Automatic uniqueidentifier during table design - sql

I've created a new table and made column id the primary key and defined it as uniqueidentifier.
Is there a way during the tables design in SQL Server Management Studio to assign a rule that all new rows auto generate a new uniqueidentifier in the id column?
At the moment to make my form (made on Retool) write to the table I need to type out a random set of characters, essentially self creating my own uniqueidentifier which obviously isn't correct.

Avoid the designers, they've been a complete and utter mess for 17 years. Do this in a query window:
USE tempdb;
id uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
-- or NEWID() if you like page splits
name nvarchar(128),
INSERT dbo.what(name) VALUES(N'hi'),(N'there');
SELECT id, name FROM dbo.what;
Output (yours will have different values for id):


SQL Server Constraint (Limit bit field based on a foreign key)

I need help with constraints in SQL Server. The situation is for each OrderID=1 (foreign key not primary key so there are multiple rows with the same ID) on the table, the bit field can only be 1 for one of those rows, and for each row with OrderID=2, the bit field can only be 1 for one row, etc etc. It should be 0 for all other rows with the same OrderID. Any new records coming in with 1 in the bit field should reject if there is already a row with that OrderID which has the bit field set to 1. Any ideas?
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON UnnamedTable (OrderID) WHERE UnnamedBitField=1
It's called a Filtered Index. If you're on a pre-2008 version of SQL Server, you can implement a poor-mans equivalent of a filtered index using an indexed view:
SELECT OrderID From UnnamedSchema.UnnamedTable WHERE UnnamedBitField=1
You can't really do it as a constraint, since SQL Server only supports column constraints and row constraints. There's no (non-fudging) way to write a constraint that deals with all values in the table.
You could more fully normalize the schema which will help you not have to hunt for the already set bit but use a join. You need to remove the bit field and crate a new table say X containing OrderID and the primary key of your table, with the primary key of X being all those fields.
This means that when you insert you need to insert into your original table and into X f and only if you would have set the bit to 1 on your table. The insert will fail if there is already a row in X which is as if there was already an original row with bit set to 1.
The downside is that this takes up more space than your schema but is easier to maintain as you can't get to the equivalent of having two rows with the bit set to 1.
The only way to do that is to subclass the parent table. You didn't mention it but a common reason for this pattern is to represent one unique active row from the set of all rows with the same common key value. Let's Assume your bit field represents the active Orders....
Then I would create a separate table called ActiveOrders, which will only contain the one row with the bit field set to 1
Create Table ActiveOrders(int Orderid Primary Key Null)
and the other table with all the rows in it, with it's own unique Primary Key OrderId
Create Table AllOrders
(OrderId Integer Primary Key Not Null, ActiveOrderId Integer Not Null,
[All other data fields]
Constraint FK_AllOrders2ActiveOrder
Foreign Key(ActiveOrderId) references ActiveOrders(OrderId))
You now no longer even need the bit field, as the presence of the row in the ActiveOrders table identifies it as the Active Order... To get only the active Orders (the ones that in your scheme would have bit field set to 1), just join the two tables.
I aggree with the other answers and if you can change the schema then do that but if not then I think something like this will do.
(#id INT)
FROM MyTable
WHERE FkCol = #id
AND BitCol = 1
ADD CONSTRAINT ckMyCheck CHECK (fnMyCheck(FkCol)<=1)
but there are problems that can come from doing using a udf in a check constraint, such as this
Edit to add comment regarding problems with this 'solution':
There are more straightforward issues than what you've linked to.
INSERT INTO YourTable(FkCol,BitCol) VALUES (1,1),(1,0)
followed by
UPDATE YourTable SET BitCol=1
succeeds and leaves two rows with FkCol=1 and BitCol=1

Can I use a trigger to create a column?

As an alternative to anti-patterns like Entity-Attribute-Value or Key-Value Pair tables, is it possible to dynamically add columns to a data table via an INSERT trigger on a parameter table?
Here would be my tables:
CREATE TABLE [Parameters]
id int NOT NULL
Parameter varchar(200) NOT NULL,
Type varchar(200) NOT NULL
id int NOT NULL
SerialNumber int NOT NULL
And the trigger would then be placed on the parameter table, triggered by new parameters being added:
ON [Parameters]
-- The trigger takes the newly inserted parameter
-- record and ADDs a column to the data table, using
-- the parameter name as the column name, the data type
-- as the column data type and makes the new column
-- nullable.
This would allow my data mining application to get a list of parameters to mine and have a place to store that data once it mines it. It would also allow a user to add new parameters to mine dynamically, without having to mess with SQL.
Is this possible? And if so, how would you go about doing it?
I think the idea of dynamically adding columns will be a ticking time bomb, just gradually creeping towards one of the SQL Server limits.
You will also be putting the database design in the hands of your users, leaving you at the mercy of their naming conventions and crazy ideas.
So while it is possible, is it better than an EAV table, which is at least obvious to the next developer to pick up your program؟

SQL - Field Grouping and temporary data restructruing

I would like to apologize first about my title, because I understand it may be technically incorrect
I currently have a database with multiple tables, 4 of them are relevant in this example.
Below is a shortened version of the tables
Create table Form_Master
form_id int identity primary key ,
form_name varchar(255) ,
form_description varchar(255),
form_create_date date ,
Create table Field_Master
(field_id int identity primary key,
form_ID int foreign key references Form_Master(form_id),
field_name varchar(255),
type_ID int
Create table Entry_Master
entry_id int identity primary key,
entry_date date,
form_id int foreign key references Form_Master(form_id),
Create table Value_Master
value_id int identity primary key,
value varchar(255),
field_id int foreign key references Field_Master(field_id),
entry_id int foreign key references Entry_Master(entry_id),
The purpose of these tables is to create a dynamic method of capturing and retrieving information - a form is a table, a field is a column, and entry is a row and a value is a cell
Currently when I am retrieving information from a form, I create a temporary table, with columns as such in the field_master, then select all entries linked to the form, and the values linked to those entries, and insert them into the temporary table I have just created.
The reason for the temporary table is to restructure the data into an organised format and display it in a DataGridView.
My problem is one of performance, creating the table as mentioned above is becoming slower as forms exceed fields > 20 or entries linked to a form exceeds > 100
My questions are:
Is there a way to select the data directly from field_master in the format of the temporary table mentioned above?
Do you think I should re-think my database design?
Is there an easier method to do what I am trying to do?
Any input will be appreciated, I do know how to use Google, however in this instance I am not sure what exactly to look for, so even a keyword would be nice.

Auto-incremented ID in SQL Server [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Auto-increment primary key in SQL tables
I am working at the moment with SQL Express 2008 and C#.
In my application, I save some data in the table "buchung" in my database. Well, in this table I need a sequence that starts with 1 and if I save new data, the id should increase.
To my surprise I can´t find anything about this on google.
How can I do this? Can you help me?
You need to create an IDENTITY() column on your table.
For example:
Id int IDENTITY(1,1),
FirstName varchar(20),
LastName varchar(30)
The format is IDENTITY [ (seed , increment ) ], where seed is the first value, and increment is the number that is added for each new row.
have you looked into auto-increment with seed as 1 and increment by 1 ...
hope this helps .
You need to define a identity column.
myColumn INT IDENTITY(1,1),
Setting an integer type column to be an "Identity" will do this in SQL Server.
However this has a drawback. If you have a failed transaction then the number that you have created will be lost forever. If this could cause you problems in integration you need to take this into consideration.
You should add a numeric column into your table with identity featured.
Click for details.
Alter table dbo.myTable add SeqId int identity(1,1) primary key clustered;
call it ID or SeqId or as you wish. if you alteady have a PK on that table you could make the existing one a unique index and nonclustered. depends on your whole table design.

Will multiply insert requests to the same table with direct query and store-procedure cause collision?

Multiply users can call store procedure(SP), that will make some changes to mytable in SQL Server. This SP should insert some rows to mytable that has reference to itself through parentid column.
TABLE mytable(
id int identity(1,1) primary key,
name varchar(20) not null,
parentId int not null foreign key references mytable(id)
in order to insert row to such table, accordingly to other posts, I have 2 ways:
Allow null to parentid column by ALTER TABLE mytable alter column parentid int null;, insert the row, update parentid and than disable null to parentid
Allow IDENTITY by set identity_insert maytable on, insert dummy row with id=-1 and parentid=-1, insert the correct row with reference to -1, update the parentid to SCOPE_IDENTITY() and in the end set IDENTITY to off
The case:
Assume I take the 2nd way. SP managed to set identity_insert mytable on BUT didn't yet finished the execution of the rest SP. At this time, there are other INSERT requests(NOT through SP) to the mytable table like INSERT INTO mytable(name,parentid) VALUES('theateist', -1). No id is specified because they assumed that IDENTITY is off and therefore id is auto-incremental.
The Question:
Will this cause errors while inserting because IDENTITY, in this period of time, is ON and not auto-incremental any more and therefore it will require id specification? If yes, it will be better to use the 1st way, isn't it?
Thank you
identity_insert is a per-connection setting - you won't affect other connections/statements running against this table.
I definitely wouldn't suggest going the first way, if it could be avoided, since it could impact other users of the table - e.g. some other connection could do a broken insert (parentid=null) while the column definition allows it, and then your stored proc will break. Also, setting a column not null forces a full table scan to occur, so this won't work well as the table grows.
If you did stick with method 2, you've still got an issue with what happens if two connections run this stored proc simultaneously - they'll both want to insert the -1 row, at different times, and delete it also. You'll have conflicts.
I'm guessing the problem you're having is inserting the "roots" of the tree(s), since they have no parent, and so you're attempting to have them self referencing. I'd instead probably make the roots have a null parentid permanently. If there's some other key column(s), these could be used in a filtered index or indexed view to ensure that only one root exists for each key.
Imagine that we're building some form of family trees, and ignoring most of the realities of such beasts (such as most families requiring children to have two parents):
PersonID int IDENTITY(1,1) not null,
Surname varchar(30) not null,
Forename varchar(30) not null,
ParentID int null,
constraint PK_People PRIMARY KEY (PersonID),
constraint FK_People_Parents FOREIGN KEY (ParentID) references People (PersonID)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_SoleFamilyRoot ON People (Surname) WHERE (ParentID is null)
This ensures that, within each family (as identified by the surname), exactly one person has a null ParentID. Hopefully, you can modify this example to fit your model.
On SQL Server 2005 and earlier, you have to use an indexed view instead.