How to use "promise-socket" package in Expo React Native project? - react-native

promise-socket is a great package that uses nodejs built in net module. However, the net module cannot be used with Expo React Native. Is there a way I could use this package in Expo?


React native Expo integration MSAL

I have been trying to implement Microsft(MSAL) authentication React Native Msal
plugin to use in my Expo(React Native) project but my project actually use Managed Workflow. I have to eject to Bare workflow or there is a way to keep managed workflow?

How do I use react-native-image-marker package(a package not documented in Expo packages) in Expo project?

I exported the project from react-native CLI to expo, now there is a package(react-native-image-marker) I used to create watermark on images in the former react-native CLI project but now I need that same functionality using this package (react-native-image-marker) in expo.
I am Using the "Managed workflow" can this native module work in it?
some native modules do work in expo though.
please any help as to how I can go about this? or How to use react-native-image-marker in expo?
There is no similar library. If you want to use the expo, you have to run the expo prebuild.

Can I use Expo to run a react-native project created by RN CLI?

I was wondering if I could use Expo to run the react-native project that I created using the npx react-native init command, since it generates a better structure for real-world applications.
The reason I want to do this is to avoid the countless erros that I had while running and debugging the app.
You can't do that..
React native and expo are different.
You can run expo projects on react native by detaching them. Expo has limitations.
You can not run react native projects on expo, i.e projects made by react native init/npx can't run on expo
You can use a package made available by the expo
for any React Native project using some resources made available by the expo.

Upgrading a project from react-native to create-react-native-app?

I'm trying to use create-react-native-app as per the documentation with an example project that was built using instructions for react-native.
In terms of translating from one to the other what are the steps involved?
Edit: So i can run the app using npm start, with the QR code appearing as an option etc?
Create-react-native-app create a new project with Expo, you can eject it to turn it into a react-native project (android/ios folders with native code + src folder with javascript code).
You'll need an Xcode/Android Studio environment to run a react-native app built without Expo.
You can't use Expo to run a React-Native app with custom native code.
Related links : Ejecting from Create React Native App
What is the difference between Expo and React Native?

Expo: Can we use node modules like mqtt.js?

If Expo (create-react-native-app) is pure JavaScript, can I use other node modules in my Expo app?
in Expo, you can use any client based Javascript module, that you find in npm or that you created yourself.
But you can't use any kind of modules that has native parts in it. (Packages that you need to link to your react native projects can't be used) Although, Expo has its own SDK for your native needs.
The package you are talking about (mqtt.js) is a nodejs module, which can't be used with react native or in your case with Expo.
Just a guess, if you are trying to have a browser in your react native or Expo project, react native has a builtin in-app browser you might want to check out;