Cypress changes headers to lazyUpdate - http-headers

I'm running Cypress (10.4.0) with an Angular (10.1.6) project and I'm running into an issue with the headers. At some point during a test the headers are moved into something called lazyUpdate:
Which causes an error with http.js:
Which crashes the application.
My test is fairly simple:
describe('Login with an custom email-address', () => {
it('Visits the login page', () => {
it('fills in the login form', () => {
cy.url().should('not.contain', 'login');
When I use the application myself the headers never change to the lazyUpdate headers.

The issue was that we use some values from local storage to set the headers, but Cypress clears out local storage between tests causing headers to get undefined. Using the cypress-localstorage-commands plugin to store and retrieve headers between tests resolved the issue.


Cypress auto submit on login page from beforeEach in second test

I'm working on a Cypress test for the Polish Wikipedia plugin, and I have this code in my cypress test:
Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (orig, path, options) => {
return orig(`${path}`);
Cypress.Commands.add('login', (pass) => {
cy.get('#userloginForm form').submit();
Cypress.Commands.add('dark_vector_wait', (pass) => {
cy.get('.vector-menu-content-list > li:nth-child(7)', { timeout: 10000 }).should('be.visible');
And in my spec:
describe('dark vector test', () => {
beforeEach('login', () => {
it('test discussion', () => {
it('testing-page page', () => {
And the second test is failing because as soon as Cypress type the password it automatically submits a form so cy.get('#userloginForm form').submit(); is executing after Cypress visits the home page (default redirect) and fail to find a form.
What's wrong? Why does Cypress auto-submit a form after a second time? This is not what Wikipedia is doing since the login form doesn't have any JavaScript code and you need to click login to be able to login to Wikipedia.
I've tried to
Use BaseURL and remove overwrite of visit.
Add type('{enter}'), but this only shows an error: cy.type() failed because this element is detached from the DOM.
This is the screenshot of the action taken by cypress, second test has a page load without {enter} action and without form submit.
The problem is in Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit').
You pass the parameter with a leading slash '/wiki/Dyskusja_wikipedysty:<username>' but concatinate to base which also has a trailing slash${path}, so now the full path is<username>
If you set baseUrl in configuration, Cypress sorts it out for you
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// implement node event listeners here
baseUrl: ''
Then remove the Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit').
With these changes, I was able to pass both tests.
Using cy.session()
The problem might be one specific to locality, I do not have any steps missing in the Cypress log.
You can try adding a session cache so that the first login is re-used.
Cypress.Commands.add('login', (pass) => {
cy.session('login', () => { // login occurs only once
// credentials are cached
cy.get('#wpName1').type('Jack Bosko');
cy.get('#userloginForm form').submit();
// for good measure, confirm login was successful
// by checking for your name on the page
cy.contains('span', 'Jack Bosko')
So the problem was the weird IME keyboard that is part of MediaWiki. I somehow got it enabled on my system even when I was not logged in. Maybe added globally with cookies or something.
I noticed that keyboard when I was asking questions on the MediaWiki support page.
This is not related to Cypress. I'm investigating why the keyboard is there, and why clean environment it.

cypress cy.request 401 unauthorized [duplicate]

I want to save/persist/preserve a cookie or localStorage token that is set by a cy.request(), so that I don't have to use a custom command to login on every test. This should work for tokens like jwt (json web tokens) that are stored in the client's localStorage.
To update this thread, there is already a better solution available for preserving cookies (by #bkucera); but now there is a workaround available now to save and restore local storage between the tests (in case needed). I recently faced this issue; and found this solution working.
This solution is by using helper commands and consuming them inside the tests,
Inside - cypress/support/<some_command>.js
Cypress.Commands.add("saveLocalStorage", () => {
Object.keys(localStorage).forEach(key => {
LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY[key] = localStorage[key];
Cypress.Commands.add("restoreLocalStorage", () => {
Object.keys(LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY).forEach(key => {
localStorage.setItem(key, LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY[key]);
Then in test,
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
From the Cypress docs
For persisting cookies: By default, Cypress automatically clears all cookies before each test to prevent state from building up.
You can configure specific cookies to be preserved across tests using the Cypress.Cookies api:
// now any cookie with the name 'session_id' will
// not be cleared before each test runs
preserve: "session_id"
NOTE: Before Cypress v5.0 the configuration key is "whitelist", not "preserve".
For persisting localStorage: It's not built in ATM, but you can achieve it manually right now because the method thats clear local storage is publicly exposed as Cypress.LocalStorage.clear.
You can backup this method and override it based on the keys sent in.
const clear = Cypress.LocalStorage.clear
Cypress.LocalStorage.clear = function (keys, ls, rs) {
// do something with the keys here
if (keys) {
return clear.apply(this, arguments)
You can add your own login command to Cypress, and use the cypress-localstorage-commands package to persist localStorage between tests.
In support/commands:
import "cypress-localstorage-commands";
Cypress.Commands.add('loginAs', (UserEmail, UserPwd) => {
method: 'POST',
url: "/loginWithToken",
body: {
user: {
email: UserEmail,
password: UserPwd,
.then((body) => {
cy.setLocalStorage("accessToken", body.accessToken);
cy.setLocalStorage("refreshToken", body.refreshToken);
Inside your tests:
describe("when user FOO is logged in", ()=> {
before(() => {
cy.loginAs("", "fooPassword");
beforeEach(() => {
it('should exist accessToken in localStorage', () => {
it('should exist refreshToken in localStorage', () => {
Here is the solution that worked for me:
Cypress.LocalStorage.clear = function (keys, ls, rs) {
before(() => {
Control of cookie clearing is supported by Cypress:
I'm not sure about local storage, but for cookies, I ended up doing the following to store all cookies between tests once.
beforeEach(function () {
cy.getCookies().then(cookies => {
const namesOfCookies = =>
According to the documentation, Cypress.Cookies.defaults will maintain the changes for every test run after that. In my opinion, this is not ideal as this increases test suite coupling.
I added a more robust response in this Cypress issue:
I know this is an old question but wanted to share my solution either way in case someone needs it.
For keeping a google token cookie, there is a library called
cypress-social-login. It seems to have other OAuth providers as a milestone.
It's recommended by the cypress team and can be found on the cypress plugin page.
This Cypress library makes it possible to perform third-party logins
(think oauth) for services such as GitHub, Google or Facebook.
It does so by delegating the login process to a puppeteer flow that
performs the login and returns the cookies for the application under
test so they can be set by the calling Cypress flow for the duration
of the test.
I can see suggestions to use whitelist. But it does not seem to work during cypress run.
Tried below methods in before() and beforeEach() respectively:
whitelist: "token"
But none seemed to work. But either method working fine while cypress open i.e. GUI mode. Any ideas where I am coming short?
2023 Updated on Cypress v12 or more:
Since Cypress Version 12 you can use the new cy.session()
it cache and restore cookies, localStorage, and sessionStorage (i.e. session data) in order to recreate a consistent browser context between tests.
Here's how to use it
// Caching session when logging in via page visit
cy.session(name, () => {
cy.get('form').contains('Log In').click()
cy.url().should('contain', '/login-successful')

Headers authorization not working after Cypress version update

I am working on an automation project where I am using cypress. For a test user to log in, I am using:
Cypress.Commands.add("setAuth", () => {
cy.intercept('https://url/privat', (req) => {
req.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer token'
Cypress version I was using 6.9.1. <-(Everything works fine on this version)
I am trying to update my Cypress version to 8.3.1 (latest)
After the update of cypress, the user is not getting logged in. I have no idea how to debug this or solve this.
ok, I solved it. In the older version cypress was able to intercept all calls done on https://url/privat so it was able to intercept calls for graphql too ex: https://url/privat/graphql
But in new version its not intercepting all calls. Now it needs to specify like https://url/privat/**
So, now it should be
Cypress.Commands.add("setAuth", () => {
cy.intercept('https://url/privat/**', (req) => {
req.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer token'
Works well now.

Cypress doesn't work with an external login

I'm working on e2e test with cypress on my application.
In my case the login are manage by a external service.
When I want to enter in my application's home page (https://myApplication/home), the system redirects me in different superdomains to login.
At first cypress seems to be able to change the superdomain, but once arrived in external service page for the authentication, the system go in login error (as if we have already logged in, but incorrect).
This type of behavior does not happen outside the cypress .
Are there alternative solutions to manage external access in a cypress test or is it possible to manage it directly from cypress?
I added in my cypress.json the chromeWebSecurity:false and when I call the link for login, I added the failOnStatusCode: false,
but it still doesn't work.
Assuming this is caused by SameSite cookie blocking , then I've just been fighting the same issue. I resolved it by intercepting all requests, checking if they had a set-cookie header(s) and rewriting the SameSite attribute. There's probably a neater way to do it, as this does clutter up the cypress dashboard a little.
Sadly Zachary Costa's answer no longer works as Chrome 94 removed the SameSiteByDefaultCookies flag.
You can add this as a command for easy reuse:
In your commands file:
declare namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable<Subject> {
disableSameSiteCookieRestrictions(): void;
Cypress.Commands.add('disableSameSiteCookieRestrictions', () => {
cy.intercept('*', (req) => {
req.on('response', (res) => {
if (!res.headers['set-cookie']) {
const disableSameSite = (headerContent: string): string => {
return headerContent.replace(/samesite=(lax|strict)/ig, 'samesite=none');
if (Array.isArray(res.headers['set-cookie'])) {
res.headers['set-cookie'] = res.headers['set-cookie'].map(disableSameSite);
} else {
res.headers['set-cookie'] = disableSameSite(res.headers['set-cookie']);
it('should login using third party idp', () => {
//add test body here
or alteratively, run it before each test:
beforeEach(() => cy.disableSameSiteCookieRestrictions());
We were encountering a similar issue, where Cypress was redirecting us to the default "You are not logged in" page after getting through the login process. I'm not certain if that's EXACTLY the issue you were experiencing, but just in case, here's our solution. In our case, the issue was caused by Chrome's "Same Site Cookies" feature interacting poorly with Cypress, so we needed to disable it. In your plugins/index.js file, you would add the following code:
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('before:browser:launch', (browser, launchOptions) => {
if ( === 'chrome') {
return launchOptions;
Note that if you already have launchOptions being set, you can just add this code onto it so it doesn't clash at all.
Hopefully, this works for you as well!
In the current version of cypress you can't go to another domain in the same test. This is due to the fact that cypress injects its test into the browser (they are working on this issue).
So one solution today is that you need to utilize cy.request to perform the login programmatically and inject the auth secret (jwt, cookie, localstorage, token or what you have) into the browser context yourself (for cookie this would be cy.setcookie).
Always make sure to checkout the plugins if there is already an abstraction for your login. Often this is openId or ntlm.

How to use global intercept for all tests in Cypress 6?

I want to test every page of my site (Vue/Nuxt), but API calls should be mocked.
For that there is intercept() function (route() in previous Cypress versions):
describe('home page', () => {
before(() => {
cy.intercept('**/user-data', { fixture: 'user.json' })
it('renders header, () => {
cy.contains('#header', 'test');
// some other tests for homepage
Cool, it works, but I have this specific API call (getting logged user info) on every page. I don't want to repeat this intercept code in every test file, for example contact.spec.js. I cannot find a way to set this intercept globally? What is the correct way to mocking axios?