gets added to the dependencies in the projects package.json.
Are there any additional files that need to be added to make the Objective-C code compatible with the NS project. The documentation simply says run "If you run 'tns prepare ios' you will see that the files are now part of the project."
Link to the documentation I have been following:
SOLVED: Files are added to the TNSNativeSource folder (Check in Xcode) and are available to use like any JS object.

Definition mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils could not be found similar couple of imports not loading

I got chance to migrate Flex application to Apache Royale, able to run helloworld applications. started migrating Application, getting couple of exceptions. bellow is the one.
we are using the
these '.swc' libraries.
how can i import these or is any similar libraries in royale compatible files.
i found asconfig.json file - external-library-path - but i am compiling my application with maven pom.xml.
Please help me, basic migrations
Error Log:
Warning: Definition com.model.ModelLocator could not be found.
import com.model.ModelLocator;
Warning: Definition com.util.customComponents.CustomMenuBarEvent could
not be found.
import com.util.customComponents.CustomMenuBarEvent;
There is two path which you can go in case of migrating.
Emulation Components. However there is a chance that some of
the components wasn't added to emulation so you may get exceptions
and this would be the place where you can add them and make pull
requests to Royale. Those components allows you in best case
successfully build your application without changing drastically UI
part, but you may won't see anything on the screen or it may be
messed, cause there wasn't volunteer who could work on displaying
better them.
Another path is to distinguish your pure ActionScript code (no
dependency to Flash) from UI part - pure AS3 code should ported
without any problem - and rewrite UI from scratch using Basic module
or Jewel
All libraries which you have mention have strong dependencies to Flash, so my recommendation is to find JS replacement for them and use it in your porting. There is also PureMVC which is working pretty good with Royale - it's has been tested in several applications already.

Clear steps for importing a native C library in Kotlin using CLion

I am trying out Kotlin Native and it seems to work.
But the page giving instruction on adding a C library is not clear enough.
For example lets say I wanted to import libcurl and libxml for making a webscraper.
Or say wanted to make GUIs by using Qt.
How would I import this library in Clion.
Please give clear steps.
I want to turn this question as a easy wiki like guide for myself and others new to native.
Why do I need to install the library SO in Linux as mentioned in the Kotlin Native guide? Isn't adding source code enough.
First lets create a library:
$ cinterop -h /usr/include/math.h -pkg libc.math -o math
Q: Can't I just use gradle for dependency management?
Q: Why pass libc.math? What should I pass for other libraries like libcurl?
Q: What is -pkg?
I'm assuming -o math is the klib name.