how to do if query in postgres - sql

I want to make a query in which if the query does not find records for the query not exist, then it looks to see if these codes are present in the array field. The join will go through the code c_oplmlp/c_serv
select distinct ocf.code_head_mo , cs.c_oplmp, r."name", ocf.code_state, rm2.name_short,
from puomp.op_registry r
join puomp.op_case_finish ocf on r.id_registry =ocf.id_registry
join puomp.op_patient pt on ocf.id_patient =pt.id_patient
join puomp.op_case sl on ocf.id_case_finish =sl.id_case_finish
join puomp.op_case_ext cs on sl.id_case =cs.id_case
left join nsi.ref_mo rm2 on r.id_head_mo =rm2.id_mo
where not exists(select * from lic_app_new lm
left join ksg_p kp
and (lm.c_serv =cs.c_oplmp) if( (lm.c_serv !=cs.c_oplmp) then
lm.c_serv=kp.smj_prof )
ksg_p table look like this
|---c_prof(same as c_serv)(main code)
|---smj_prof(related to c_prof)
The idea is if query does not find by main code(c_serv) it search by related codes. This is codes of illneses. Smj_prof contains related codes of illness code. For example ucler has a code of 3( witch is code of gastroenterology) and it has related codes of 9(therapy) and 10(pediatrics). It means that pacient can be treated in gastroenterology, therapy and pediatrics
Help pls i dont even had an idea of how to do this.

What if you need just add public. to SELECT options
select distinct public.ocf.code_head_mo, public.cs.c_oplmp, ...etc...


Transact SQL - Join one table with other two

I have a table that is for PaymentRequest (PR), each PR table has two forms of pay, a WorkProgress, and a AdvanceByWarranty, the relation is like this:
I Need to create a report to get all the payment made in that (PR), and some other fields between them
The sql that I was using to join PaymentRequest with WorkProgress is this, and it works, it returns the WorkProgress of that payment
To get the Advances by warranty I use this, it also works, returns 2 Advances, as it should be
But, when I mix both, it doesnt return 3 rows, as it should be, it returns two. The result is this
I was expecting something like this (With shorter names)
How can i get the expected query?
The sql to get the expected query is this
pr.ProjectId, pr.NumberPaymentState,
wp.ToCollectAmmount as WPAmmount, wp.ToCollectPercent as WPPercent,
null as AWAmmount, null as AWPercent
from PaymentRequests pr
left join WorkProgresses wp on (wp.ProjectId = pr.ProjectId and wp.NumberPaymentState = pr.NumberPaymentState)
union all
pr.ProjectId, pr.NumberPaymentState,
null as WPAmmount, null as WPPercent,
aw.ToCollectAmmount as AWAmmount, aw.ToCollectPercent as AWPercent
from PaymentRequests pr
left join AdvanceByWarranties aw on (aw.ProjectId = pr.ProjectId and aw.NumberPaymentState = pr.NumberPaymentState)
You might have wanted what you show, but it doesn't work like this.
Just use UNION ALL between your first two queries, and rename the columns accordingly. Here is some pseudocode hybrid to guide you:
select keycols, workercols, null as advancecols
from pr join worker
union all
select keycols, null as workercols, advancecols
from pr join advancecols

Calculate number of distinct instances of value in column

long time lurker. I've searched and searched though none of the solutions work for me.
I'm working in a Sybase (ASE) db (most mssql/mysql transactional db solutions will work just fine)
In my example, I'm trying to calculate/count the number of times a specific 'party_id' is listed in a column. The problem I'm having is that it's only counting FOR each row- so of course the count is always going to be 1.
See output:
(I would like for party_id 130568 to show '2' in the refs column, 125555 to show '5', etc.)
Here is my query:
count(distinct p.party_id) as refs,
from cases c
inner join party p on c.casenum=p.case_id
inner join names n on n.names_id=p.party_id
inner join mailing_list_defined mld on n.names_id=mld.names_id
mld.mailing_list like 'Mattar Stars'
and mld.addr_type like 'Home'
and n.deceased='N'
and p.our_client='Y'
group by p.party_id, c.casenum, mld.mailing_list, p.our_client
order by sp_first_party(casenum) asc
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Sounds like you need to be using an APPLY statement. Not sure if the join criteria on the APPLY statement is correct, but you should be able to extrapolate the logic. See if that will work with Sybase.
SELECT pic.PartyInstanceCount AS refs
FROM cases AS c
INNER JOIN party AS p ON c.casenum = p.case_id
INNER JOIN names AS n ON n.names_id = p.party_id
INNER JOIN mailing_list_defined AS mld ON n.names_id = mld.names_id
SELECT COUNT(1) AS PartyInstanceCount
FROM party p2
WHERE p2.case_id = c.casenum
) pic
WHERE mld.mailing_list LIKE 'Mattar Stars'
AND mld.addr_type LIKE 'Home'
AND n.deceased = 'N'
AND p.our_client = 'Y'
sp_first_party(casenum) ASC

Access SQL query without duplicate results

I made a query and wanted to not have any duplicates but i got some times 3 duplicates and when i used DISTINCT or DISTINCTROW i got only 2 duplicates.
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
(((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
LEFT JOIN Irregular_Events AS ie
ON f.flight_code = ie.flight_code)
LEFT JOIN Delay_Event AS de
ON ie.IE_code = de.delay_code;
had to use LEFT JOIN because when i used INNER JOIN i missed some of the things i wanted to show because i wanted to see all the flights and not only the flights that got delayed or canceled.
This is the results when i used INNER JOIN, you can see only the flights that have the status "ביטול" or "עיכוב" and that is not what i wanted.
[the results with LEFT JOIN][2]
and when i used DISTINCT where you see the rows with the NUMBER 6 on the first column it appear only two times
I just checked my query and all the tables i use there and i saw my problem but dont know how to fix it!
in the table Irregular_Events i have more the one event for flights 3,6 and 8 and that is why when i use LEFT JOIN i see more even thou i use distinct, please give me some help!
Not entirely sure without seeing the table structure, but this might work:
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
Irregular_Events ie
ON ie.IE_code = de1.delay_code
) AS de
ON f.flight_code = de.flight_code
It is hard to tell what is the problem with your query without any sample of the output, and without any description of the structure of your tables.
But your problem is that your are querying from the flights table, which [I assume] can be linked to multiple irregular_events, which can possibly also be linked to multiple delay_event.
If you want to get only one row per flight, you need to make sure your joins return only one row too. Maybe you can do it by adding one more condition to the join, or by adding a condition in a sub-query.
You could try to add a GROUP BY to the query:

SQL SERVER 2008 - joins

I have three tables that I'm trying to join to get the necessary data. Here they are...
*TblComp* *TblCompParent* *tblCompProcesses*
CompID CompBillingID CompID
CompBillingID Capacity1 CompProcessID
So what I'm trying to do with these three tables is....
Select tblCompParent.Capacity1, tblCompParent.Capacity2, CompProcessID
My problem is this...In tblComp there are 351 values - so i start off by joining tblComp and tblCompparent and SELECTING tblCompparent.capacity1, tblcompparent.capacity2, the query looks like this...
SELECT dbo.tblComp.CompID, dbo.tblCompParents.Capacity1, dbo.tblCompParents.Capacity2
FROM dbo.tblCompParents INNER JOIN
dbo.tblComp ON dbo.tblCompParents.CompBillingID = dbo.tblComp.CompBillingID
And this works fine, it's when I try to join tblCompProcess to pull the CompProcessID is when I get like 580 records. I'm not sure what can of join I have to do on tblCompprocess to select only one CompProcessID per compID.
And it seems like i have to use tblComp otherwise I'll have no way of joining tblCompProcess.
SELECT dbo.tblComp.CompID, dbo.tblCompParents.Capacity1, dbo.tblCompParents.Capacity2, tblCompProcess.compprocessID
FROM dbo.tblCompParents INNER JOIN
dbo.tblComp ON dbo.tblCompParents.CompBillingID = dbo.tblComp.CompBillingID
Inner Join dbo.tblCompprocess on tblCompProcess.CompID = tblComp.CompID
You don't show us the whole data model so I don't know exactly what is going on but clearly tblCompProcesses has more than one row in your join. I would fix it like this:
SELECT dbo.tblComp.CompID, dbo.tblCompParents.Capacity1, dbo.tblCompParents.Capacity2, x.compprocessID
FROM dbo.tblCompParents
INNER JOIN dbo.tblComp ON dbo.tblCompParents.CompBillingID = dbo.tblComp.CompBillingID
FROM dbo.tblCompprocess) X on x.CompID = tblComp.CompID

Why do I have to use DISTINCT for this to work?

here's my problem: I have an SQL query that makes 4 calls to a lookup table to return their values from a list of combinations in another table. I finally got this working, and for some reason, when I run the query without DISTINCT, I get a ton of data back, so I'm guessing that I'm either missing something or not doing this correctly. It would be really great if this would not only work, but also return the list alphabetically by the first colour name.
I'm putting my SQL here I hope I've explained this well enough:
colour1.ColourID AS colour1_ColourID,
colour1.ColourName AS colour1_ColourName,
colour1.ColourHex AS colour1_ColourHex,
colour1.ManufacturerColourID AS colour1_ManufacturerColourID,
colour2.ColourID AS colour2_ColourID,
colour2.ColourName AS colour2_ColourName,
colour2.ColourHex AS colour2_ColourHex,
colour2.QEColourID2 AS colour2_QEColourID2,
colour3.ColourID AS colour3_ColourID,
colour3.ColourName AS colour3_ColourName,
colour3.ColourHex AS colour3_ColourHex,
colour3.QEColourID3 AS colour3_QEColourID3,
colour4.ColourID AS colour4_ColourID,
colour4.ColourName AS colour4_ColourName,
colour4.ColourHex AS colour4_ColourHex,
colour4.QEColourID4 AS colour4_QEColourID4,
Combinations.ManufacturerColourID AS Combinations_ManufacturerColourID,
Combinations.QEColourID2 AS Combinations_QEColourID2,
Combinations.QEColourID3 AS Combinations_QEColourID3,
Combinations.QEColourID4 AS Combinations_QEColourID4,
ColourSuppliers INNER JOIN
colour4 INNER JOIN
colour3 INNER JOIN
colour2 INNER JOIN
colour1 INNER JOIN Combinations ON
) ON colour2.ColourID=Combinations.QEColourID2
) ON colour3.ColourID=Combinations.QEColourID3
) ON colour4.ColourID=Combinations.QEColourID4
) ON ColourSuppliers.ColourSupplierID=Combinations.ColourSupplierID
WHERE Combinations.ColourSupplierID = ?
It looks as though you've probably got multiple records for each set of four colour combinations in the Combinations table - posting the structure of the table might help us to work it out.
Adding the clause order by colour1.ColourName to the end of the query should sort it alphabetically by the first colour name.
My guess (and it is a guess because your SQL query is very wide!) is that you're getting the cartesian product.