What is the best approach to have the same field name in Serializer but different behaviour on serializing and deserializing data? (I want to put only group_id on input and get full related info on the output)
So I want my schema looks like this when I input my data
"group": 1,
"other_fields": []
But got this (This is the way i want data looks like on the output only)
"group": {
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"image": "string",
"is_public": true
"other_fields": []
My serializer right now
class TaskSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
group = GroupSerializer()
class Meta:
model = Task
fields = "__all__"
Edit: Added group serializer and my Group model. Nothing special
class GroupSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Group
fields = "id", "owner", "name", "description", "image", "is_public"
read_only_fields = "owner",
class Group(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
owner = models.ForeignKey("user.User", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
description = models.CharField(max_length=32)
image = models.ImageField(upload_to=func)
is_public = models.BooleanField(default=True)
In your TaskSerializer class you are serializing group with GroupSerializer(), which serializes the relation as an object with the fields you specified in it's implementation.
You instead want to serialize a single field, for that you could use SlugRelatedField(slug_field='id') which serializes the relation as a single field from group.
Because your Group model doesn't have a primary key field, Django generates an automatic AutoField(primary_key=True) id field, thus you can use PrimaryKeyRlatedField().
class TaskSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
group = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField()
class Meta:
model = Task
fields = "__all__"
For more examples, I suggest reading this tip from testdriven.io.
I'd like to represent the following json by Pydantic model:
"sip" {
"param1": 1
"param2": 2
Means json may contain sip field and some other field, any number any names, so I'd like to have model which have sip:Optional[dict] field and some kind of "rest", which will be correctly parsed from/serialized to json. Is it possible?
Maybe you are looking for the extra model config:
whether to ignore, allow, or forbid extra attributes during model initialization. Accepts the string values of 'ignore', 'allow', or 'forbid', or values of the Extra enum (default: Extra.ignore). 'forbid' will cause validation to fail if extra attributes are included, 'ignore' will silently ignore any extra attributes, and 'allow' will assign the attributes to the model.
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import pydantic
class Foo(pydantic.BaseModel):
sip: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]
class Config:
extra = pydantic.Extra.allow
foo = Foo.parse_raw(
"sip": {
"param1": 1
"param2": 2
Foo(sip={'param1': 1}, param2=2)
{"sip": {"param1": 1}, "param2": 2}
Is there any way to write a custom json fileparser for a pydantic class?
I have json files that have multiple objects configured in them and want to use the value of the objectname for the creation of the object.
// config.json
"object_type_1": {
"name" : "test1",
"value" : "mock",
"totally_different_object" : {
"color" : "blue",
"something" : "else",
I would like to write someting like
from pydantic import BaseModel
class ObjectType1(BaseModel):
name : str
value : str
object_typ_1_example = ObjectType1.parse_file("config.json", object_key = "object_type_1")
But I couldn't find any example
I am using Elsaticsearch Spring Data. I have a custom repository that uses ElasticsearchOperations based on examples on docs. I need some aggregation query results and I successfully get the intended results. but I need to map those results to a model. But currently I'm unable to access contents of AggregationsContainer.
override fun getStats(startTime: Long, endTime: Long, pageable: Pageable): AggregationsContainer<*>?
val query: Query = NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
val searchHits: SearchHits<Product> = operations.search(query, Product::class.java)
return searchHits.aggregations
I return the result of the following code:
val stats = repository.getTotalStats(before, currentTime, pageable)?.aggregations()
the result is :
"asMap": {
"discount": {
"name": "discount",
"metadata": null,
"value": 8000.0,
"valueAsString": "8000.0",
"type": "sum",
"fragment": true
"price": {
"name": "price",
"metadata": null,
"value": 9000.0,
"valueAsString": "9000.0",
"type": "sum",
"fragment": true
"fragment": true
How can I convert above output to an intended output model like following? as I tested contents of aggregations() are inaccessible and the type is Any :
There is no data model in the Elasticsearch RestHighLevelClient classes for aggregations, and there is no on in Spring Data Elasticsearch. Therefore the original Aggregations object is returned to the caller (contained in that AggregationContainer, because that will change with new new client implementation, and then the container will hold a different object).
You have to parse this by yourself, I had something in the answer of another question (https://stackoverflow.com/a/63105356/4393565). The interesting thing for you is the last codeblock where the aggregations are passed. You basically have to iterate over the elements, cast them to the appropriate type and evaluate them.
I am just wondering how can I do conditional schema validation. The API response is dynamic based on customerType key. If customerType is person then, person details will be included and if the customerType is org organization details will be included in the JSON response. So the response can be in either of the following forms
"customerType" : "person",
"person" : {
"fistName" : "A",
"lastName" : "B"
"id" : 1,
"requestDate" : "2021-11-11"
"customerType" : "org",
"organization" : {
"orgName" : "A",
"orgAddress" : "B"
"id" : 2,
"requestDate" : "2021-11-11"
The schema I created to validate above 2 scenario is as follows
"customerType" : "#string",
"organization" : "#? response.customerType=='org' ? karate.match(_,personSchema) : karate.match(_,null)",
"person" : "#? response.customerType=='person' ? karate.match(_,orgSchema) : karate.match(_,null)",
"id" : "#number",
"requestDate" : "#string"
but the schema fails to match with the actual response. What changes should I make in the schema to make it work?
Note : I am planning to reuse the schema in multiple tests so I will be keeping the schema in separate files, independent of the feature file
Can you refer to this answer which I think is the better approach: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47336682/143475
That said, I think you missed that the JS karate.match() API doesn't return a boolean, but a JSON that contains a pass boolean property.
So you have to do things like this:
* def someVar = karate.match(actual, expected).pass ? {} : {}
I've got an API endpoint POST /data.
The received data is formatted in a certain way which is different from the way I store it in the db.
I'll use geometry type from postgis as an example.
class MyPostgisModel(models.Model):
position = models.PointField(null=True)
my_charfield = models.CharField(max_length=10)
errors = JSONField() # Used to save the cleaning and validation errors
class MyPostgisSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = MyPostgisModel
fields = [
def to_internal_value(self, data):
# Here the data is coming in the field geometry but in the db, it's called
# position. Moreover I need to apply the `GEOSGeometry(json.dumps(...))`
# method as well.
data["position"] = GEOSGeometry(json.dumps(data["geometry"]))
return data
The problem is that there is not only one field like position but many. And I would like (maybe wrongly) to do like the validate_*field_name* scheme but for cleaning (clean_*field_name*).
There is another problem. In this scheme, I would like to still save the rest of the data in the database even if some fields have raised ValidationError (eg: a CharField that is too long) but are not part of the primary_key/a unique_together constraint. And save the related errors into a JSONField like this:
"cleaning_errors": {
"position": 'Invalid format: {
"type": "NotAValidType", # Should be "Point"
"coordinates": [
"validating_errors": {
"my_charfield": "data was too long: 'this data is way too long for 10 characters'",
For the first problem, I thought of doing something like this:
class BaseSerializerCleanerMixin:
"""Abstract Mixin that clean fields."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the cleaner strategy."""
# This is the error_dict to be filled by the `clean_*field_name*`
self.cleaning_error_dict = {}
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def clean_fields(self, data):
"""Clean the fields listed in self.fields_to_clean before validating them."""
cleaned_data = {}
for field_name in getattr(self.Meta, "fields", []):
cleaned_field = (
getattr(self, "clean_" + field_name)(data)
if hasattr(self, "clean_" + field_name)
else data.get(field_name)
if cleaned_field is not None:
cleaned_data[field_name] = cleaned_field
return cleaned_data
def to_internal_value(self, data):
"""Reformat data to put it in the database."""
cleaned_data = self.clean_fields(data)
return super().to_internal_value(cleaned_data)
I'm not sure that's a good idea and maybe there is an easy way to deal with such things.
For the second problem ; catching the errors of the validation without specifying with is_valid() returning True when no primary_key being wrongly formatted, I'm not sure how to proceed.