Beeline file name parameterize - hive

I have a directory of say 10 SQL files and out of which I need to run only 5 SQL files. I am trying to achieve this by creating an array of only the five files that I need to execute and trying to call Beeline -f in for loop to execute the files . But the solution does not seem to be working . The SQL can be triggered when I run beeline -f mysqlfile.sql
for eachline in "${testarray[#]}"
beeline -f '${eachline}'.sql


How to execute multiple SQL files from a local directory in PostgreSQL/PgAdmin4 in on transaction in Windows?

I have a folder in a directory in my PC which contains multiple SQL files. Each of the file is a Postgres function. I want to execute every SQL file situated in the folder at a time in PostgreSQL server using PgAdmin or in other way. How can I accomplish this?
I apologize if I'm oversimplifying your question, but if the main issue is how to execute all SQL files without having to call them one by one, you just need to put them in a loop, e.g. in bash calling psql
for f in *.sql
psql -h dbhost -d db -U dbuser -f $f
Or cat them and pipe the result to psql stdin:
$ cat /path/to/files/*.sql | psql -h dbhost -d db -U dbuser
And if you need them to run in a single transaction, consider merging the SQL files, e.g. using cat - this assumes all statements in your sql file are properly terminated:
$ cat /path/to/files/*.sql > merged.sql

Run sql scripts using batch file

I am trying to create a batch file that connects to my local Postgres 14 server and creates tables by opening a .sql file that contains all the table scripts.
For now, I was able to connect to the server using this code:
psql -U postgres -h localhost -d test
This command opens the command prompt and asks for the password. After this, how do I update the batch file to insert the password and automtically install the tables from my .sql file?

impala shell command to export a parquet file as a csv

I have some parquet files stored in HDFS that I want to convert to csv files FIRST and export them in a remote file using ssh.
I don't know if it's possible or simple by writing a spark job (I know that we can convert parquet to csv file JUST by using then to the same DF use spark.write as a csv file). But I really wanted to do it by using a impala shell request.
So, I thought about something like this :
hdfs dfs -cat my-file.parquet | ssh 'cat > /path/to/my-file.csv'
Can you help me PLEASE with this request ? Please.
Thank you !!
Example without kerberos:
impala-shell -i servername:portname -B -q 'select * from table' -o filename '--output_delimiter=\001'
I could explain it all, but it is late and here is a link that allows you to do that as well as the header if you want:
You can do that by multiples ways.
One approach could be as in the example below.
With impala-shell you can run a query and pipe to ssh to write the output in a remote machine.
$ impala-shell --quiet --delimited --print_header --output_delimiter=',' -q 'USE fun; SELECT * FROM games' | ssh remoteuser#ip.address.of.remote.machine "cat > /home/..../query.csv"
This command change from default database to a fun database and run a query on it.
You can change the --output_delimiter='\t', --print_header or not along with other options.

Executing a SQL file in interactive impala-shell session

In an interactive impala-shell session, is there a way to load and execute a text file containing one or more SQL statements? In Hive's beeline, for example, you can use !run <filename> to run the SQL commands in that file.
This is not currently possible. You can file a JIRA.
I believe it is possible - see impala-shell -h (version v2.1.1-cdh5):
-f QUERY_FILE, --query_file=QUERY_FILE
Execute the queries in the query file, delimited by ;
[default: none]
combine this with shell command in interactive mode:
shell impala-shell -f file;

In isql, is there a way for me to run several SQL statements from a file?

I have a file that contains several SQL queries.
Can I somehow run them via isql (I'm doing the calls from Bash script, so no access to Perl DBI or JDBC)
I tried piping them into isql command via echo /my/file | isql -my-other-parameters but that didn't work.
If you're running ISQL in interactive mode, you can load an entire contents of the file using :r my-filename command from > prompt.
From Bash script, it's also possible to do - but you need to carefully make sure that
The SQL file you are piping in has a go statement at the end. That is a VERY common cause of issues like the one you mentioned.
That statement has a newline after it.
From a script, you can do it 2 ways: Pass on STDIN via a pipe/redirect; OR, pass in the file name via isql's -i parameter
In my case it was isq -n for a piped query to work.
isql -U $DB_USR -P $DB_PWD -S $DB_PATH -D $DB_NAME -w 500 < $FILE