In few blogs I have read, it is said that a Webhook is a reverse API, where it is the sender who initiates the HTTP call while a receiver receiving the data.
It's also said that a Webhook is Event driven and not Request driven. What does that mean? Is a Webhook just a fancy name for a POST API call?
Moreover, I have known that in technologies like Mulesoft, there can be APIs which work as either a REST http exposed endpoint or an Internal Scheduler trigger. How does that relate with the API vs Webhook definition?
Please answer with respect to Middleware integration patterns rather than being programming language specific.
Can someone please explain how rest assured works internally on performing the API testing. I am just aware that it uses Groovy under the hood. Basically, I would like to understand the architecture of Rest Assured in detail. Thanks
The only thing I can tell you for sure - as well as all REST-clients, it uses cURL for request sending.
Rest Assured is a Java library that provides a convenient and easy-to-use API for testing RESTful web services. It's built on top of other popular Java libraries like Apache HTTP Client, Hamcrest, and JSONPath.
Here's a high-level overview of the architecture of Rest Assured:
Request Configuration: In this stage, you can specify the details of the request, such as the HTTP method, endpoint URL, request parameters, headers, and request body.
Request Execution: In this stage, Rest Assured sends the configured request to the server and retrieves the response.
Response Validation: In this stage, Rest Assured provides various methods to validate the response, such as checking the HTTP status code, response headers, and response body.
Result Extraction: In this stage, Rest Assured allows you to extract specific values from the response body and store them in variables for further use.
Overall, Rest Assured provides a simple and straightforward API for testing RESTful web services, making it easier for developers to write and maintain test cases. By abstracting away the underlying complexities of HTTP requests and responses, it enables you to focus on testing the business logic of your application.
I having been trying to find the difference between HTTP API and REST API resource types but not getting the clear difference. When and how should one use HTTP API ? A use case would be really appreciated.
A "REST API" (Representational state transfer) is an API that follows a certain architectural style, based on HTTP verbs (get, post, etc.). A REST API is always HTTP based.
An "HTTP API" simply only says that the HTTP protocol is used. A HTTP API doesn't necessarily have to be a REST API if it doesn't follow REST architectural styles.
You could say that a HTTP API could be any interface that you connect to over HTTP whereas REST API is only a subset of that group, that adheres to stricter rules.
In Exchange (not necessarily in Design Center), the REST APIs refer to APIs that are defined (using RAML or OAS) and implemented with MuleSoft tools (AnypointStudio) and published to Exchange, where as HTTP APIs refers to RESTful APIs that are created using other 3rd party tools whose HTTP/S URLs can be registered as assets within Exchange. HTTP APIs can also refer to a temporary placeholder created by a private Exchange user for future management of that endpoint (via API Manager).
The scenario goes something like this. I've a 3rd party system that accepts 'callback' endpoint and upon a specific event (at the 3rd party system), a new API request to my callback endpoint will be posted.
Couple of years back, I've created rest API with springboot - which exposes an endpoint that's callable and other 3rd party systems will call the API as and when needed.
Are they both same?
To answer my question, yes, both are same. I've a bit better understanding of APIs and any publicly accessible endpoint can be used as callback endpoint.
So far all the guides i have looked at involve communicating with a frontend client via Graphql, I wonder does it have any usage for something purely backend, such as communicating among microservices?
You can certainly make a request to the API from another server as well. Just as you can make a call to any REST endpoint from anywhere, you can perform server to server communication with GraphQL APIs as well.
For example, at Scaphold, we use Lambda for many webhooks and scheduled tasks. And from our microservice, we use the request library to make POST requests to the Scaphold server's GraphQL API.
Here's an example of a create mutation that you can use from a Node server.
Hope this helps!
I am working on one school project, And my task is to make a simple api gateway, which can placed between any of the 3rd party api and the end users, tha gateway can be used for defining usage limits of the api or to do some security analysis, I am totally new to this, I know the basic concept of API gateway, but don't know how do I implement it using JAVA.
Can anyone please give me some starting point where to start implementation of API gateway?
And what are the frameworks I should use and for what purpose?
Nixit Patel
In a nutshell, API gateway exposes public APIs, applies policies (authentication - typically via OAuth, throttling, adherence to the the defined API, caching, etc.) and then (if allowed) optionally applies transformation rules and forwards the call to the backend. Then, when the backend responds, gateway (after optionally applying transformation rules again) forwards the response to the original caller. Plus, there would typically be an API management solution around it providing subscriber portal, user management, analytics, etc.
So basically any web service framework would work as a quick DYI solution.
You can also use plugin model of an open-source load-balancer such as NGINX.
Or take an open-source API Gateway to learn from it - e.g. WSO2 API Manager (the easiest way to see it in action is the hosted version: WSO2 API Cloud)