Ubuntu Jump Host in Open Telekom Cloud not working as expected - ssh

Currently, I have built a small datacenter environment in OTC with Terraform. based on Ubuntu 20.04 images.
The idea is to have a jump host in the setup phase and for operational purposes that allows spontaneous access to service frontends via ssh proxy jumps without permanently routing them to the public net.
Basic setup works fine so far - I can access the jump host with ssh, and can access the internal machines from there with ssh when I put the private key onto the jump host. So, cloudwise the security seems to be fine. Key pair is generated with ed25519, I use the same key for jump host and internal servers (for now).
What I cannot achieve is the proxy jump as a chained command from my outside machine.
On the jump host, I set AllowTcpForwarding to "yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restarted ssh and sshd services.
My current local ssh config looks like this:
Host otc
User ubuntu
Hostname <FloatingIP-Address>
Port 22
IdentityFile= ~/.ssh/ssh_access
ControlPath ~/.ssh/cm-%r#%h:%p
ControlMaster auto
ControlPersist 10m
Host 10.*
User ubuntu
Port 22
ProxyJump otc
I can use this to ssh otc to the jump host.
What I would expect is that I could use e.g. ssh to reach an internal host without further ado. As well I should be able to use commands like ssh -L 8080: -N to map an internal server's port to a localhost port on my external machine. This is how I managed that successfully on other hosting scenarios in the public cloud.
All I get is:
Stdio forwarding request failed: Session open refused by peer
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
Journal on the Jump host says:
Jul 30 07:19:04 dev-nc-o-bastion sshd[2176]: refused local port forward: originator port 65535, target port 22
What I checked as well:
ufw is off on the Jump Host.
replaced ProxyJump configuration with ProxyCommand
So I am at the end of my knowledge. Has anyone a hint what else could be the reason? Any help welcome!

Ok, cause is found (but not yet fully explained).
My local ssh setting was allowing multiplexed forwards (ControlMaster auto ) which caused the creation of a unix socket file for the Controlpath in ~/.ssh.
I had to login to the jump host to AllowTcpForwarding in the first place.
After rebooting the sshd, I returned to the local machine and the failure occured when trying to forward to the remote internal machine.
After deleting the socket file in ~/.ssh, the connection can now be established as needed. Obviously, the persistent tunnel was not impacted by the restarted daemon on the jump host and simply refused to follow the new directive.
This cost me two days. On the bright side, I learned a lot about ssh :o


SFTP, SSH & SSH Tunneling

I would like to understand the concept of SSH tunneling in detail as I am learning a few things around this topic. I have gone through some details in public forum but still got a few questions.
An SFTP service is running in a remote server and I have been given credentials to connect to it. I am using GUI like WinScp to connect the remote server. What's the role of SSH tunneling here?
Remote SFTP Server admin asked me to generate RSA public key from my machine and its added to the remote server. Now, I can directly connect to the server from SSH terminal without password. What's the role of SSH tunneling here?
Is tunneling implicit or need to be called explicitly for certain circumstances?
Please clarify.
SSH tunneling, SSH console sessions and SFTP sessions are functionally unrelated things.
They can be used simultaneously during single session but usually it is not the case so do not try to find any relation or role of tunneling in ssh/sftp session.
It does not makes sense to mix ssh tunneling with multiple ssh/sftp sessions.
Basically you would use dedicated ssh session for tunneling and extra sessions for console and transfers.
What the heck SSH tunneling is?
Quite often both parties (you and server) reside in different networks where arbitrary network connections between such networks are impossible.
For example server can see on its network workstation nodes and service nodes which are not visible to outside network due to NAT.
The same is valid for the user who initiates connection to the remote server:
so you (ssh client) can see your local resources (worstation nodes and server nodes) but can't see nodes on network of remote server.
Here comes ssh tunneling.
SSH tunnel is NOT a tool to assist ssh related things like remote console ssh sessions and secure file transfers but quite other way around - it is ssh protocol who assists you with building transport to tunnel generic TCP connections the same way TCP proxy works. Once such pipe is built and in action it does not know what is getting transferred via such pipe/tunnel.
Its concept is similar to TCP proxy.
TCP proxy runs on single node so it serves as acceptor of connections and as iniciator of outgoing connections.
In case of SSH tunneling such concept of TCP proxy is split in two halves - one of the nodes (participating in ssh session) performs role of listener(acceptor of connections) and second node performs role of proxy (i.e. initiates outgoing connections).
When you establish the SSH session to the remote server you can configure two types of tunnels which are active while your ssh connection is active.
Multiple ssh clients use notations like
R [IP1 :] PORT1 : IP2 : PORT2
L [IP1 :] PORT1 : IP2 : PORT2
The most confusing/hard part to understand in this ssh tunneling thing are these L and R markers/switches(or whatever).
Those letter L and R can confuse beginners quite a lot because there are actually 6(!!!) parties in this game(each with its own point of view of what is local and what is remote):
ssh server
your neighbors who want to expose theirs ports to anyone who sees the server
your neighbors who want to connect to any service server sees
anyone who sees the server and want to connect to any service your
neighbor provides (opposite side/socket of case #3)
any service in a local network of server who wants to be exposed to
your LAN (opposite side/socket of case#4)
In terms of ssh client these tunnel types are:
"R" tunnel (server listens) - YOU expose network services from your LOCAL LAN to remote LAN (you instruct sshd server to start listening ports at remote side and route all incoming connections )
"L" tunnel (you listens) - Server exposes resources of its REMOTE LAN to your LAN (your ssh client starts listening ports on your workstation. your neighbors can access remote server network services by connecting to the ports of your workstation. server makes outgoing connections to local services on behalf of your ssh client)
So SSH tunneling is about providing access to the service which typically is inaccessible due to network restrictions or limitations.
And here is simple conter-intuitive rule to remember while creating tunnels:
to open access to Remote service you use -L switch
to open access to Local service you use -R switch
examples of "R" tunnels:
Jack is your coworker(backend developer) and he develops server-side code at his workstation with IP address You are team lead (or sysadmin) who organizes working conditions. You are sitting in the same office with Jack and want to expose his web server to outside world through remote server.
So you connect to ssh server with following command:
ssh me#server1 -g -R 80:ip-address-of-jack-workstation:80
in such case anyone on the Internet can access Jack's current version of website by visiting http://server1/
Suppose there are many IoT Linux devices (like raspberry pi) in the world sitting in multiple home networks and thus not accessible from outside.
They could connect to the home server and expose theirs own port 22 to the server for admin to be able to connect to all those servers.
So RPi devices could connect to the server in a such way:
RPi device #1
ssh rpi1#server -R 10122:localhost:22
RPi device #2
ssh rpi1#server -R 10222:localhost:22
RPi device #3
ssh rpi1#server -R 10322:localhost:22
and sysadmin while being at server could connect to any of them:
ssh localhost -p 10122 # to connecto first device
ssh localhost -p 10222 # to connecto second device
ssh localhost -p 10322 # to connecto third device
admin on remote premises blocked ssh outgoing connections and you want production server to contact bitbucket through your connection...
#TODO: add example
Typical pitfalls in ssh tunneling:
mapping remote service to local priviledged port
ssh me#server -L 123:hidden-smtp-server:25 # fails
#bind fails due to priviledged ports
#we try to use sudo ssh to allow ssh client to bind to local port switches
sudo ssh me#server -L 123:hidden-smtp-server:25 # fails
#this usually results to rejected public keys because ssh looks for the key in /root/.ssh/id_rsa
#so you need to coerce ssh to use your key while running under root account
sudo ssh me#server -i /home/me/.ssh/id_rsa -L 123:hidden-smtp-server:25
exposing some service from local network to anyone through the public server:
typical command would be
ssh me#server -R 8888:my-home-server:80
#quite often noone can't connect to server:8888 because sshd binds to localhost.
#To make in work you need to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to enable GatewayPorts (the line in file needs to be GatewayPorts yes).
my tunnel works great on my computer for me only but I would like my coworkers to access my tunnel as well
typical working command you start with would be
ssh me#server -L 1234:hidden-smtp-server:25
#by default ssh binds to loopback( and that is the reason why noone can use such tunnel.
#you need to use switch -g and probably manually specify bind interface:
ssh me#server -g -L

Create ssh tunnel for avoid firewall blocking

I have remote host/server with ssh access.
I have my computer in my work network which can connect via ssh only
in within this network.
And i can not connect via ssh to other world because of port 22
blocked by firewall.
I am trying to create ssh tunnel to forward example localhost:80 to remote_server:22.(i suppose to connect via ssh to localhost and will be forwarded to my remote server)
I tried for example without proxy
sudo ssh -L localhost:443:remote_server_ip:22 root#remote_host_name
and with proxy
I have read a lot and checked stackoverflow but it still is not clear for me how to resolve this issue.

How to use ansible with two factor authentication?

I have enabled two factor authentication for ssh using duosecurity (using this playbook https://github.com/CoffeeAndCode/ansible-duo ).
How can I use ansible to manage the server now. The SSH calls fail at gathering facts because of this. I want the person running the playbook to enter the two factor code before the playbook is run.
Disabling two factor for the deployment user is a possible solution but creates a security issue which I would I like to avoid.
It's a hack, but you can tunnel a non-2fac Ansible SSH connection through a 2fac-enabled SSH connection.
We will setup two users: ansible will be the user Ansible will use. It should be authenticated in a way that's supported by Ansible (i.e., not 2fac). This user will be restricted so it cannot connect from anywhere but, so it is not accessible from outside the machine.
The second user, ansible_tunnel will be open to the outside world, but will be authenticated by two factors, and will only allow tunneling of SSH connections to the local machine.
You must be able to configure 2-factor authentication only for some users (not all).
Some info on SSH tunnels.
On the target machine:
Create two users: ansible and ansible_tunnel
Put your public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of both users
Set the shell of ansible_tunnel to /bin/false, or lock the user - it will be used for tunneling exclusively, not running commands
Add the following to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
AllowTcpForwarding no
AllowUsers ansible# ansible_tunnel
Match User ansible_tunnel
AllowTcpForwarding yes
ForceCommand echo 'This account can only be used for tunneling SSH sessions'
Setup 2-factor authentication only for ansible_tunnel
Restart sshd
On the machine running Ansible:
Before running Ansible, run the following (on the Ansible machine, not the target):
ssh -N -L 8022: ansible_tunnel#<host>
You will be authenticated using two factors.
Once the tunnel is up (check with netstat), run Ansible with ansible_ssh_user=ansible, ansible_ssh_port=8022 and ansible_ssh_host=localhost.
Only ansible_tunnel can connect from the outside, and it will be authenticated using two factors
Once the tunnel is set up, connecting to port 8022 on the local machine is the same as connecting to sshd on the remote machine
We're allowing ansible to connect over SSH only when it is done through the localhost, so only connections that are tunneled are allowed
This will not scale well for multiple server, due to the need to open a separate tunnel for each machine, which requires manual action. However, if you've chosen 2-factor authentication for your servers you're already willing to do some manual action to connect to each server, and this solution will only add a little overhead with some script-wrapping.
For convenience, we may want to log into the maintenance account directly to do some manual work, without going through the process of setting up a tunnel. We can configure SSH to require 2fac authentication in this case, while maintaining the ability to connect without 2fac through the tunnel:
# All users must authenticate using two factors
AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive
# Allow both maintenance user and tunnel user with no restrictions
AllowUsers ansible ansible_tunnel
# The maintenance user is allowed to authenticate using a single factor only
# when connecting from a local address - it should be impossible to connect to
# this user using a single factor from the outside (the only way to do that is
# having an existing access to the machine, or use the two-factor tunnel)
Match User ansible Address
AuthenticationMethods publickey
I can use ansible with ssh and 2FA using the ControlMaster feature of ssh and ansible.
My local ssh client is configured to dump a ControlPath socket for multiplexing connection. Ansible is configured to use the same socket.
Local ssh client
This configuration enable multiplexing for all connections. I personally store this configuration in `~/.ssh/config:
Host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r#%h:%p.socket
ControlPersist 1m
When a connection is established, a socket appears in the $HOME/.ssh directory. This socket persists during one minute after disconnection.
Configure ansible
Ansible is configured to re-use the local socket.
Add this in your ansible configuration file (for instance, ~/.ansible.cfg):
Note the double % for variable substitution.
Connect to your server using ssh regular command (ssh user#server), and perform 2FA;
Launch your ansible command as usual.
The step 2 must be performed within the ControlPersist configuration, or keep an ssh connection in a terminal when you launch ansible command in another one.
You can also force to close connection when you do not need it, using: ssh -O exit user#server.
Note that, if you open a third terminal and run ssh user#server, you will not be asked for credentials: the connection established in 1. will be re-used.
In case of bad network conditions
Sometimes, when you loose connection, the socket persists. Every further connection hangs. You must manually disconnect this connection, using ssh -O exit user#server. This is the only known drawback for this method.
About multiplexing ssh (a very old blog post which makes me discover ssh multiplexing: https://blog.scottlowe.org/2015/12/11/using-ssh-multiplexing/)
Solution using a Bastion Host
Even using an ssh bastion host it took me quite a while to get this working. In case it helps anyone else, here's what I came up with. It uses the ControlMaster ssh config options and since ansible uses regular ssh it can be configured to use the same ssh features and re-use the connection to the bastion host regardless of how many connections it opens to remote hosts. I've seen these Control options recommended in general (presumably for performance reasons if you have a lot of hosts) but not in the context of 2FA to a bastion host.
With this approach you don't need any sshd config changes, so you'll want AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive as the only authentication method setting on the bastion server, and publickey only for all your other servers that you're proxying through the bastion to get to. Since the bastion host is the only one that accepts external connections from the internet, it's the only one that requires 2FA, and internal hosts rely on agent forwarding for public key authentication but don't use 2FA.
On the client, I created a new ssh config file for my ansible environment in the top-level directory that I run ansible from (so sibling of ansible.cfg) called ssh.config. It contains:
Host bastion-persistent-connection
HostName <bastion host>
ForwardAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my-key
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/ansible-%r#%h:%p
ControlPersist 10m
Host 10.0.*.*
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p bastion-persistent-connection -F ./ssh.config
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my-key
Then in ansible.cfg I have:
ssh_args = -F ./ssh.config
A few things to note:
My private subnet in this case is which maps to the host wildcard option above. The bastion proxies all ssh connections to servers on this subnet.
This is a bit brittle in that I can only run my ssh or ansible commands in this directory, because of the ProxyCommand passing the local path to this config file. Unfortunately I don't think there's an ssh variable that maps to the current config file being used so that I could pass the same config file to the ProxyCommand automatically. Depending on your environment it might be better to use an absolute path for this.
The one gotcha is it makes running ansible more complex. Unfortunately, from what I can tell ansible has no support whatsoever for 2FA. So if you have no existing ssh connection to the bastion, ansible will print out Verification code: once for every private server it's connecting to, but it's not actually listening for the input so no matter what you do the connections will fail.
So I first run: ssh -F ssh.config bastion-persistent-connection
This creates the socket file in ~/.ssh/ansible-*, and the ssh agent locally will close & remove that socket after the configurable time (what I have set to 10m).
Once the socket is open I can run ansible commands like normal, e.g. ansible all -m ping and they succeed.

SSH Connection Being Refused When I'm Remote, but not Local (Port Forwarding Already Enabled)

I set up SSH on my Ubuntu server (running XMonad) and generated a key for my laptop that I used to connect to my home server with. I also went on my wireless router and forward port 22 for SSH use. I can SSH fine when I'm at home using the standard:
ssh user#ipaddress
However when I'm outside of my local network I get this error:
ssh: connect to host xxx.xx.xx.xxx port 22: Connection refused
Everything I read says I need to either a) check that my port 22 is forward (which it is) or b) check that sshd is actually running on my Ubuntu server (which it is).
Any ideas what is preventing my SSH from working when I'm remote?
Add the following line your ssh user config file if it doesn't exits You can create the config file as shown below.
vi ~/.ssh/config
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 300
Change the permission as below:
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
Restart the daemon. Hope this helps.
For me this was the cause.
In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config or /etc/ssh_ssh_config check to make sure GSSAPI Auth is disabled (set to no).
GSSAPIAuthentication no
Then restart the service or machine.

ssh to a qemu virtual machine guest without typing in the password

Now I want to run a script from a client machine which will ssh to a virtual machine guest on a host machine and start to run a shell command. I do not want to be prompted to input the password.
So firstly I try to do it to connect to the host. I copy the file id_rsa.pub in the .ssh folder from the client to the host's file called authorized_keys in the .ssh folder. Then when I
"ssh root#hostname"
It works fine and I do not need to input the password(note my client's account is not root).
Then I try the same thing to the virtual machine guest in the host. I copied the same file to the guest. I started the guest using qemu with option "-net user,vlan=0,hostfwd=tcp::5555-:22 " which will forward the requests to host 5555 port to guest's 22 port. Then in the client, I executed
" ssh -p 5555 root#hostname "
It fails. It shows that RSA key for the host has changed or something... Note that my guest's account is also root and I can use Putty to ssh to the guest by connecting to the 5555 port of the host. And I believe the file permission is also properly handled.
Does anyone have a clue :>
Yes, this is correct behavior.
When you get connected to the host system first time, the ssh at your client machine ask you if the machine with fingerprint bla-bla-bla really the one you are wanted to connect. You replied 'yes' and ssh at your client machine memorized the host name, IP and the fingerprint in the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts. Then during all subsequent connections it verifies that the fingerprint is not changed as a change is an indication that the authentication process requires your attention. There could be a few valid reasons of a mismatch:
you re-installed sshd at the remote host;
your host uses DHCP to get its IP and the IP got changed.
The case when you know precisely that the fingerprint should not change indicates to you an attempt to make you get into another system.
This mechanism aimed to make you sure that you are logged in to the system you are expected to log in.
In your case you first log into the system at IP a.b.c.d at port 22. Then you try to log in with the same IP a.b.c.d at port 5555. There is your VM behind this port that is having different fingerprint. So ssh complains.
The solution for your problem will be to log in to the host system and then from this remote shell session into VM. Also I would recommend you to generate another pair of public/private keys for this 'remote' connection. Thus when your private key kept at the host get compromised then your private key that is kept at your workstation remains valid.