Highlighting like numbers if cell turns color based on a formula in another cell - formatting

I have a spreadsheet that has multiple entries for an item number. On another part of the spreadsheet I created a "Unique" function that will total up all entries for that item number. Now I need to be able to go back and highlight all numbers when that unique number turns color.


How do I check to which row area field a cell in a pivottable belongs to?

I have a PivotTable in compact form layout (default layout) with multiple row area fields. This results in multiple grouping levels with buttons to collapse or expand rows.
I want to modify a cell depending on the grouping level the row is in.
How can I check in which row the cell is in?
The only idea I had so far was to check the value of the leftmost cell in the corresponding row and compare it with each item from each rowField.
But I guess there is a smarter way?
It took me a while. But at the end I just needed PivotCell.RowItems.Count
Depending on the Count result I can new manipulate the cell.

How to avoid adding a new row to the first row of subtotaled ranges to protect Subtotal formula

I have a Excel sheet, which includes many groups and subgroups. Each subgroup has their own subtotal. And as long as I can't know how many lines users will require for the subgroups, I only left 3 rows blank for each subgroup and created a button which triggers Automatically Copy and Insert Copied Row macro.
Now I need to avoid users to trigger the button while they are on the First and the Last row of any subgroup. (If you copy and insert first row, subtotal formula doesn't recognise the new added line because it will be out of the range and Last row has another specific formulas which I don't want users to copy above)
I've been searching SO and the other Excel blogs for a long time but because of my list is very dynamic and have many different subtotals none of them was suitable to my case.
How can I define all of the first and last rows of my different subtotal ranges (and maybe their Title's rows) to avoid them being copied and then inserted above?
I can imagine 2 ways to do this. When the "New Row" button is pressed check if the current row is a headline/subheadline whatever …
by checking its format (eg specific background color etc).
If Not Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & iRow).Interior.Color = 15004911 Then
'copy that row
End If
or by using an extra helper column that specifies the rows as header rows or non copyable rows. If you don't want the helper column to be seen you can hide it.
If Not Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("X" & iRow).Value = "Header" Then
'copy that row
End If
'where X is the helper column
And if it is a headline row then deny the copy process.
One way that doesn't involve programming have your sum range extend into rows that won't change. So you could start the subtotal in the header row (assuming there is no content in the relevant cell in that row). Another way is to have a hidden row at the top and bottom of each sum range and that is included in the sum range. So you would sum rows 10 to 14, but 10 and 14 would be hidden (and empty) and the user would just get shown rows 11, 12 and 13. Adding a new row would push the hidden rows down and extend the subtotal.
Another way is to use the indirect function.
Say your formula was
If you use indirect for the lower bound, it will always refer to the cell immediately above, regardless of how many rows are added in between.
And taking it one step further, use the upper title row as the anchor to always add up the gap between the title and the subtotal.

How to substract two cells of x row on excel

I'm making an Excel sheet to keep track of some activities. The thing is that I have 2 cells that are date type; I want the third cell to subtract the them to get the time that the x person spent on the activity.
I know that if I type =A2-A1 it's going to give me what I want, but, since its going to be a big Excel sheet with lots of records, I don't want to input the same formula for each row just changing the row number.
Is there a way to make Excel detect the row that the user is inputing data in and then make the requested formula to get the time?
you can turn your data range into a table by highlighting the range and going to the insert tab and clicking table. Then when you type the formula into the first cell and click in the cells when selecting instead of typing it out, you will notice that it is using the column names instead, also it will automatically fill the column with the new formula. That would be my suggestion.

VBA msgbox duplicate value base on 2 columns

I'm trying to get a msgbox when a value is duplicate base on 2 columns. The first column Value can be repeated but the second column will determine if it's a duplicate or not.
Column B = Code,
Column L = Month
The user can enter the Code several times, but if he enters it on the same month I want the msgbox pop up
Is your intention to warn\inform the user? If so, I would do this without a macro. I would use conditional formatting to make the cell change color whenever the duplicate information is entered.
Create a column on your worksheet with a formula that concatenates the information in column B&L the formula would be =B1&L1 (copy this formula down the table). You can hide the column so nobody sees it. For this example, let's say you used column "M".
Select the entire Code or Month column (or both) and click the CONDITIONAL FORMATTING button on the Home tab, choose NEW RULE, USE FORMULA TO DETERMINE WHICH CELLS TO FORMAT, then enter the following formula: =COUNTIF($M$4:$M$1000,M1)>1 (note I am assuming your range of data is less than 1000 records, otherwise increase that number). Set the format to something like a red fill and instantly duplicates will be flagged. The user will also be able to quickly locate the record where this combination was already entered as that will turn red too.
If you really do want a macro to do this, you could simply write a loop to compares the active cell value of B(activerow) & L(activerow) to each previous B#&L# combination. If a match is found, use the intersect method to pop-up a the message. Here is really a good article about the intersect method: http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/vba-intersect.htm.

How to duplicate cell data in excel between rows if the cells are empty when another cell matches

I know the title is really long winded, I will try to explain
I am trying to get Magento products into Zen Cart (background only - shouldn't be relevant).
I have an excel 2010 xls spreadsheet and in it I have a load of product data: skus, prices, categories, etc... you get the idea. I have each of the products along with their data listed once, each with a unique SKU field.
But... Some of these products are in more than one category and the way I am importing, each product needs to be listed multiple times, once for each category.
So, I have done an sql dump which contains two columns; sku and category. I have pasted these values into excel as new rows, so now I have a situation like this (with a lot more entries):
As you can see for each sku (left highlight) there is one entry containing all the data apart from the category (right highlight) and then there is an additional entry for each category it belongs to which contains only the category and sku but none of the other data.
So, what I need to do is some how copy all the data (apart from the categories column) across all cells with the same sku. Does anyone have any idea how I can achieve this without hitting Ctrl+V several hundred times. I realise VBA can probably handle this pretty easily, but I dont have a clue on that front.
Any help greatly appreciated
I hope you’re willing to use a second sheet, and to reference the data rather than actually copying.
On Sheet2, set A1 to =IF(Sheet1!A1="", "", Sheet1!A1).  Drag (extend/fill) this down to A500 (as much data as you have on Sheet1, or further, to allow for growth).  Also drag A1 over to AA1 and then drag that down to AA500.
Then set B2 to =IF($AA2="", Sheet1!B2, B1), drag it to Z2, and drag B2:Z2 down to B500:Z500.
P.S. If any of your data (columns) are dates, you will probably need to explicitly format them as dates on Sheet2.  Ditto for any other values that are formatted any non-default way (e.g., Currency or Percentage).  It may be necessary to do this only to cells that have values in them (and not blank cells).
You don't need VBA, unless you need to do this many times.
Assuming the sheet with your data is called Source and the sheet with the result is called Dest, you can get what you want following these steps on the sheet Dest:
On A1 type =Source!A1
On A2 type =IF(ISBLANK(Source!A2),A1,Source!A2)
Select the range A1:XX1 (where XX is the last column of the sheet Source)
Press Ctrl+R (to copy the first cell to the right)
Select the range A2:XX## (where ## is the last row of the sheet Source)
Press Ctrl+R and Ctrl+D (to copy to the right and down)
Here is an explanation of what's going on:
The first row is copied from the Source as it is.
Each cell of the second row is copied from Source only if that cell is empty, otherwise the cell above is copied.
Here's the quick and dirty solution:
Select the columns you need to be filled
Press Goto Ctrl-G
Special `Alt-S'
Blanks (Alt-K, Enter)
This should select all blank cells. Now type =B2 (assuming you're in B3, i.e. use the cell above the active cell) Important: Press Ctrl-Enter instead of Enter to enter the formula.
On a new Worksheet get the numbers 1-26 running across the top in Row1 by typing 1 in cell A1, 2 in cell A2, and then selecting those two cells and filling through Z.
Now in A2 type the following formula =VLOOKUP(Sheet1!$A1,Sheet1!$A:$AA,VALUE(A$1),FALSE)
Fill this formula in the Range A2:Z## (where ## represents your last row of data).
Then copy Row1 from Sheet1 to Row1 on Sheet2.
This formula will copy the rows of data straight down into the empty rows below them (assuming the sku only changes where there is a row of new information.
This will then all be active formulas, so I would recommend selecting all on Sheet2 and right-clicking in cell A1, and paste special by value.