I keep getting this error i think theres a problem with the sdk path
I was trying to make react native desktop app, I have never used it before its my first time experience and am facing errors I did tried to resolve them but couldnot, i did followed the instructions given on official website, error i am facing right now is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Microsoft.Cpp.WindowsSDK.target
s(46,5): error MSB8036: The Windows SDK version 10.0.18362.0 was not found.
I installed the sdk but its not going and this is what i see on my terminal
Build failed with message Building Solution returned error code 1. Check your build configuration.
nailed it....!!!
I don't know why but the issue was with the target SDK version 10.0.18362.0...
I installed the latest version and now its working absolutely fine.....
I am facing a strange compiler error in upload-sym file which is used for firebase crash reporting platform. I am using the latest update from FirebaseCrash 2.0.0.
Please check out this photo in xCode 8.3.2:
I tried cleaning the build path, clean, build,research online for some kind of solution but it seems to be I'm the first one who has faced it.
I want to port my ios app to windows desktop app using winobjc.
I imported my xcode project using vsimporter.exe, and tried to build it.
But it displays error" 'MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h' file not found".
How to fix it?
I am trying to build a simple app using Apache cordova. Things went well for android. However when I try to add the wp8 platform on my win 8 notebook, It show the following error:
Creating Cordova-WP8 Project:
App Name : abc
Namespace : com.sample.abc
Path : C:\Development\abc\platforms\wp8
CREATE SUCCESS : C:\Development\abc\platforms\wp8
ERROR: Could not find 'create.js' in 'bin' folder, aborting..
Could someone please point out what I am doing wrong!
Check and see if you have all the system requirement to add and build cordova project
Sometime if the proper sdk set up is not present this error may occur.It happened in my case.
I download a sample project of linkedin integration with iPhone Application
I run the demo project
but giving error
error: There is no SDK with the name or path 'iphoneos2.2.1'
I am using XCode Version 3.2.4
I also try to change the Base SDK and iOS Develoment Target to 3.2/4.0/4.1, but same error occur.
-Amit Battan
It turns out that this is caused by the SDK setting in the dependent sub-project OAuthLib library project not being updated for the latest SDK.
Updated project files are available on the fork at git://github.com/Smartovation/LinkedIn-iPhone.git