Errors trying to install adldap2-laravel - laravel-9

I try to install the package adldap2/adldap2-laravel with the command composer require adldap2/adldap2-laravel but I get these errors:
Info from #StandWithUkraine
Using version ^6.1 for adldap2/adldap2-laravel
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update adldap2/adldap2-laravel
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- adldap2/adldap2-laravel v6.1.6 requires adldap2/adldap2 ^10.1 -> satisfiable by adldap2/adldap2[v10.1.0, ..., v10.4.2].
- adldap2/adldap2-laravel[v6.1.0, ..., v6.1.1] require illuminate/support ~5.5|~6.0|~7.0 -> found illuminate/support[v5.5.0, ..., 5.8.x-dev, v6.0.0, ..., 6.x-dev, v7.0.0, ..., 7.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
- adldap2/adldap2-laravel[v6.1.2, ..., v6.1.5] require illuminate/support ~5.5|~6.0|~7.0|~8.0 -> found illuminate/support[v5.5.0, ..., 5.8.x-dev, v6.0.0, ..., 6.x-dev, v7.0.0, ..., 7.x-dev, v8.0.0, ..., 8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
- adldap2/adldap2[v10.1.0, ..., v10.4.0] require psr/log ~1.0 -> found psr/log[1.0.0, ..., 1.1.4] but the package is fixed to 3.0.0 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
- adldap2/adldap2[v10.4.1, ..., v10.4.2] require psr/simple-cache ~1.0|~2.0 -> found psr/simple-cache[1.0.0, 1.0.1, 2.0.0, 2.x-dev] but the package is fixed to 3.0.0 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
- Root composer.json requires adldap2/adldap2-laravel ^6.1 -> satisfiable by adldap2/adldap2-laravel[v6.1.0, ..., v6.1.6].
Use the option --with-all-dependencies (-W) to allow upgrades, downgrades and removals for packages currently locked to specific versions.
You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint, e.g. "composer require adldap2/adldap2-laravel:*" to figure out if any version is installable, or "composer require adldap2/adldap2-laravel:^2.1" if you know which you need.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.
The laravel version is v9.3.8. I am not sure if I break something when I run composer require adldap2/adldap2-laravel --with-all-dependencies.

The issue is due to adldap2/adldap2 package requiring the psr/simple-cache 2.0.0 but the Laravel framework is using 3.0.0
Downgrading, the psr/simple-cache to 2.0.0 will not make an issue.

I executed composer require adldap2/adldap2-laravel --with-all-dependencies to enable composer to install, upgrade or downgrade the required required dependencies.


Testcafe won’t run with Yarn 2

Testcafe 1.10 doesn’t seem to run via Yarn 2, while it just works running the globally installed one manually. I get this output:
ERROR Error: testcafe-legacy-api tried to access read-file-relative, but it isn't declared in its dependencies; this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound.
Required package: read-file-relative (via "read-file-relative")
Required by: testcafe-legacy-api#npm:4.0.0 (via /data/Fichiers/Code/testcafe/.yarn/cache/
I can see that read-file-relative is listed as a dependency of testcafe, but not as a dependency of testcafe-legacy-api (,, which itself is a dependency of testcafe.
EDIT : PRs on both sides have been merged so it should work now or soon without using the workaround below.
Apparently testcafe and its dependency testcafe-legacy-api have several actual dependencies that are not listed in their dependencies listing.
As the documentation for .yarnrc.yml explains:
Some packages may have been specified incorrectly with regard to their dependencies - for example with one dependency being missing, causing Yarn to refuse it the access. The packageExtensions fields offer a way to extend the existing package definitions with additional information.
Adding this to my .yarnrc.yml and then running yarn install (or yarn) fixed it:
"#babel/runtime": "*"
"#babel/plugin-transform-for-of": "*"
"read-file-relative": "*"
"testcafe-hammerhead": "*"

Class 'League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter' not found

I am trying to upload images in ASW S3. But I get the error Class 'League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter' not found. So I tried to run composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 But it gives me error . The error is :
Problem 1
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3[2.0.0, ..., 2.x-dev] require league/flysystem ^2.0.0 -> found league/flysystem[2.0.0-alpha.1, ..., 2.x-dev] but the package is fixed to 1.1.3 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3[2.0.0-alpha.1, ..., 2.0.0-alpha.2] require league/flysystem 2.0.0-alpha.1 -> found league/flysystem[2.0.0-alpha.1] but the package is fixed to 1.1.3 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3[2.0.0-alpha.4, ..., 2.0.0-beta.1] require league/flysystem 2.0.0-alpha.3 -> found league/flysystem[2.0.0-alpha.3] but the package is fixed to 1.1.3 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3[2.0.0-beta.2, ..., 2.0.0-beta.3] require league/flysystem ^2.0.0-beta.1 -> found league/flysystem[2.0.0-beta.1, ..., 2.x-dev] but the package is fixed to 1.1.3 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 2.0.0-RC1 requires league/flysystem ^2.0.0-RC1 -> found league/flysystem[2.0.0-RC1, 2.0.0, 2.x-dev] but the package is fixed to 1.1.3 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
- Root composer.json requires league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 ^2.0 -> satisfiable by league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3[2.0.0-alpha.1, ..., 2.x-dev].
My PHP version is : 7.4.11 and my Alaravel version is 7.30.0. Can someone please help me to resolve this?
You should try run this command in your terminal
composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 ^1.0
It works very well in my last experience using Laravel 7.30.3 (PHP v7.4)

Install RC1 version with composer for Drupal 8 module

I need to install a specific RC1 version for a Drupal 8 module with composer.
Example: (8.x-3.0-rc1)
I've tried to use the constraint: '8.x-3.0-rc1'.
composer require drupal/field_group:8.x-3.0-rc1
The error message:
Could not parse version constraint 8.x-composer: Invalid version string "8.x-composer"
You can specify the version of the module / theme you want to download as follows:
composer require drupal/<modulename>:<version>
For example:
composer require 'drupal/token:^1.5'
composer require 'drupal/simple_fb_connect:~3.0'
composer require 'drupal/ctools:3.0.0-alpha26'
composer require 'drupal/field_group:3.0-rc1'
composer require 'drupal/token:1.x-dev'
To avoid problems on different terminals/shells, surround the version in quotes as in the examples above. In these examples, the versions map as follows:
^1.5: maps to the latest stable 8.x-1.x release of the module.
~3.0: maps to the latest stable 8.x-3.x release of the module.
3.0.0-alpha26: maps to version 8.x-3.0-alpha26
3.0-rc1: maps to version 8.x-3.0-rc1
1.x-dev: maps to 8.x-1.x-dev
For more on version constraints with ~ (tilde) and ^ (caret) see Next Significant Release Operators.

selenium2 for composer install facing with phalcon/incubator error in PHP

I am using window command prompt,When I update composer facing with below error
C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject>composer update
Warning: This development build of composer is over 60 days old. It is recommend
ed to update it by running "C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.phar self-
update" to get the latest version.
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Failed to decode response: zlib_decode(): data error
Retrying with degraded mode, check for more info
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Installation request for phalcon/incubator dev-master -> satisfiable by ph
- phalcon/incubator dev-master requires ext-phalcon >=2.0.4 -> the requested
PHP extension phalcon is missing from your system.
The last line should give you a clue: You haven't yet installed PhalconPHP on your system, which is required by the Incubator package.
Also, run a composer self-update as recommended.

YUM: Upgrade a package from a different repo

Say I have two repos: repoa and repob. I installed a package 3.1 ver from repoa. I have a newer version 3.2 in repob.
How could I upgrade the package from repob? I tried to yum upgrade, but looks it always stick to the original repo - repoa, and didn't look at the package in repob at all. I can use 'yum provides' to get the package information from two repose, but only repoa looks recognised.
I tried several things such as change the priority higher for repob, temporarily remove the repoa, but none of them working.
I guess I need to remove it then do reinstallation from repob.